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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best trailers in gaming

A great game trailer can be an awesome thing, generating excitement for the game it represents as well as being a piece of entertainment in its own right.

What are your picks for the best trailer(s) in gaming?

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Zelda BotW/TotK final trailers, Mario Odyssey reveal & E3 trailer.

I liked the second trailer for SMT 5
The title going from shin megami tensei (the newest game in the acclaimed shin megami tense series)

Before that long subtitle changed in the Roman numeral V

The trailer for Resident Evil VII back at that E3 was really impressive.

I like Resident Evil 6, but after the series changing from Survival Horror, to more action-themed, I wasn't expecting RE7 to be a full survival horror game. Plus, the trailer did a very good job at making me anxious for it.

I was already interested for the setting, the graphics and the gameplay, but after seeing "RESIDENT EVIL" at the end of the trailer, I was really caught by surprise. Loved it.

Here’s a few that come to mind!

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I'm cheating a bit because it's not for one game but that Switch 2017 reel was outstanding.

This montage showed both the advantages of the Switch and a ton of games at the same time. Also the music is such a banger!

This is one of those had to be there moments. It doesn't seem like much now but 25 years ago this was mind-blowing. Felt movie-like but also a game unlike any other with graphics so good many thought they were pre-rendered.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I was gonna post Gears of War but someone already did, that trailer has stuck with me the most. There was a Death Stranding trailer before launch that was amazing but I can't find it now, all that shows up is the launch trailer and some old e3 and TGA stuff. So I'll go with this, it's a cinematic but it captures what The Witcher is about more than any in game trailer could in a short time. The tone and vibe all captured perfectly.

