Leynos said:
FF16's story is trash. Combat is overly simple and terrible. No such thing as elemental attacks or weakness in a supposed RPG is a joke. Female characters are poorly written. From evil for no reason to characters who are supposed to be powerful suddenly become helpless damsels for no reason. Most the side questes are Doordash delivery service and the second half of the game drags slower than a 3 legged turtle in a puddle of molasses. It's one saving grace in the boss battles developed by Platinum Games. TBH Stranger in Paradise is a great ARPG from Team Ninja and FF7Rebirth is great. |
I somewhat agree so far but you can't demy that it's all very cool and spectacle like, I've never been so amused and emotionally twisted so early in an FF game before. But this isn't like an FF game, it's like they built side content for FF14 online but polished it to high heaven and forgot to but in the full list of cool downs.
I'm having very bavk luck picking games after Stellar Blade despite their scores on OC. If WuKong and Astrobot faul to impress me I'll be very disapointment with 9th gen, well I am fairly disappointed already. Weird thing is, despite DD2s flaws I feel a pull to return to it and finish it. Oddly enough.