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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do Disk Drives matter?


Would you quit gaming if the industry went full digital?

Yes 24 28.92%
No 46 55.42%
Unsure 13 15.66%
Azzanation said:
RedKingXIII said:

This is super silly lmao

You have no authority whatsoever to say who's a true gamer or not. Get off your high horse lol

Everyone plays games for different reasons. Idk what else to say to you

I have every right, because it is my opinion. I will call anyone not True Gamers if they fit the narratives just like you are entitled to call me silly. If you care about the format more than you care about the games, then in my eyes, you are not a true gamer, why? Because you don't care about the developer, the medium, the IP, you only care about whether or not you can collect it on a disk. 

You don't have to agree with my view, that's fine, but I stand by what I say. I play games regardless, if its physical, digital or Streaming. You don't have to agree with my view and I am not here to change your mind on it either.

That whole post is straight up awkward. You're using your subjective opinion to attack/insult someone.

Attacking someone over if they like digital or not is not a good look. It's not a good look for this thread, and it's not a good look at the creator of the thread.

Cut out the aggressiveness, the need to define people by your standards and generally just being insulting to other people.

If this thread serves no purpose other than petty arguments and attacks it will be locked.

Last edited by Bandorr - on 23 September 2024

You are bound to love Earthbound.

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Conina said:
Cobretti2 said:

Nintendo as an examples ties everything to our console hardware. Once the Switch online ends life, if your switch dies so does your game collection.

Cobretti2 said:

There is a difference, Wii and WiiU online services are dead if both of those die I can't redownload those games onto another WiiU. Hell I can't even use the web browser on the WiU? why not it's installed on there, I have an internet connection. Modern consoles with updates and patches are effectively useless as retro console.

You wrote "Nintendo as an examples ties everything to our console hardware."

"ties" = present, not the past. They haven't done that for over a decade!

  • digital Switch games are bound to your Nintendo account, not to the hardware
  • digital Wii U games are bound to your Nintendo account, not to the hardware
  • digital 3DS games are bound to your Nintendo account, not to the hardware

You wrote "Once the Switch online ends life, if your switch dies so does your game collection."

Which is wrong, ergo your goal post shift to Wii and Wii U.

You wrote "Wii and WiiU online services are dead if both of those die I can't redownload those games onto another WiiU."

  • WiiU online service ain't dead, only the eShop store took WiiU titles off its shelves. You can still redownload your bought WiiU titles.
  • 3DS online service also ain't dead, only the eShop store took 3DS titles off its shelves. You can still redownload your bought 3DS titles.
  • there are also a lot of delisted games on Steam, which can't be bought anymore. You can still redownload these delisted Steam titles.

The complete shutdown of the Wii and DSi online services and Virtual Console (without the option to redownload bought titles) was a shitty move from Nintendo, no question. Many of us have complained about that.

But that doesn't indicate how Nintendo will handle digital Switch libraries in a few years or even a decade.

Times have changed and digtal games got much more important over the years for Nintendo. There are thousands of Switch games without a retail option.

Nintendo got away with the shutdown of the Wii and DSi online services because they weren't very popular. The shitstorm for shutting down the Switch online services would be much much bigger... probably even bigger as the attempted shutdown of PS3 online services a few years ago.

  • You can still redownload and update digital PS3 games although the store is closed.
  • You can still redownload and update digital Xbox360 games although the store is closed.
  • Nintendo has no "freedom of fools". They will also have to keep the Switch online services alive, as long as it is very important for their customers.

When my launch WiiU died I went and got a new and I couldn't get my digital to redownload unless I paid for it again. When I contacted Nintendo they told me that the original hardware that was linked to that NNID was essentially the ID not the actually NNID, your hardware becomes the ID that they validated, basically means your NNID is redundant. I had to send in my new console and old console to them for them to do whatever they had to to get my game working on my new system.

Now this was only 6 months into the launch window, so I don't know if they did some updates to their OS and how NNIDs work on their hardware now. My 3DS I had to transfer my account form one hardware to another, why couldn't via their internal software, why couldn't ii just redownload on another system that I I own and logged into? Maybe I play on multiple systems, one at home, one at office and cbf carrying it around everywhere.

But the point I am making is valid, these companies need to make things more user friendly and be closer to what steam is capable for people to embrace digital fully on consoles. Now if they want to made it a pain to use during the life that is also fine, but o an EOL final firmware that effectively jail breaks the system. I shouldn't have to resort to emulation and piracy to play games I own and paid.



