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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Madness and stupidity. Alas I can't stop brain rot. If you support walz you support lying about being in war. Fact

Nah it isn't a fact. It's an interpretation of other facts. I have a different interpretation. 

Even if it was a fact, it's so far down on the list of things I would ever care about.

I don't think left wingers tend to glorify the military the same way that conservatives tend to. Particularly when left wingers generally feel that most of the wars in the past 80 years have not been driven by morally good reasons.

So I get that this feels like a legitimate point to you. But it isn't to me. And it has nothing to do with partisanship. 

If maybe exaggerating about his role in the military is the literal worst thing he's ever done, that'd be pretty darn good in my book. 

A lot better than bullying people for not having kids. 

A lot better than making fun of disabled people. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 13 August 2024

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Madness and stupidity. Alas I can't stop brain rot. If you support walz you support lying about being in war. Fact

Lying is a trait of good people.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Renamed said:

Guess you didn't notice that I ordinally replied to you and said "Poor choice of wording which should have said 'wartime'.  So yeah, I did criticize his selective choice of words.  But I'm not about to spout fallacious and distorted claims to smear a great record for that.  You want to denigrate him, in fact, you feel compelled to.  Cognitive dissonance and hubris won't allow you to recognize his service in any valid perspective because it would require you to be an honest broker of truth.  And you don't want truth, you want Trump.  

Well now you're just copying my argument.  You're being completely disingenuous here and give the smallest sliver of "wording" while in denial about his character.  He's a PoS based on what HE said

Really, you calling the man shit for what he said but then just ignore everything else about the person you support, Man you are funny.  You really are trying hard to stretch this into some huge event and basically taking a few words and going bonkers over it.  Then again, that is how the game is played isn't.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Madness and stupidity. Alas I can't stop brain rot. If you support walz you support lying about being in war. Fact

If you support Trump, you support felons, conmen, fraudsters and sexual assault. Fact.

You know, all things that been applied to him by the courts.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Walz: "I firmly believe you should never denigrate another person's service record. Anyone brave enough to put on that uniform for our great country, including my opponent, I just have a few simple words. Thank you for your service and sacrifice"

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Madness and stupidity. Alas I can't stop brain rot. If you support walz you support lying about being in war. Fact

What’s your logic say about how you support a guy who diddled kids with Jeffrey Epstein?

This post of yours is akin to the blunder you made when, in light of the events of the topic of this thread, you chose to attack leftist movements when the guy who took a shot at Trump shared the far right values of MAGA.

Speaking of brain rot… perhaps it’s time for you to self-reflect. Do you actually realize how ‘brain rot-esque’ your posts look to normal people?

Or perhaps you should know when to quit when the main argument in the thread didn’t go your way, rather than trying to lob more poorly thought out attacks. To quote right-wing comedian Roseanne Barr: “Those who live in glass crack-shacks shouldn’t throw stones.”

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Madness and stupidity. Alas I can't stop brain rot. If you support walz you support lying about being in war. Fact

What’s your logic say about how you support a guy who diddled kids with Jeffrey Epstein?

This post of yours is akin to the blunder you made when, in light of the events of the topic of this thread, you chose to attack leftist movements when the guy who took a shot at Trump shared the far right values of MAGA.

Speaking of brain rot… perhaps it’s time for you to self-reflect. Do you actually realize how ‘brain rot-esque’ your posts look to normal people?

Or perhaps you should know when to quit when the main argument in the thread didn’t go your way, rather than trying to lob more poorly thought out attacks. To quote right-wing comedian Roseanne Barr: “Those who live in glass crack-shacks shouldn’t throw stones.”

Yes if you believe every rumor about the right and spin every piece of actual proven footage of anyone running as a Democrat that could indeed be your conclusion.  It's unfortunate the lack of moral compass and the grandstanding that's encouraged now but I see far more honesty from trump supporters who actively laugh at the guy than I do democrats who argued for years that anyone saying Biden was unfit was a conspiracy theorist only to suddenly about face and support stolen valor and a woman who didn't win a single primary and suddenly happened to have every major party member rally behind her and not find that curious.  Talk about hating democracy.  I get it though you've devolved into "I know you are but what am I" and more moral grandstanding because orange man bad

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Jumpin said:

What’s your logic say about how you support a guy who diddled kids with Jeffrey Epstein?

This post of yours is akin to the blunder you made when, in light of the events of the topic of this thread, you chose to attack leftist movements when the guy who took a shot at Trump shared the far right values of MAGA.

Speaking of brain rot… perhaps it’s time for you to self-reflect. Do you actually realize how ‘brain rot-esque’ your posts look to normal people?

Or perhaps you should know when to quit when the main argument in the thread didn’t go your way, rather than trying to lob more poorly thought out attacks. To quote right-wing comedian Roseanne Barr: “Those who live in glass crack-shacks shouldn’t throw stones.”

Yes if you believe every rumor about the right and spin every piece of actual proven footage of anyone running as a Democrat that could indeed be your conclusion.  It's unfortunate the lack of moral compass and the grandstanding that's encouraged now but I see far more honesty from trump supporters who actively laugh at the guy than I do democrats who argued for years that anyone saying Biden was unfit was a conspiracy theorist only to suddenly about face and support stolen valor and a woman who didn't win a single primary and suddenly happened to have every major party member rally behind her and not find that curious.  Talk about hating democracy.  I get it though you've devolved into "I know you are but what am I" and more moral grandstanding because orange man bad

Your new nickname is Irony Man.

Pizzagate. Trumps 30k+ lies, unaware of democratic procedure and the Constitution, I could go on.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Yes if you believe every rumor about the right and spin every piece of actual proven footage of anyone running as a Democrat that could indeed be your conclusion.  It's unfortunate the lack of moral compass and the grandstanding that's encouraged now but I see far more honesty from trump supporters who actively laugh at the guy than I do democrats who argued for years that anyone saying Biden was unfit was a conspiracy theorist only to suddenly about face and support stolen valor and a woman who didn't win a single primary and suddenly happened to have every major party member rally behind her and not find that curious.  Talk about hating democracy.  I get it though you've devolved into "I know you are but what am I" and more moral grandstanding because orange man bad

Biden listened to the will of the people and dropped out of the race. That is democracy. 

Trump doesn't even bow out of a race after he loses. 

An open convention or even him immediately resigning the presidency would have been democracy. Trying to have his cake and eat it too. If they hadn't tried to lie about his cognitive decline until they could hand the nomination to her once he'd already won the primaries I could at least believe it was genuine but waiting until your VP, who was horrible in the previous primary, could be handed the nomination without having to work at it like most things in her life? That's the sleaziest thing I've seen in a nomination process ever.

I am Iron Man