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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did you like Death Stranding. (Poll)



Loved Death Stranding 10 25.64%
Hated Death Stranding 4 10.26%
Somewhat enjoyed Death Stranding 12 30.77%
I didn't play Death Stranding 13 33.33%
SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Did you platinum it? You have to get 20 legend of legend premium deliveries. Really takes all the use of a proper network to accomplish and because of the lack of bandwidth for structures it forces you to make your own zip lines be attached to other zip lines from online players. Makes the game even more enjoyable and there is a feeling of community even though you never see another soul.

Sure did

I didn't stop there though. I got all Legend of Legend premium deliveries. One of the few games I fully completed. I printed out a list of all deliveries to figure out which ones I was still missing since some only show up under specific circumstances.

Full stats after I was done with the game

Not sure now if the 496 vs 497 was a glitch or if I'm still missing one lol.

This was my network from my off-line play-through. On-line you can indeed make a bigger network with other people's towers, yet off-line you still get enough towers to fully cover the map and be able to get everywhere quickly combined with the roads.

Holy shit, how did you get that much bandwidth. I was struggling for the platinum and had to delete some zip line routes to make way for others. Is this every facility connected in that last screenshot?

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The poll is still to small a sample size to draw conclusions but of 15 people who played, 5 of them loved it. At one third, that is a lot more than I was expecting. And 70% or so at least somewhat enjoyed it. Impressive. 

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

Holy shit, how did you get that much bandwidth. I was struggling for the platinum and had to delete some zip line routes to make way for others. Is this every facility connected in that last screenshot?

41220 was the max bandwidth you could get, I used it all for towers, 41 of them.

Not all facilities are connected, a couple on the East side aren't, but those were easily reached with trucks. The longest route did take me all the way from the top right to the bottom left along 32 towers.

In my online play through everything was eventually connected using other people's towers. I couldn't take a screenshot of that as the game limits the clutter on the map, too much stuff!

I could have optimized it a bit further, but scenic routes were also a priority :) Threading the zip line close in front of the giant waterfall, through the observatory, under and over the winding road up the back of the mountains, peaks of the mountains, along the avalanche valley etc.

I never checked the game out on PS5, does it keep the visuals hi-res while zip lining? On PS4 it's lower resolution while traveling along a zip line. Still looks great but not 1080p.

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Holy shit, how did you get that much bandwidth. I was struggling for the platinum and had to delete some zip line routes to make way for others. Is this every facility connected in that last screenshot?

41220 was the max bandwidth you could get, I used it all for towers, 41 of them.

Not all facilities are connected, a couple on the East side aren't, but those were easily reached with trucks. The longest route did take me all the way from the top right to the bottom left along 32 towers.

In my online play through everything was eventually connected using other people's towers. I couldn't take a screenshot of that as the game limits the clutter on the map, too much stuff!

I could have optimized it a bit further, but scenic routes were also a priority :) Threading the zip line close in front of the giant waterfall, through the observatory, under and over the winding road up the back of the mountains, peaks of the mountains, along the avalanche valley etc.

I never checked the game out on PS5, does it keep the visuals hi-res while zip lining? On PS4 it's lower resolution while traveling along a zip line. Still looks great but not 1080p.

That's impressive. Yeah, I noticed that on PS4 PRO too, mostly in the way it blurred the landscape as you zip line, not the resolution quite as much. I don't have a ps5 so I can't say but I'd have to assume it'd improve that aspect. From what I've seen on YouTube it looks best on PC but I can't be sure the videos I've seen aren't modded or altered from vanilla. 

I didn't love DS but the longer I played the more I liked it. I ended up liking it a lot. That's also because I went in assuming it might be ok at best, but after a while it starts to get good and just gets better from there.

I'm totally looking forward to DS2. Even though it looks even weirder and more confusing as to the plot, if it builds off of DS1 gameplay it'll be another great game.

Building the ziplines were the best. I spent quite a while making them more efficient, but not too efficient. If I wanted to go from east to west in the north on the main map, I either had to take a long way around with a zip line, or take the most north road that ran east to west with a vehicle. I could get to that road from ziplines on the east or west and another in between, but then I had to grab a vehicle from a nearby bunker to travel the rest of the way. That wasn't all that necessary and didn't happen to often which is why I set the zipline up to focus more on getting everywhere else quickly.
I also have a zipline that goes pretty much straight across from the farmer area and crosses the broken bridge to the east. If you use the right locations you can just barely make the gap. I haven't seen anyone else who's done that.

