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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

Concord isn't even "woke". It's just being cherry picked since it failed, so certain people can claim they won their culture war. 

If it did even moderately well, almost no one would have said it was "woke". 

Black Myth Wukong was mentioned like 20 pages ago. I think the ironic part is that if the devs weren't openly anti-feminist, the game would have been massively celebrated by the "woke" people. The game is a huge deal to Chinese culture and the games success is a huge step for more authentic Chinese representation in the industry. 

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Ryuu96 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

I know people won't agree with me here but I think this mass dog-piling and grave dancing on Concord is just more evidence that we still have a console war that people won't let go of. Starfield had you select your pronouns before starting the game but Starfield is a well liked game on this website. I know because whenever I criticise it I always get people defending it. So, how can this be about DEI when Starfield also had Pronouns in it but didn't face anywhere near this amount of social backlash? People are using Sony's failure as an opportunity to console war. Forspoken was also mass lynched, and Redfall to a lesser degree. I just wish that the mods would ban this thread and send a message that mass dog-piling and lynching on developers hard work will not be accepted. A bad game is not a crime against humanity

I don't really think this is about console-wars, I haven't seen many Xbox users on this site dancing on Concord's grave, heck I'm a huge Xbox user and I'm sort of defending Sony, Lol. You're right though that Starfield had an option to select pronouns, it wasn't really mentioned on this site but it did enrage some sad fucks on Twitter/YouTube but those people were largely rightfully mocked in response, like that one YouTuber who made an entire rant on it, Lol.

But the reaction is different from Concord/Starfield (and similarly, people conveniently ignore DEI agencies like SBI having a hand in Alan Wake 2/Ragnarok/Spider-Man 2). It's just that Concord was a mid game at its core and unlike those above games it failed in the metric of both critics and sales and thus it's an easy target to use in the culture wars, that's why the response is different.

Concord did not fail because of "DEI" or "Woke" or "Pronouns" though but that's where the majority of discussion has delved towards because like I said, it's an easy target for the culture wars because it is a game which outright failed unlike the others. That's why you're seeing the differences in responses. I wouldn't put it down to console wars but more of the same old political bullshit.

I do sort of agree with you though that it does sometimes make me uncomfortable (and not just for Concord) to see how happily and eager gamers are at large to often dog-pile and gravedance on videogames, to go harass developers and act like a game failing is the worst thing ever, I do wish people at large would be more sympathetic to the years of hard work and effort and love people put into their videogames for us even if they sometimes don't hit and I'm not saying you need to like the game but don't obsessively beat it up either, just move on, Lol.

I know it seems silly to suggest that console wars are responsible for it, but you can't forget just how intense it can get and how seriously people take it. Dan Stapleton gave Starfield a 7 and received a vile torrent of abuse for it. He was on twitter trying to defend his score and people like Angry Joe had to come out and defend him. Don't underestimate the extreme lengths people go to, to defend their console of choice. As you have said, so many games have DEI integrated into them into some form, that it wouldn't even make sense to get angry about it anymore because it's so common. 

I believe this is just a continuation of what happened to Sony when they said you now require a PSN account to play HD2 on PC. Sony and arrowhead received an extreme and vile torrent of abuse until they were forced to reverse their policy. I believe people just don't like Sony. Why else throw vile abuse at someone for requiring a PSN account? 

What does “pro-woke” even mean?

The way I understand the term “woke” or “pro-woke” is that its the African American class/group of people not trusting the intentions/motivations of white liberals/corporations who claim to be anti-racist.

But the way I see it used generally means “pro-groups of people I hate” - generally a dog whistle by racists, the same way they misuse the term “political” and “political correctness” as dogwhistles/right-wing hatred-based virtue signalling.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 08 September 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Gettysburg4 said:

Why is "woke" Overwatch a success?

People will accept an average game that is thematically aligned with their values/interests, and may even stretch themselves to allow for a great game (or movie) that isn't..
..but they are far less likely to accept a game that is average or poor, that also runs counter to their interests or values.

There are woke successes, but it may be too much of a hurdle for a game that is woke.. and not great.. to climb, while a game than is non-woke, and just average, might still find some success.

Or...Hear me out, Overwatch and Valorant succeeded because WOKE! (I don't seriously believe this, Lol).

