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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your favorite Bioware game/series?


What is your favorite Bioware game/series?

Anthem 9 1.76%
Baldur's Gate (I & II) 63 12.30%
Dragon Age 62 12.11%
Jade Empire 15 2.93%
Mass Effect 212 41.41%
MDK2 22 4.30%
Neverwinter Nights 13 2.54%
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood 45 8.79%
Star Wars: KotoR/toR 71 13.87%

Just Dragon Age Origins and MDK2. Everything else I played from Bioware I Just can't stand from the writing and acting to the presentation. Mass Effect I recently tried on PS4 and I just get so knocked out of anything when we have a 1996 presentation of a character standing still middle flat shot blabbering for 5 minutes. Not a good way to convey a story. DAI had awkward writing/acting. DAO was well done enough tho some Bioware akwardness. MDK2 is fun as hell. This will sound odd in this post but despite a big learning curve in controls for Dreamcast. It was still fun.

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KotOR but without TOR. MMOs are... well, not for me, let's leave it at that.

Knights of the Old Republic though, is brilliant. Both the first game and the sequel. In fact, the first game is almost my favourite (read, what I think is 'the best') game ever made. The game is better than actual Star Wars movies, save maybe A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. It's so good, I actually played the mobile version. Imagine that.

KOTOR > Dragon Age > Mass Effect > SWTOR for me. Never played any of their other games.

Mass Effect, but that's by default as it's the only one I've played.

MDK2 is pretty cool and worth playing on GoG. Some of the music was done by Jesper Kyd. ACII/Darksiders II/Borderlands/State if Decay/Hitman and more.

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Mass Effect

(only one I played)

But also I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi stories.

Still need to play mass effect. Kotor and bg1&2 are rtwp and quite old so I struggled to get into it, but I'll give it another go.

Dragon Age: Origins exist, which is far better than any other game they have released imho.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Baldur's Gate 2 - while I really like both KOTOR and DA:O, former, while thoroughly enjoyable, is bit too linear for my taste, and latter is very good, but not as good as BG2, as a classic iso-CRPG.
Honestly, I was never big fan of Bioware - back in those days, I really liked and played them, but generally speaking, games that golden generation from Interplay made (including studios made by ex-Interplay folks, Troika and Obsidian), always resonated much more with me than any of Bioware's stuff.

Tbh I consider them to be a fairly overhyped developer but I did like the Mass Effect trilogy and The Old Republic (the MMO) back when it released, even if neither is among my absolute favorites. If I have to name one game it would be the fairly predictable Mass Effect 2.

Worth noting that I still haven't played any Dragon Age though.

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