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EricHiggin said:

I didn't love DS but the longer I played the more I liked it. I ended up liking it a lot. That's also because I went in assuming it might be ok at best, but after a while it starts to get good and just gets better from there.

I'm totally looking forward to DS2. Even though it looks even weirder and more confusing as to the plot, if it builds off of DS1 gameplay it'll be another great game.

Building the ziplines were the best. I spent quite a while making them more efficient, but not too efficient. If I wanted to go from east to west in the north on the main map, I either had to take a long way around with a zip line, or take the most north road that ran east to west with a vehicle. I could get to that road from ziplines on the east or west and another in between, but then I had to grab a vehicle from a nearby bunker to travel the rest of the way. That wasn't all that necessary and didn't happen to often which is why I set the zipline up to focus more on getting everywhere else quickly.
I also have a zipline that goes pretty much straight across from the farmer area and crosses the broken bridge to the east. If you use the right locations you can just barely make the gap. I haven't seen anyone else who's done that.

Do you mean this area?

(at 20:20 or click on "Ghost", Alan Walker & Au/Ra More zip lines with the best sights including the waterfall and threading the needle" in the description)

That was so satisfying to get it to go through the broken bridge and in front of the waterfall :)

I did enjoy the game for a few hours. But I just don't have the time anymore for such a massive game. Because of work and family, I can maybe play video games for 30-60 minutes a day, but there are more than enough days where I don't get to play at all. At that rate, I would need a whole year or so to get through this game. Which is why I quit and played lighter games.

I may come back to the game when I have more free time on my hand. I like the concept though. It feels fresh.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

OdinHades said:

I did enjoy the game for a few hours. But I just don't have the time anymore for such a massive game. Because of work and family, I can maybe play video games for 30-60 minutes a day, but there are more than enough days where I don't get to play at all. At that rate, I would need a whole year or so to get through this game. Which is why I quit and played lighter games.

I may come back to the game when I have more free time on my hand. I like the concept though. It feels fresh.

The simple solution is to quit your job and leave your family. That should work for a while. 

The concept is certainly fresh, I don't think anyone even came close to what was dreamed up by Kojima and Co on this one. 

SvennoJ said:
EricHiggin said:

I didn't love DS but the longer I played the more I liked it. I ended up liking it a lot. That's also because I went in assuming it might be ok at best, but after a while it starts to get good and just gets better from there.

I'm totally looking forward to DS2. Even though it looks even weirder and more confusing as to the plot, if it builds off of DS1 gameplay it'll be another great game.

Building the ziplines were the best. I spent quite a while making them more efficient, but not too efficient. If I wanted to go from east to west in the north on the main map, I either had to take a long way around with a zip line, or take the most north road that ran east to west with a vehicle. I could get to that road from ziplines on the east or west and another in between, but then I had to grab a vehicle from a nearby bunker to travel the rest of the way. That wasn't all that necessary and didn't happen to often which is why I set the zipline up to focus more on getting everywhere else quickly.
I also have a zipline that goes pretty much straight across from the farmer area and crosses the broken bridge to the east. If you use the right locations you can just barely make the gap. I haven't seen anyone else who's done that.

Do you mean this area?

That was so satisfying to get it to go through the broken bridge and in front of the waterfall :)


23:05 to 23:45 is more so the area. The farmer. But from 23:05 my line goes north east over the hill to the southern most broken bridge, then a bit south east from there to the big bunker depot. There's 2 broken bridges there over the river as you go north to the waterfall.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 14 July 2024

LegitHyperbole said:
OdinHades said:

I did enjoy the game for a few hours. But I just don't have the time anymore for such a massive game. Because of work and family, I can maybe play video games for 30-60 minutes a day, but there are more than enough days where I don't get to play at all. At that rate, I would need a whole year or so to get through this game. Which is why I quit and played lighter games.

I may come back to the game when I have more free time on my hand. I like the concept though. It feels fresh.

The simple solution is to quit your job and leave your family. That should work for a while. 

The concept is certainly fresh, I don't think anyone even came close to what was dreamed up by Kojima and Co on this one. 

I really wish there was also an interactive multiplayer option for DS. The player connection to other players is interesting, but having the world actually populated with other non NPC Porters could be really fun. Not too populated since that would change the narrative of the game, but it would be a nice change from always feeling alone in that world. Keep the single player as is though.