Concord would have failed even if it had twenty white dudes in the cast, Lol. Nobody has actually explained why Concord itself is "woke" I mean we have complaints but as far as I can see, Concord doesn't have a single confirmed LGBTQ+ character, it only has one character who uses "They/Them" pronouns and it has a dude who looks white but people are saying isn't white so Idk if he's white but he looks white to me. I was told it has DEI writing consultants on it so I even wasted time checking the credits and found none.

Battleborn, Lawbreakers, Gigantic (Temp Back; Died Earlier), Crucible, Paragon all failed and none were "woke"

Concord is mid in an extremely competitive market with unappealing designs and shit marketing, I would bet anything that the vast majority of gamers haven't even heard about Concord let alone this "woke" stuff and they sure as shit ain't investigating like myself which character is LGBTQ+ and all that, Lol. Fuck they probably wouldn't even notice the "They/Them" pronouns

This is forum users seriously overestimating how much gamers at large give a damn about this stuff or even notice it.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Ryuu96 said:

I don't really think this is about console-wars, I haven't seen many Xbox users on this site dancing on Concord's grave, heck I'm a huge Xbox user and I'm sort of defending Sony, Lol. You're right though that Starfield had an option to select pronouns, it wasn't really mentioned on this site but it did enrage some sad fucks on Twitter/YouTube but those people were largely rightfully mocked in response, like that one YouTuber who made an entire rant on it, Lol.

But the reaction is different from Concord/Starfield (and similarly, people conveniently ignore DEI agencies like SBI having a hand in Alan Wake 2/Ragnarok/Spider-Man 2). It's just that Concord was a mid game at its core and unlike those above games it failed in the metric of both critics and sales and thus it's an easy target to use in the culture wars, that's why the response is different.

Concord did not fail because of "DEI" or "Woke" or "Pronouns" though but that's where the majority of discussion has delved towards because like I said, it's an easy target for the culture wars because it is a game which outright failed unlike the others. That's why you're seeing the differences in responses. I wouldn't put it down to console wars but more of the same old political bullshit.

I do sort of agree with you though that it does sometimes make me uncomfortable (and not just for Concord) to see how happily and eager gamers are at large to often dog-pile and gravedance on videogames, to go harass developers and act like a game failing is the worst thing ever, I do wish people at large would be more sympathetic to the years of hard work and effort and love people put into their videogames for us even if they sometimes don't hit and I'm not saying you need to like the game but don't obsessively beat it up either, just move on, Lol.

I know it seems silly to suggest that console wars are responsible for it, but you can't forget just how intense it can get and how seriously people take it. Dan Stapleton gave Starfield a 7 and received a vile torrent of abuse for it. He was on twitter trying to defend his score and people like Angry Joe had to come out and defend him. Don't underestimate the extreme lengths people go to, to defend their console of choice. As you have said, so many games have DEI integrated into them into some form, that it wouldn't even make sense to get angry about it anymore because it's so common. 

I believe this is just a continuation of what happened to Sony when they said you now require a PSN account to play HD2 on PC. Sony and arrowhead received an extreme and vile torrent of abuse until they were forced to reverse their policy. I believe people just don't like Sony. Why else throw vile abuse at someone for requiring a PSN account? 

Happened to TLOU2 as well though, that was largely TLOU fans as well. It's just dumb politics, us Xbox fans aren't all bad, Lol. And in fact I was defending TLOU2 from *certain* people as well. There COULD be some Xbox fanboys latching onto the political angle just to throw digs at Sony but I don't think it's the majority.

It's just a game which failed so it's being used in teh culture wars. Harder to make your point with games which sell millions, receive critical acclaim. Got to ignore them ones, then you see one which failed and BAM. It's like the other game which is being blasted right now, a game I literally never fucking heard of until I saw the anti-woke brigade complaining about it, if they weren't whining about it I literally never would have known it existed and nor would thousands of other people, Lmfao. I can't even remember its damn name right now but they just latch onto whatever they can find.

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"Woke" when it comes to gaming or the output of Hollywood is about engineering or making primary "diverse" perspectives or representation *for the sake of that representation*. I.e when the representation *is the purpose*, but the product is intended for a mainstream audience and mainstream success.

Concord at a design level, and on a marketing level was put together with that purpose. Locked into the game from an early phase was the concept "let's make a game that showcases a diverse character set" in a modern progressive sense, and they leaned into that. And that *can* work. Particularly if the output is of high quality.

