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I'm looking for games that induce a laid back sense of coziness. I feeling like there is no pressure, nothing can go wrong, failure doesn't matter and the world itself is designed in a cosy atmosphere that regardless of graphics you want to explore and become apart of. Tthe game can be any genre, it just has to induce that feeling of comfort and coziness. Don't confuse nostalgia for the same feeling, While Crash Bandicoot or Mario may induce this feeling it would be because of nostalgia. As Curl-6 below, put it "the video game equivalent of a hot mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows." Titles would include but hopefully not limited to...  

Divinity OS 1 & 2

Hogwarts Legacy (Maybe the most applicable)

Deracinè (PSVR)

No man's sky


Stardew valley

If you don't understand what I mean, no bother. No need to contribute. If you do understand, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 18 July 2024