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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

roymans said:
EricHiggin said:

Ya the big question is how the guy got up there and in place with a gun without being caught. 

The MAGA guy who supposedly saw the shooter climbing with the gun told the nearby cops and they didn't really do anything apparently. He also said based on the location and angle that it was probably difficult for the SS snipers that were visible to the crowd to see the shooter.

There's also video from the crowd of a pair of SS snipers back behind trump on a roof, and like maybe 10 seconds before Trump goes down they look to the right and quickly get ready to shoot, but they don't fire until the shooter fires. The SS snipers probably couldn't confirm the shooter had a gun so they probably waited for the go ahead to shoot and when they heard shots they immediately engaged. You can see the one snipers shoulder action so they definitely waited to shoot until after the shooter started firing. All they had was maybe 10 seconds once they turned to lock him in.

came here just to ask what video this user is referring to, has anyone seen it ?

It's in the very next post that follows.

BFR said:

"There's also video from the crowd of a pair of SS snipers back behind trump on a roof"

Is this the video -

There's other videos with better quality and better angles/zoom but this one is decent enough.

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Derranged actors, celebrities, late night hosts, "journalists" and people like Joy Reid were calling Trump a nazi, a dictator for years and now she's spreading crazy conspiracy theories, truly disgraceful...

Well he's a convicted criminal so he shouldn't be allowed to run for president..that alone is just wrong

Secondly hes narcissist, pathological liar.99 percent of what comes out from.his mouth is a lie lol

Well he didn't do anything during covid which caused deaths if hundreds of thousands of people 

Capitol hill riot was caused by him. What he did to women like stormy Daniels was true as that's why he's charged lol. The list goes on.

As much as Biden is also a non worthy candidate he's still the lesser evil. Trump is not a good man. Fat from it.

ricHiggin said:

dane007 said:

Not against him but he had it coming . I am surprised nobody tried during his presidency. I hope he takes more precaution.

So you hope he exits the race, and then goes silent? Because that's the only path to taking enough precaution. Even if he dropped out and then backed another candidate and campaigned for them, in person and/or on social media, then he'd still be way to much of a target.

The phrase "had it coming" really only works if it's mostly on the perpetrator. The majority of the news media, quite a few of the politicians, plenty of celebs, and some of the general public on social media, certainly took whatever fire there was and turned it into into an inferno.

Just wish people would stop trying to find "conspiracies" with everything. It seems that many of these sad things happen because the person had an idea and just acted on it.


hellobion2 said:

Just wish people would stop trying to find "conspiracies" with everything. It seems that many of these sad things happen because the person had an idea and just acted on it.

Sadly, that is the era we live in now.

People only believe what aligns to their own confirmation biases.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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hellobion2 said:

Just wish people would stop trying to find "conspiracies" with everything. It seems that many of these sad things happen because the person had an idea and just acted on it.

Go have a look at Facebook i'd say 70% of my news feed is some crackpot conspiracy theory post. No topic is safe any more, everything is a conspiracy in this world lol.

"The 20-year-old Pennsylvania man who tried to kill former president Donald Trump at a rally last weekend had searched online for information about Trump and President Biden and had photos of both men saved on his phone, according to lawmakers and others briefed on the investigation."
"In addition to Trump and Biden, the shooter had photos of Attorney General Merrick Garland and a member of the British royal family saved on his phone, two people familiar with the probe said."

So as we get more and more info in that seems to indicate that the left's rhetoric had nothing to do with this shooting can we go back to calling a spade a spade? Trump tried to keep power by every means he thought he could get away with. The dude would probably already be convicted if he wasn't the luckiest guy in the world falling from one coincidence to another. Documents case has him dead to rights, thank goodness there's a judge in Florida willing to bend over backwards to make sure that doesn't cause him issues. Supreme Court just gave him criminal immunity for any "official" acts while in office so I'm sure the other cases will fall apart shortly and he may even get to dismiss the case he was already found guilty of in New York since he was president when he paid off Stormy Daniels.

The guy is a wanna-be dictator who will do everything he can to make sure that the guard rails that were in place and kept him from doing anything too nuts last time he was in office won't be there next time. Combined with his inability to admit he lost he's a clear danger to the function of our democracy.

I hope he loses the election, falls out of political favor, and the Republicans can finally get themselves out of this fascination for a billionaire strong-man who somehow convinced a ton of people that's he's an every man.


Torillian said:

"The 20-year-old Pennsylvania man who tried to kill former president Donald Trump at a rally last weekend had searched online for information about Trump and President Biden and had photos of both men saved on his phone, according to lawmakers and others briefed on the investigation."
"In addition to Trump and Biden, the shooter had photos of Attorney General Merrick Garland and a member of the British royal family saved on his phone, two people familiar with the probe said."

So as we get more and more info in that seems to indicate that the left's rhetoric had nothing to do with this shooting can we go back to calling a spade a spade? Trump tried to keep power by every means he thought he could get away with. The dude would probably already be convicted if he wasn't the luckiest guy in the world falling from one coincidence to another. Documents case has him dead to rights, thank goodness there's a judge in Florida willing to bend over backwards to make sure that doesn't cause him issues. Supreme Court just gave him criminal immunity for any "official" acts while in office so I'm sure the other cases will fall apart shortly and he may even get to dismiss the case he was already found guilty of in New York since he was president when he paid off Stormy Daniels.

The guy is a wanna-be dictator who will do everything he can to make sure that the guard rails that were in place and kept him from doing anything too nuts last time he was in office won't be there next time. Combined with his inability to admit he lost he's a clear danger to the function of our democracy.

I hope he loses the election, falls out of political favor, and the Republicans can finally get themselves out of this fascination for a billionaire strong-man who somehow convinced a ton of people that's he's an every man.

Curious which member of the royal family it was.

Anyway, starting to sound like the kid was just nuts and wanted infamy.

EricHiggin said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

This could maybe explain how quickly they were to shoot the guy. Because there are maybe 3-4 seconds between the guy first shot and then the snipers shooting him. Conspiracy theorists are saying its proof its a botched job, the idea was to kill the guy right after he killed trump. Its more likely they got him on sight, were ready to fire but the guy fired first.

As soon as Trump goes down you see the SS snipers return fire, so it was only a second, maybe two at most.

Well the SS can't really just put anybody down because they're a little worried. It would be a PR nightmare if the suspected shooter were mostly innocent and just a dummy for being overly suspicious without a weapon. Even if the SS saw them with a gun, I'd guess they can't just immediately take the shot on their own discretion without a go ahead from higher up the chain, unless the shooter starts firing, then I'm sure they can instantly engage the target.

Killing an innocent yet suspicious person during a campaign would likely be political suicide for that candidate. It would be a little different if it were the President themselves, they would have more leeway as to taking out a potential threat, but for a political opponent in a campaign, even a former Prez like Trump, you hafta be quite careful with how your security deals with potential threats.

I'm just laughing at this comment from earlier because how many countless stories have there been of people literally being shot dead because an officer "thought" they "might" be reaching for a weapon ? Of course those people mostly belong to certain demographics and I have a strong feeling the person who wrote this, if they are american, doesn't belong to one of the groups that have to deal with that reality.

EricHiggin said:

Every single US Prez that's gone to war in their first term has gotten a second term haven't they?

JFK did not, and neither did LBJ. Also, G.HW Bush did not either.

For clarity:

JFK - Bay of Pigs Invasion

LBJ - Vietnam

GHWB - Kuwait in 1991 (Operation Desert Storm)

Last edited by BFR - on 18 July 2024