But the ask is very large for such content to do well when such things will not endear it to the majority of the audience base for competitive shooters, which, relative to other genres, are going to skew more male, more hardcore gamer, and more conservative and White (and then perhaps Asian male following as another segment).

Just break down who plays shooters, and who owns a PS5 or a high end PC globally. What percentage of those owners live in majority White nations, or majority Asian nations? I mean even if Black gamers *per capita* in Europe/USA/the Anglosphere are over-represented, they still demographically make up a small percentage of the whole. Same with LGTBQ gamers so described. Relative to other genres *progressives* are also likely under-represented. And now note, I am talking about relative weights, not whether such gamers exist at all, but if we ran through the relative numbers of each 'slice' of the market we'd find some are larger than others.

And like I said, people can play games where the design focus *was not appealing to them in particular*, especially when a game is brilliant, but obviously for a game that is average, having a game that hits all the other buttons you are looking for thematically, stylishly etc can carry it a long way.

Take a Conan game. It might be generally rubbish, but for people hard-core into Conan they might buy it and back it and do their best to love it regardless. But make it into a romance game where Conan's love interests are gay.. and what do you think will happen? Sure there is a subset that will love it, but the market such a game would primarily appeal to "gay people that love Conan" is getting pretty small, even if lots of gay people love Conan.

There is a large and diverse market out there and the best way of reaching most of it is via a product that is priced right, and of high/decent/compelling quality. The more you cut the quality or mass market appeal and the more you'll need to lower price to maintain wide reach, or you'll need to price higher and go for niche appeal.

So when you are marketing a competitive shooter but not designing it around the principles and themes the majority of that market want you are going to struggle, particular if that smaller market segment you are appealing to is already well served.. as you mentioned the LGBTQ theming in Overwatch.

I have kids in school (3 gen alphas) and I don't think the millennial woke brigade know quite what is happening at the *edge* of culture these days (like gen x before them they are now past the cultural setting edge and now represent more the *establishment* than that edge). The kids are pushing back. Teach them anti-racism and they embrace r*. Teach them to accept pro-LGBTQ and they react to do the opposite (at least the boys).

Unlike gen x which was mildly accepting, and millennials which were embracing, from my personal experience the next generation through is going to be rejecting (gen z perhaps is 50/50). When people are brow beat Soviet style about certain issues there can be a reaction to reject the premise. And lets face it.. when Google and Nike and your teachers and the Democrats and the law and Disney and CNN are all pushing the same line, how on *earth* do you think that is going to be perceived as *cool*?
By *becoming* the mainstream LGBTQism made itself uncool. Only the uncool people now want to be associated with it. Young kids (especially boys) are going a different way.
The cool teacher that is subversive isn't the "gay English teacher" that used to overlook the kids smoking outside his class.. that guy is now the principal browbeating kids that being gay is equal to being heterosexual. You do the math.

And if you doubt any of the above find a White progressive pro-LGBTQ woman that teaches grade school and ask her how she is going with the boys in her class. I bet the answer will worry you.

the-pi-guy said:
Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

I think you're making a lot of assumptions.

A big problem is that there's not two groups. There's not a group for "DEI", and another group against it. There's an entire spectrum of what people are pushing for/against and also there's a spectrum of what they're aware of. 

On the awareness part, most of what we talk about people is viewed through race and not ethnicity. We talk about broader groups of white people and black people, even if those things are poorly defined. 

"It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes."

You're right, but I'm guessing you're blaming the pro-"DEI" people for it. I hope that I'm wrong about my guess, because that's absurd. We live in a cultural context that has a lot of history of putting people in boxes. "You're not white if you're Irish" That is the framework that a lot of western culture has built itself around. 

Pretending that the culture and context doesn't exist, doesn't make you enlightened. 

"Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation."

And I don't think most people are pushing for this massive strawman. 

No media is going to "check all the boxes", no one is pushing for that. But we need to push for variety, to get more representation. 

People do push for aboriginals and all these other groups to get some kind of representation. And it is dishonest to boil it down to "we just need black people".

I am not making assumptions. I do not know why you think that. You have not given me an example, what you think is an assumption.

I am not claiming there are only two groups. 

