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Forums - Politics Discussion - Are we on the early stages of World War 3. (Poll)


We are in the early stages of World War 3...

Yes 15 26.79%
No 41 73.21%
Zkuq said:
LegitHyperbole said:

No body ever wants war, the US tried to be isolationist during early WW2 and they simply couldn't, it came to meet them.

I'm not sure this is necessarily true. Based on my (limited) reading, US actions prior to Pearl Harbor were quite escalatory, as the US didn't just let Japan do whatever it wishes. I'm not sure I'd call that isolationist or calling the war something that just happened to come to meet them. To me, it seems like among the US leadership, it was accepted that the actions they took might lead to the US getting involved in the war.

The math for the US was pretty simple from an overall viewpoint in WWII.

-The US was already headed to become the worlds dominant super power, so by staying out of the war, all they would be doing is accelerating that transition by watching the rest of the world be set on fire. As long as you figured Nazi Germany would eventually lose that is.

-If the US thought Nazi Germany could eventually win however, then you have no choice but to join the war, otherwise the Nazi's would become the dominant super power, and you're not going to take the chance of hoping to be able to deal with them down the road. Going to war with Nazi Germany decades after WWII when they have control over the entire other half of the world just cannot happen period, if you're the US.

The only reason the US would have to enter WWIII this time around is if they were failing to the degree where they had exhausted all options and the only thing to keep them on top would be to (help) set the world on fire, which would still be very risky. Either that, or if certain powerful 'regimes' within the US felt their power was in serious jeopardy and wanted to hold on. Starting (preferably through disguised means) or joining an existing war to create a third world war would be a last ditch effort to try and cling to power in the US, but again, would be very risky.

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The majority in the poll are naive. Isreal can't keep the iron dome stocked forever, they don't have unlimited money and they are going to take the land around isreal and anywhere rockets can come from. There WILL be massive full scale war in the middle East when Isreal starts going east as well as going north as they are now. Shits gonna get wild real soon. Anyone saying this is par for the course need to wake up.
And China will try to take Taiwan like they did with Hong Kong (I know they had legal right but Hong Kong clearly resisted) and the west will not allow it. We'll have massive war in the middle East, South China Sea and in Europe still if China funds Russia. I just can't imagine that this will continue be a war fought by proxy, in a few short years if this shit continues the two real superpowers will drop the veil and just go at it openly.

Right now Ukraine and Isreal are sucking the funds right out of the US, they can't keep that up. 

LegitHyperbole said:

Right now Ukraine and Isreal are sucking the funds right out of the US, they can't keep that up. 

Not even close.

America has sent 0.347% in equipment value as a % of their total GDP to Ukraine, the vast majority of which being old equipment that was being replaced anyway and largely consisting of land-based equipment. In a hypothetical scenario, America wouldn't be fighting China with Abrams and Bradleys, they'd be fighting them via the seas and skies, of which they've sent fuck all of those to Ukraine, Lol. Seas is understandable as nobody can send Ukraine naval equipment due to Türkiye closing the strait but America hasn't even sent Ukraine a single F-16 and they're on F-35, Lol.

As for the title, no I don't think we're in the early stages of WW3.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 September 2024

LegitHyperbole said:

The majority in the poll are naive. Isreal can't keep the iron dome stocked forever, they don't have unlimited money and they are going to take the land around isreal and anywhere rockets can come from. There WILL be massive full scale war in the middle East when Isreal starts going east as well as going north as they are now. Shits gonna get wild real soon. Anyone saying this is par for the course need to wake up.
And China will try to take Taiwan like they did with Hong Kong (I know they had legal right but Hong Kong clearly resisted) and the west will not allow it. We'll have massive war in the middle East, South China Sea and in Europe still if China funds Russia. I just can't imagine that this will continue be a war fought by proxy, in a few short years if this shit continues the two real superpowers will drop the veil and just go at it openly.

Right now Ukraine and Isreal are sucking the funds right out of the US, they can't keep that up. 

They sure can.

Federal Budget FY 2023 Total Spending $6.16 trillion

80 billion in extra assistance to Ukraine and Israel is only 1.3% of the budget. Plus most of the money doesn't go to Ukraine or Israel, it ends up back in the US weapon manufacturer's hands. US sends old equipment to Ukraine, Israel uses it to buy bombs, shells, etc from the US. So the US is mostly funding their own war economy.

Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Right now Ukraine and Isreal are sucking the funds right out of the US, they can't keep that up. 

Not even close.

America has sent 0.347% in equipment value as a % of their total GDP to Ukraine, the vast majority of which being old equipment that was being replaced anyway and largely consisting of land-based equipment. In a hypothetical scenario, America wouldn't be fighting China with Abrams and Bradleys, they'd be fighting them via the seas and skies, of which they've sent fuck all of those to Ukraine, Lol. Seas is understandable as nobody can send Ukraine naval equipment due to Türkiye closing the strait but America hasn't even sent Ukraine a single F-16 and they're on F-35, Lol.

As for the title, no I don't think we're in the early stages of WW3.

Give me a percentage of military budget, two years for Ukraine and one year for Isreal.

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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

The majority in the poll are naive. Isreal can't keep the iron dome stocked forever, they don't have unlimited money and they are going to take the land around isreal and anywhere rockets can come from. There WILL be massive full scale war in the middle East when Isreal starts going east as well as going north as they are now. Shits gonna get wild real soon. Anyone saying this is par for the course need to wake up.
And China will try to take Taiwan like they did with Hong Kong (I know they had legal right but Hong Kong clearly resisted) and the west will not allow it. We'll have massive war in the middle East, South China Sea and in Europe still if China funds Russia. I just can't imagine that this will continue be a war fought by proxy, in a few short years if this shit continues the two real superpowers will drop the veil and just go at it openly.

Right now Ukraine and Isreal are sucking the funds right out of the US, they can't keep that up. 

They sure can.

Federal Budget FY 2023 Total Spending $6.16 trillion

80 billion in extra assistance to Ukraine and Israel is only 1.3% of the budget. Plus most of the money doesn't go to Ukraine or Israel, it ends up back in the US weapon manufacturer's hands. US sends old equipment to Ukraine, Israel uses it to buy bombs, shells, etc from the US. So the US is mostly funding their own war economy.

What percentage of the military budget. Surely the military budget can't be 6 trillion. ...

You jokers. The military budget is less than 1 trillion. Ya had me going there, they literally can't keep it up indefinitely and keep their military in tip top shape at the same time unless someone in governemnt moves funds around and like in 2001 2.3 trillion goes missing which I believe could happen and probably would happen in the face of Isreal not having the dome stocked but they won't keep it up for long before the public find out.

These wars are weakening the US especially if shit kicks off in the SCS. Probably the goal with Ukraine was China draining the US of resources. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 23 September 2024

Different period but there are parallels to set upon what happened during the years of the Cold War and what we are currently living through today.

Multiple armed conflicts in highly tension zones like Ukraine, the ME and Asia with Taiwan/China, etc ...

It wouldn't take THAT much for a global war to start out but also due to economics and the global market, everyone would suffer from it if they were to actually act upon it so it becomes quasi unlikely.

The deterrent are too strong for anyone to truly make the "dynamite go boom".

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LegitHyperbole said:

You jokers. The military budget is less than 1 trillion. Ya had me going there, they literally can't keep it up indefinitely and keep their military in tip top shape at the same time unless someone in governemnt moves funds around and like in 2001 2.3 trillion goes missing which I believe could happen and probably would happen in the face of Isreal not having the dome stocked but they won't keep it up for long before the public find out.

These wars are weakening the US especially if shit kicks off in the SCS. Probably the goal with Ukraine was China draining the US of resources. 

The wars are not weakening the US, they are strengthening the US' war machine.

The money goes back to the US' weapon manufacturers. The aid part of those extra expenses is in the millions, the billions are for military equipment, bought from and provided by the US.

The wars are weakening the people living in the US, as they foot the bill. Last time I calculated it, it was about $100 per tax payer for Israel's wars and $400 per tax payer for Ukraine.

The military-industrial complex is the winner.

No I don't think we will be getting World War 3. Nuclear weapons these days pretty much make WW3 an impossibility among powerful nations. The only reason Russia is able to mess with Ukraine is because they have no deterrent. The only reason Israel is able to bomb Lebanon, Iran and Palestine is because they have no deterrent. As long as you have Nukes, there's no World War 3. I know they existed during WW2, but they were in their infancy and if Germany ever made nukes, that could have changed the whole course of the war.