Cobretti2 said:
Conina said:
Cobretti2 said:

There is a difference, Wii and WiiU online services are dead if both of those die I can't redownload those games onto another WiiU. Hell I can't even use the web browser on the WiU? why not it's installed on there, I have an internet connection. Modern consoles with updates and patches are effectively useless as retro console.

You wrote "Nintendo as an examples ties everything to our console hardware."

"ties" = present, not the past. They haven't done that for over a decade!

  • digital Switch games are bound to your Nintendo account, not to the hardware
  • digital Wii U games are bound to your Nintendo account, not to the hardware
  • digital 3DS games are bound to your Nintendo account, not to the hardware

You wrote "Once the Switch online ends life, if your switch dies so does your game collection."

Which is wrong, ergo your goal post shift to Wii and Wii U.

You wrote "Wii and WiiU online services are dead if both of those die I can't redownload those games onto another WiiU."

  • WiiU online service ain't dead, only the eShop store took WiiU titles off its shelves. You can still redownload your bought WiiU titles.
  • 3DS online service also ain't dead, only the eShop store took 3DS titles off its shelves. You can still redownload your bought 3DS titles.
  • there are also a lot of delisted games on Steam, which can't be bought anymore. You can still redownload these delisted Steam titles.

The complete shutdown of the Wii and DSi online services and Virtual Console (without the option to redownload bought titles) was a shitty move from Nintendo, no question. Many of us have complained about that.

But that doesn't indicate how Nintendo will handle digital Switch libraries in a few years or even a decade.

Times have changed and digtal games got much more important over the years for Nintendo. There are thousands of Switch games without a retail option.

Nintendo got away with the shutdown of the Wii and DSi online services because they weren't very popular. The shitstorm for shutting down the Switch online services would be much much bigger... probably even bigger as the attempted shutdown of PS3 online services a few years ago.

  • You can still redownload and update digital PS3 games although the store is closed.
  • You can still redownload and update digital Xbox360 games although the store is closed.
  • Nintendo has no "freedom of fools". They will also have to keep the Switch online services alive, as long as it is very important for their customers.

When my launch WiiU died I went and got a new and I couldn't get my digital to redownload unless I paid for it again. When I contacted Nintendo they told me that the original hardware that was linked to that NNID was essentially the ID not the actually NNID, your hardware becomes the ID that they validated, basically means your NNID is redundant. I had to send in my new console and old console to them for them to do whatever they had to to get my game working on my new system.

Now this was only 6 months into the launch window, so I don't know if they did some updates to their OS and how NNIDs work on their hardware now. My 3DS I had to transfer my account form one hardware to another, why couldn't via their internal software, why couldn't ii just redownload on another system that I I own and logged into? Maybe I play on multiple systems, one at home, one at office and cbf carrying it around everywhere.

But the point I am making is valid, these companies need to make things more user friendly and be closer to what steam is capable for people to embrace digital fully on consoles. Now if they want to made it a pain to use during the life that is also fine, but o an EOL final firmware that effectively jail breaks the system. I shouldn't have to resort to emulation and piracy to play games I own and paid.

These?  Sony and MS make digital games super easy.  This a Nintendo problem.  

Cobretti2 said:

But the point I am making is valid, these companies need to make things more user friendly and be closer to what steam is capable for people to embrace digital fully on consoles.

They did make it more user friendly with 3DS and Wii U.

And 8.5 years ago, they made it more user friendly again with the Switch. Like PlayStation and Xbox you can now connect several consoles with the same account (with some restrictions for the "non-primary" consoles):

And next year, they'll probably make it more user friendly again with Switch 2.

Last edited by Conina - on 23 September 2024

I've said before on a good number of occasions, both here and elsewhere, that the moment the industry abandons physical is the moment I stop buying games. Time and time again the entertainment industry writ large, including the video games industry, keeps giving us reminders of why digital is a raw deal. Shows only available on streaming getting tossed into oblivion with no indication on when or even if they'll ever return. Digital downloads being remotely wiped from people's hard drives by the platform owner. Digital storefronts getting shut down. The list goes on. What really catalyzed my turn against digital was when I went to play some Halo 2 on a LAN and realized I somehow lost all my DLC... after the servers for original Xbox were shut down. Fortunately, all but the last two DLC maps were released on a physical disc.

