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Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

I think you're making a lot of assumptions.

A big problem is that there's not two groups. There's not a group for "DEI", and another group against it. There's an entire spectrum of what people are pushing for/against and also there's a spectrum of what they're aware of. 

On the awareness part, most of what we talk about people is viewed through race and not ethnicity. We talk about broader groups of white people and black people, even if those things are poorly defined. 

"It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes."

You're right, but I'm guessing you're blaming the pro-"DEI" people for it. I hope that I'm wrong about my guess, because that's absurd. We live in a cultural context that has a lot of history of putting people in boxes. "You're not white if you're Irish" That is the framework that a lot of western culture has built itself around. 

Pretending that the culture and context doesn't exist, doesn't make you enlightened. 

"Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation."

And I don't think most people are pushing for this massive strawman. 

No media is going to "check all the boxes", no one is pushing for that. But we need to push for variety, to get more representation. 

People do push for aboriginals and all these other groups to get some kind of representation. And it is dishonest to boil it down to "we just need black people".