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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your daily game!?

Nowadays, just a few skirmish matches in Age of Empires usually in AoE 3 but that will probably change to Age of Mythology: Retold when that releases.

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Gran Turismo 7 comes closest. I forcibly curtailed my play time though to focus on other things.

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Wow looks like I'm not the only one spending 700+ hours on gt7 haha!

I also got the platinum on gt7 by the way even if nobody asked haha!

Man last year my sister, her bf, my cousin and I be playing cod ghost extinction mode hard,
Even bought bloody season pass,

That was our daily last year

Apex is my main casual game. I'm currently playing RD Online too much need to stop that soon. All I'm doing is saving for an expensive horse. :P

Odd thing about this thread, not the other day I was thinking about things I hate about the industry right now and along side dirty monetisation, I think daily log in rewards or activities are really dodgy and just as bad as mtx.

Hmm, pie.

StarCraft. - Almost daily since 1998. 26 years.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Right now it's SF6, Tekken 8, Genshin, Star Rail and Zenless

I am grinding for democracy!
(Helldivers 2)

Used to be World of Warcraft, I guess. But the backlog is real and now I realize that I can't have a daily game and still make any real progress on my game library. And given the choice, I play new games over playing the same ones over and over again.

Sekiro could easily become a daily game for me, I'm not going to let it but there is so much skill required in that game that it begs for you to conquer it and become exceptional. I can see why people do AP 1, Demon Bell, charmless, no hit, no tools runs. Many of the bosses would take dozens of hours to get close to that level of conpetency even and standard rules and then hundreds and hundreds of hours to get good enough to do it without leveling and limiting yourself in so many ways and then there is the gauntlet which itself would take dozens of hours on each of the three modes to just complete let alone master. The game is so fun at it's core though, I feel like it'd be a daily game even if for a half hour to keep your skills on the right track.
