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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Cosy comfortable games.

I'm looking for games that induce a laid back sense of coziness. I feeling like there is no pressure, nothing can go wrong, failure doesn't matter and the world itself is designed in a cosy atmosphere that regardless of graphics you want to explore and become apart of. Tthe game can be any genre, it just has to induce that feeling of comfort and coziness. Don't confuse nostalgia for the same feeling, While Crash Bandicoot or Mario may induce this feeling it would be because of nostalgia. As Curl-6 below, put it "the video game equivalent of a hot mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows." Titles would include but hopefully not limited to...  

Divinity OS 1 & 2

Hogwarts Legacy (Maybe the most applicable)

Deracinè (PSVR)

No man's sky


Stardew valley

If you don't understand what I mean, no bother. No need to contribute. If you do understand, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 18 July 2024

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Kirby's Epic Yarn is my favourite one of these.

Everything about it is so pleasant, cute, soft, and chill. It's like the video game equivalent of a hot mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows.

curl-6 said:

Kirby's Epic Yarn is my favourite one of these.

Everything about it is so pleasant, cute, soft, and chill. It's like the video game equivalent of a hot mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows.

I like that way of putting it, perfect analogy. I'm gonna steal that quote for the OT. Good pick too. 


For me, the Animal Crossing series is the poster child for cozy games. You can’t go wrong with the Story of Seasons (formerly Harvest Moon) franchise either.

Spiritfarer is another one, but be warned — it can get very sad.

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Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

BFR said:


Oh, that was so damn good back in the day. Perfect example. 

Attack of the Friday Monsters

Shenmue 1.

Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation

Mario 64

Daytona USA

Zelda Links Awakening

Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64

SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed

Panzer Dragoon

Monsterworld IV

Jet Set Radio Future

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

Paper Mario



Ecco The Dolphin Dreamcast

Rent a Hero No 1 Dreamcast

Mega Man Legends

Ape Escape

Sonic Adventure

Katamari Damacy

Ys 1

A boy and his blob Wii

Endless Ocean


Chibi Robo

Toy Commander

Super Mario World

Majin and the forsaken kingdom

Power Pros Baseball series

Pilotwings 64


Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

For me, the top 3 are Animal Crossing NH, Stardew Valley, and Manhunt 2.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

For me, the Animal Crossing series is the poster child for cozy games. You can’t go wrong with the Story of Seasons (formerly Harvest Moon) franchise either.

Spiritfarer is another one, but be warned — it can get very sad.

My first thought when seeing the thread title was Spiritfarer! So I definitely second this. Beautiful visuals, lovely relaxed vibe, you can go about it at your own pace, not really any major "fail states" in the gameplay... but yes, the story can be pretty heartwrenching at times.

I'd also recommend the indie game Wandersong. Rather simplistic (but unique, I think?) gameplay. But the writing and characters are great, and kinda funny even. And the game's got quite a few queer characters simply existing without being othered. Awesome optimistic feel good vibes all around, no health bar or any way to get game over, as far as I've experienced.

If you're into Tim Burton-esque visuals I'd also recommend Lost in Random! There are more consequences to your actions here, but if you like the aesthetics of The Nightmare Before Christmas/Corpse Bride/Coraline etc, the game world is very cozy and wonderous to be in.