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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you have enough time to game? How much?


I game per week...

1 hour 4 7.41%
2 hours 3 5.56%
2-5 hours 11 20.37%
5-10 hours 9 16.67%
10-15 hours 9 16.67%
15-20 hours 3 5.56%
20-30 hours 4 7.41%
30-40 hours 3 5.56%
50 hours+ 3 5.56%
I have no time to game at all. 5 9.26%

5+ a day, from 17:00 usually.

Around the Network

At least 1 hour a day at home and 1 hour at work (Mon-Fri).

2-3 hours max during the weekends or holidays so in total 14-16 hours a week.

Got work from Mon-Fri, then gotta take care of the family (Wife and Baby) , bills, home maintenance, etc.

No. I don’t. You say you play 14 hours a week, I doubt I played 14 hours all year.

While I literally don’t have much time in general, I also just don’t make the time to play a game anymore either. I just don’t feel compelled to and I have better things to do, things I would get more joy out of. Gaming has degraded to be the thing I’d do as a last resort, the thing I would only do when I’m so bored I can’t think of anything else to do anymore at all. And that rarely to never happens.

Random_Matt said:

5+ a day, from 17:00 usually.


S.Peelman said:

No. I don’t. You say you play 14 hours a week, I doubt I played 14 hours all year.

While I literally don’t have much time in general, I also just don’t make the time to play a game anymore either. I just don’t feel compelled to and I have better things to do, things I would get more joy out of. Gaming has degraded to be the thing I’d do as a last resort, the thing I would only do when I’m so bored I can’t think of anything else to do anymore at all. And that rarely to never happens.

That's a pity. I don't think games have degraded though, you just need to look hard enough cause there are gems and games that'll replicate any genre you liked in the past and do it better. For example, Like Strider? Try The Messanger. Liked Doom/quake. Try Prodeus or Dusk. Liked CRPG's, Try Divinity Original Sin or Baldaurs gate 3. They take the genres, modernise them and often do them better. There has been no better time in history to game, I feel like you're making an excuse cause your jaded or depressed. At least try man, gaming is a hobby for life, you don't grow seperate from it unless you give up entirely on yourself. 

Around the Network

I game around 5 till 7 hours a day after work.
My girlfriend a bit less since she works other times.


My youtube gaming page.

xl-klaudkil said:

I game around 5 till 7 hours a day after work.
My girlfriend a bit less since she works other times.

Damn, that's hardcore. Are you playing an MMO or what? Last time was gaming that hard I was addicted to FF14. 

The amount of time I have to game is always in flux. I can go days even weeks without being able to game, but then I can game on a weekend pretty much non-stop and put in over 20 hours. If it's a 3-day weekend then I can easily break 30 hours.

For this year (221 days in), I have logged 395 hours of gaming time. That represents 7.45% of the year so far was spent in a virtual world. Averaged out per day it comes out to 1.79 hours a day. Broken down into days, it comes out to 16.5 full days of this year spent in fantasy.

I work 10 hour days (Mon.-Fri.), also part-time online classes audio engineering (past 3 years and ongoing), sleep about 3-5 hours a day (can't sleep longer, I'm wide awake instantly no alarm clocks). Some how I'm still able to fit in cooking exquisite meals, house cleaning, other chores, exercise daily, once every 6 weeks a 300 mile trip to visit family members. I limit my TV intake to less than 100 minutes a day (average) and its usually while multi-tasking. When I go to bed I read college text books for an hour for education and to help shut down my brain for sleep. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Around 2-3 hours on weekdays.

Jpcc86 said:

Around 2-3 hours on weekdays.

That's not bad, you could play a cod campaign in or one online race in GT7.