"On the awareness part, most of what we talk about people is viewed through race and not ethnicity. We talk about broader groups of white people and black people, even if those things are poorly defined"

I do not know where you are from. Are you American? This point of view might or might not be valid in the USA. I am not American, so I cannot tell. If you are I do not blame you for the simplified racial representation of Black/White/Asian/etc and think this is how it goes everywhere. It has been over 15 years I visited the US and I remember on my landing card I needed not just share my Nationality but also there where boxes where I would checkbox my race. Those where those simplified Black/White/Asian/Etc checkboxes. I thought that was weird and have literally not seen that for any other country I visited. So if your government tells you this is how it is, I don't blame you to think that these are the major checkboxes to when it comes to representation.

Looking through the prism of the US though, does not make it universal. The world is a big place. I visited more than 50 countries on 4 continents. And no the differentiation/representation is not the simplified US race version with White/Black being the dominant discussion. It is about Nationality, ethnicity, cultural anchor points and depending where you are in the world those in different order.

So let me give you an example, where the simplified view is well meaning, but not effective.

A Korean, Japanese and han-Chinese can recognize which is which a mile off. Most westerners cannot, they can only see an east-Asian appearance. So if you make a character with a generic east-Asian appearance, the creator might believe they put representative diversity in the game for East-Asian gamers. But the truth is that no Korean, Japanese or han-chinese will find any representation in the game. They will find representation in the game, if you actually put a Korean, Japanese or han-Chinese looking character in the game.

That's why I say to just use the simplified Racial divide of Black/White/Asian/Etc is actually not supporting true diversity. It misses the target.

I don't know what you mean by Strawman. I do not know this word. What is wrong of me indicating that the cultural anchor point (my Aboriginal example) is more important to representation than skin color?

Tober said:

I am not making assumptions. I do not know why you think that. You have not given me an example, what you think is an assumption.

That's why I say to just use the simplified Racial divide of Black/White/Asian/Etc is actually not supporting true diversity. It misses the target.

I don't know what you mean by Strawman. I do not know this word. What is wrong of me indicating that the cultural anchor point (my Aboriginal example) is more important to representation than skin color?

You're making this big assumption that there is some basic checklist of black/white/asian etc, that needs to be checked off. 

I'm sure on the level of media companies, a lot of them have something just like that. But that isn't the goal that people are pushing towards.

Tober said:

I don't know what you mean by Strawman. I do not know this word. What is wrong of me indicating that the cultural anchor point (my Aboriginal example) is more important to representation than skin color?

What is wrong with it, and what is a strawman requires the same answer:

No one is saying that skin color is more important than ethnicity. 

You're making an argument against something that doesn't particularly exist.

Tober said:

I do not know where you are from. Are you American? This point of view might or might not be valid in the USA. I am not American, so I cannot tell. If you are I do not blame you for the simplified racial representation of Black/White/Asian/etc and think this is how it goes everywhere. It has been over 15 years I visited the US and I remember on my landing card I needed not just share my Nationality but also there where boxes where I would checkbox my race. Those where those simplified Black/White/Asian/Etc checkboxes. I thought that was weird and have literally not seen that for any other country I visited. So if your government tells you this is how it is, I don't blame you to think that these are the major checkboxes to when it comes to representation.

Looking through the prism of the US though, does not make it universal. The world is a big place. I visited more than 50 countries on 4 continents. And no the differentiation/representation is not the simplified US race version with White/Black being the dominant discussion. It is about Nationality, ethnicity, cultural anchor points and depending where you are in the world those in different order.

So let me give you an example, where the simplified view is well meaning, but not effective.

A Korean, Japanese and han-Chinese can recognize which is which a mile off. Most westerners cannot, they can only see an east-Asian appearance. So if you make a character with a generic east-Asian appearance, the creator might believe they put representative diversity in the game for East-Asian gamers. But the truth is that no Korean, Japanese or han-chinese will find any representation in the game. They will find representation in the game, if you actually put a Korean, Japanese or han-Chinese looking character in the game.

I feel like you completely misread my post. Because pretty much everything you're saying in here, agrees with my post.

the-pi-guy said:
Tober said:

I am not making assumptions. I do not know why you think that. You have not given me an example, what you think is an assumption.

That's why I say to just use the simplified Racial divide of Black/White/Asian/Etc is actually not supporting true diversity. It misses the target.

I don't know what you mean by Strawman. I do not know this word. What is wrong of me indicating that the cultural anchor point (my Aboriginal example) is more important to representation than skin color?

