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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games are you playing right now? Anything you'd recommend?


9th gen will fully get going in...

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It will never gain the mo... 9 36.00%
LegitHyperbole said:

They ruined Minecraft after they added the new level underground and made diamonds more hard to come by, there's a mismatch now where you don't get enough Iron organically to farm for diamonds and it's too much of a pain in the arse to go mining for them plus when you get them you don't wanna use them. I can't get past the Iron age anymore, never mind getting to the point I can enchant tools with mending. Makes me wanna go into creative and drop in a chest of diamonds, alas, the game isn't fun anymore, they broke an amazing gameplay loop. 

That's a shame. The first year I worked on my huge world was all in survival mode. Awesome to haul in stone and iron etc while mining, then swap to building until all used, repeat. Always with an enchanted diamond pick axe for speed and durability. Switching to creative makes for faster building but also easier to get bored of just building.

So the conversion doesn't work (from java to bedrock) and starting over in bedrock isn't appealing either.

And I did lose months of stuff we worked on. Somehow my newer cloud saves from ps4 pro got overwritten by the older saves on the base PS4 :( After looking everywhere a whole bunch of stuff is gone. At least 95% of what we build is still there, but a shame to see the area where I taught my youngest all sorts of red stone contraptions is gone. All the experiments and examples we build together. Also the last mine we made with mine carts racing over lava with jumps, gone. Automatic backups suck :/ But could have been worse I guess. Has been, lost my original world on ylod ps3 :/

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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

They ruined Minecraft after they added the new level underground and made diamonds more hard to come by, there's a mismatch now where you don't get enough Iron organically to farm for diamonds and it's too much of a pain in the arse to go mining for them plus when you get them you don't wanna use them. I can't get past the Iron age anymore, never mind getting to the point I can enchant tools with mending. Makes me wanna go into creative and drop in a chest of diamonds, alas, the game isn't fun anymore, they broke an amazing gameplay loop. 

That's a shame. The first year I worked on my huge world was all in survival mode. Awesome to haul in stone and iron etc while mining, then swap to building until all used, repeat. Always with an enchanted diamond pick axe for speed and durability. Switching to creative makes for faster building but also easier to get bored of just building.

So the conversion doesn't work (from java to bedrock) and starting over in bedrock isn't appealing either.

And I did lose months of stuff we worked on. Somehow my newer cloud saves from ps4 pro got overwritten by the older saves on the base PS4 :( After looking everywhere a whole bunch of stuff is gone. At least 95% of what we build is still there, but a shame to see the area where I taught my youngest all sorts of red stone contraptions is gone. All the experiments and examples we build together. Also the last mine we made with mine carts racing over lava with jumps, gone. Automatic backups suck :/ But could have been worse I guess. Has been, lost my original world on ylod ps3 :/

A shame. Might be worth buying a cheap USB stick and backing everything up cause yes, cloud saves do get fucked. I lost my 450 hour Diablo 4 save after switching over to the ps5 among some other games that were less valuable. But the 450 hour save had all the map cleared and collectibles gotten, geared all classes. Just Hundreds of hours gone I'll never replay again to get back to where I was. Everything is safely on a USB stick now so Sonys servers can get hacked for all I care, I might even dupe it incase one breaks. It's holding thousands of hours worth of game progress, at least 7000 hours, maybe more. 

Finally playing Ori and the Will of the Wisps for the first time. So far, a sound improvement over Blind Forest in pretty much every aspect. Visuals are sooooo beautiful, combat has improved dramatically and it feels a lot more Metroidvania.

Also replaying Zelda Minish Cap on NSO. Still one of my favourite 2D Zeldas ^^

I'ma make this a recomendatio thread too...

I'd really recommend Inertial drift to anyone who likes arcade racers, it's only 5 euro but it's a very unique drifter with a unique control style that takes a while to fully get used to but it's ended up as one of the best drifters I've played and I've played many. Very short campaign but the modes are super fun and the trophy list is pretty cool too. It's up there with CarX Drift racing online but where that game lacks cohesion this game is polished and packaged nicely.

Also, I'd recommend Brotato to anyone looking for a rouglite, especially someone who likes Vampire survivors and to that matter NERD Survivors too which is a close imitation and a little more difficult but very much fun. Army of Ruin is another fun one but not of the quality as the rest, it feels more like a mobile game with star ratings for levels, solid 7. And anyone looking for an old school shooter in the vain of F.E.A.R or similar 00's games I'd say go for Tarpang2 when it's back on sale if the sale it was on has already passed, really solid title that brings back nostalgia for the older FPS games.

^All super cheap games with way more hours of value in them for their money.

After nearly thirty years, I finally bought a mint copy of FF7, which I'm playing through on my PS1/CRT. I don't know how I managed to avoid spoilers for that length of time, but somehow, I did, and now, I am finally getting to play "the" Final Fantasy (at least according to the majority). What's really cool is how virgin I am. Other than being aware of its reputation, it's as if it's 1997 for me, and I have no idea of what to expect. I'm on disc one still, but so far, I'm really liking it. Can't wait to see how it all ends and finally be able to give my opinion.

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I had 3D Metroidvania itch, and, since I liked Fallen Order, I picked up Jedi Survivor - I can't recommend it or really say much anything yet, I've been crunching at work for months, so I have very limited time to play anything, but so far it's enjoyable game, if one's into fairly relaxing Souls/Metroid hybrids.

So many...

Doom 3, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Baten Kaitos Origins, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Final Fantasy X-2, Dragon Quest V, Ridge Racer 2, Locoroco, TotK, Shining Force, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Sonic Rush, Ace Combat 7, Metroid Prime Hunters... Some more frequently than others, but these are basically the ones I'm currently giving a spin.

Dragon Quest III HD2D- Xbox Series X

Titanfall 2- Xbox Series X

Burnout Paradise-Xbox Series X

Jikkyou Pawafuru PuroyAkayu S-Technically SEGA Saturn but on my Polymega

DoDonpachi Ressurection-Switch

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Currently, I'm on 2 games at the same time.

When I play alone, I redo (for the 4th time) Alien: Isolation, but in Nightmare mode and trying for the no-death achievement + no human kill achievement.
When I play with friends, we do some Black Ops 6 multiplayer or zombies.

After beating Alien: Isolation, I'll give Death Stranding a try, now that it's available on Xbox. I hope it will be good :)

I'm sure everyone who's gonna play this already has but if you can ignore some pretty cringe dialogue moments Stellar Blade is a fantastic game, the combat is a mash together of some genres that ends up feeling like the perfect mix between Sekiro and Soulsborne, sprinkled with a little 00's action slashers with light combos. Something WoLong Fallen Dynasty attempted but fell short. Here it works so well that a new age of action games that follow this formula may replace souls as the new gold standard. It's like the end result of the trajectory FromSoft is on and they need to watch out cause if someone did it this well with soulsborne world and level design and refinement they're in for some serious competition. I think we are all getting tired of Souls games at this point too and the difficulty curve has no where left to go. I can not recommend this game enough for it's core combat design alone which will have you parrying, doging on beat like Sekiro but pulling off wicked cool combos and moves at the same time, it also has it's own versions of the mikiri counter that uses the same controls so if you're a sekiro fan you'll fall right into the rythym and it just feels so solid, difficult but nothing like Sekiro, the fights are much shorter and more manageable which is refreshing and gives the game a bit of decent pacing. Top notch stuff.