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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When will Nintendo reveal Switch 2?

Just curious about when people think Nintendo will reveal the successor to the Switch? I don't think they want to hurt holiday sales so I'm thinking reveal in January or February.

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February or March. They will not risk current holiday sales or risk system returns in January.

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Ninten78 said:

Just curious about when people think Nintendo will reveal the successor to the Switch? I don't think they want to hurt holiday sales so I'm thinking reveal in January or February.

They have never worried about hurting holiday sales before. Of course, with the Wii U to Switch transition, there was no issues, because there were no sales. But, both the 3DS and Wii U were announced before the 2010 and 2011 holiday seasons, respectively. 

There are reasons why they would want to announce it before the holiday. First off, they have to start mass producing this thing in time for launch. And, once it is being mass produced, it is virtually impossible for them to prevent a leak. First impressions are important, and a leak in this case could be pretty damaging.

Also, you don't want to piss off your customers. Someone who buys a Switch this holiday would feel, justifiably, annoyed if a new console was announced in the next few months. These people likely won't be buying a Nintendo system for a while after that. 

Lastly, you need time to build hype. If we assume Nintendo will be launching in the first half of the year, that doesn't give much time to build up anticipation. Maybe that's not as important as it was in the past with how much faster information travels, but I still think they want at least six months to build it up.

With that in mind, I think it will be revealed before the holiday. I would not be shocked if it's sometime within the next month or month and a half.

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The week after the release of Mario & Luigi Brothership. To me, I think Nintendo will not want to jeopardize the first weeks sales of Zelda EoW and Mario & Luigi to the supposed announcement of the successor. Therefore they will wait the following week of the later release late in October to make the announcement.

Though, honestly, I don't know how an announcement at this point would ultimately affect the Switch since the crowd it currently appeals is mostly people who prolly aren't the first targets of the successor announcement, dixit hardcore enthusiasts and mildly informed customers

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Oct 25th

I have absolutely zero arguments for that assumption. =P

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

March 2025, with a Q3 launch. I don't think Nintendo is in a major rush. Plus it gives them time to build hardware inventory and robust software pipeline.

OdinHades said:

Oct 25th

I have absolutely zero arguments for that assumption. =P

I go with 25th of October too, I love that there is no argument behind it


Since they said it will be revealed during this fiscal year - revealed not released - I think early 2025, January or February with a release in May is what's coming. They want a few months to build hype and spread the word but not to long. And since new consoles usually sell upon release by just being the next thing they do not need to wait for 2025 holiday for its release.

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