You're making this big assumption that there is some basic checklist of black/white/asian etc, that needs to be checked off.Â

Tober: What was my assumption in my first post? You answer my question by referring to my second post. I am curious what assumption I had in the first one.

I'm sure on the level of media companies, a lot of them have something just like that. But that isn't the goal that people are pushing towards.

Tober: Then why are they? It misses the mark making it essentially useless. What is that goal, you are referring to?

Tober said:

I don't know what you mean by Strawman. I do not know this word. What is wrong of me indicating that the cultural anchor point (my Aboriginal example) is more important to representation than skin color?

What is wrong with it, and what is a strawman requires the same answer:

No one is saying that skin color is more important than ethnicity. 

Tober: Above you said something like on the level of media, companies have checklists. It appears those checklist aim to use skin color as a wide web to catch as many people as possible. In a way these companies view skin color more important in their strategy, because they think it's more efficient. Not saying it is, but apparently they do

You're making an argument against something that doesn't particularly exist.

Tober said:

I do not know where you are from. Are you American? This point of view might or might not be valid in the USA. I am not American, so I cannot tell. If you are I do not blame you for the simplified racial representation of Black/White/Asian/etc and think this is how it goes everywhere. It has been over 15 years I visited the US and I remember on my landing card I needed not just share my Nationality but also there where boxes where I would checkbox my race. Those where those simplified Black/White/Asian/Etc checkboxes. I thought that was weird and have literally not seen that for any other country I visited. So if your government tells you this is how it is, I don't blame you to think that these are the major checkboxes to when it comes to representation.

Looking through the prism of the US though, does not make it universal. The world is a big place. I visited more than 50 countries on 4 continents. And no the differentiation/representation is not the simplified US race version with White/Black being the dominant discussion. It is about Nationality, ethnicity, cultural anchor points and depending where you are in the world those in different order.

So let me give you an example, where the simplified view is well meaning, but not effective.

A Korean, Japanese and han-Chinese can recognize which is which a mile off. Most westerners cannot, they can only see an east-Asian appearance. So if you make a character with a generic east-Asian appearance, the creator might believe they put representative diversity in the game for East-Asian gamers. But the truth is that no Korean, Japanese or han-chinese will find any representation in the game. They will find representation in the game, if you actually put a Korean, Japanese or han-Chinese looking character in the game.

I feel like you completely misread my post. Because pretty much everything you're saying in here, agrees with my post.

Tober: I mostly agree with myself

Especially the last part that generalizing on only superficial character traits actually hurts representation more then it helps. In other words, do it right or don't do it at all. That's essentially the gist of it.

Last edited by Tober - on 08 September 2024

the-pi-guy said:

Concord isn't even "woke". It's just being cherry picked since it failed, so certain people can claim they won their culture war. 

If it did even moderately well, almost no one would have said it was "woke". 

Black Myth Wukong was mentioned like 20 pages ago. I think the ironic part is that if the devs weren't openly anti-feminist, the game would have been massively celebrated by the "woke" people. The game is a huge deal to Chinese culture and the games success is a huge step for more authentic Chinese representation in the industry. 

There isn't a single white guy in the game, and that was on purpose (I think a dev said so?).
Instead theres black females with purple hair and stuff like that...
A robot with pronouns.... I mean common.

Yes its woke.
You can tell by the models and skins and Armour, they have for sale.

The game play isn't bad from what I heard... its just its 40$ (when other hero shooters are free), and has characters that are too generic and boring.
People want good looking characters and sexy ladies in games.... it sucks to hear but it sells. Esp if your game is free to play, and lives off of selling skins ect.
If you go a differnt route, and dont think you can recoupe costs that way..... and instead have to price yours way above the competition out there, it better be the best damn hero shooter ever made (if you want it to be successfull). Concord was just barely avg when it came to gameplay.

The woke spin, didn't do it any favors either.
(it probably didn't directly kill it, but overall I think its a net negative. You can't have fat black ladies with purple hair, as characters, and expect skin sales to be high imo. Look at Tracer from overwatch.... its like one of the most searched for porn terms on some porn sites lol. People wont even remember the names of the characters in Concord, in a month or two. It'll be "the fat black chick" "the robot" ect ect)

Anyways too many hero shooters out there already.
I wish they would drop makeing all these GAAS games, and instead do some single player ones.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 08 September 2024