Ownership is power, and giant for-profit corporations have shown what they're willing to do when they have complete control over our entertainment. Capitalism giveth, and capitalism taketh away. But what they can't take away are your physical copies. Those are both in fact and in law your property, to dispose of as you see fit. That alone is more than sufficient grounds to support physical. A marginal increase in convenience is not enough to motivate me to switch to digital. I don't 100% eschew digital. I do have GP mostly just to try games before I buy them (and I've considered cancelling my subscription), I have a few games I got for free through Games with Gold or other promotions, but the most I've actually bought were a few XBL Arcade, Virtual Console, and WiiWare games, with the last one being Blaster Master Zero when I bought my Switch back when that system launched. I've never paid money to download a full-price retail-release game.

This right here I what I really want to spend money on:

I'll be fine with digital if and only if:

A) IP laws are changed to where digital is finally treated as "sold, not licensed" and therefore the property of the buyer. If I'm spending a entire shift's worth of income on a game, I sure as hell better be the one who owns that shit lock, stock, and barrel, both in fact and in law.

B) The prices are substantially lower. If I'm not paying for the disc, packaging, etc., I should be the one pocketing the savings, not the publisher or distributor.

If MS, Sony, and/or Nintendo can't manage that, then they can fuck off. I'll have decades worth of older games that can keep me entertained for the rest of my life.

Azzanation said:

Benefits of Digital 

- Takes up zero room in your house

- Does not deteriorate over time of use

- Does not rely on a working Disk Drive to play

- Cannot be lost or stolen

- Cannot be damaged

- Zero Maintenace on the condition of the game

- Universally played on multiple devices (Disk or Diskless systems)

1) Space isn't exactly an issue for me. See Exhibit A in the photo posted above. That's just over 100 games across four generations all in one narrow DVD rack. That's not everything I own, just stuff in the living room, but the rest wouldn't even fill up half of the same type of rack. All the games I've accumulated since the 80s, from the Intellivision to the present, would barely dent the space in just my living room. I even have another nearly identical rack filled with well over 100 Blu-ray films. They're movies & games. I'm not trying to store a Ford F-350 in my living room.

2) Physical copies can last a lifetime if you take care of them. Those 30+ year old carts of mine still work. All my PS1 games still work.

3) Digital still relies on working hardware of some kind.

4) So can digital. By the publisher or distributor. It happens all the time, as I mentioned earlier. Also, insurance exists. And property crime isn't really a problem where I live anyway.

5 & 6) So what? Does it look like I'm having a problem with maintaining and keeping intact my games? I'm a responsible middle-aged adult. I can handle my shit.

7) I don't play games anywhere outside my living room. If I'm not at home, I'm either at work, at the grocery store, at the movie theater, at a restaurant, or at a friend's house doing something other than playing video games. My entire setup is centralized in my living room:

I keep the way I do things as old-school as possible, even if the hardware that I keep front and center is newer.


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

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Steam has set a new record at 38,000,000 concurrent users.

I keep hearing people talk about digital content being remotely wiped from HDDs, anyone got an example? I have never had that happen. I have had digital on the Wii, Wii U, Switch, ps3, ps4, ps5, PC and xbox one. Tons of books too via Kindle. I have never had anything removed.

Bandorr said:
Azzanation said:

I have every right, because it is my opinion. I will call anyone not True Gamers if they fit the narratives just like you are entitled to call me silly. If you care about the format more than you care about the games, then in my eyes, you are not a true gamer, why? Because you don't care about the developer, the medium, the IP, you only care about whether or not you can collect it on a disk. 

You don't have to agree with my view, that's fine, but I stand by what I say. I play games regardless, if its physical, digital or Streaming. You don't have to agree with my view and I am not here to change your mind on it either.

That whole post is straight up awkward. You're using your subjective opinion to attack/insult someone.

Attacking someone over if they like digital or not is not a good look. It's not a good look for this thread, and it's not a good look at the creator of the thread.

Cut out the aggressiveness, the need to define people by your standards and generally just being insulting to other people.

If this thread serves no purpose other than petty arguments and attacks it will be locked.

Bandorr, stop threatening to lock my threads. 

Also care to highlight where the insult or aggression is?

Last edited by Azzanation - on 24 September 2024