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LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

Holy shit, how did you get that much bandwidth. I was struggling for the platinum and had to delete some zip line routes to make way for others. Is this every facility connected in that last screenshot?

41220 was the max bandwidth you could get, I used it all for towers, 41 of them.

Not all facilities are connected, a couple on the East side aren't, but those were easily reached with trucks. The longest route did take me all the way from the top right to the bottom left along 32 towers.

In my online play through everything was eventually connected using other people's towers. I couldn't take a screenshot of that as the game limits the clutter on the map, too much stuff!

I could have optimized it a bit further, but scenic routes were also a priority :) Threading the zip line close in front of the giant waterfall, through the observatory, under and over the winding road up the back of the mountains, peaks of the mountains, along the avalanche valley etc.

I never checked the game out on PS5, does it keep the visuals hi-res while zip lining? On PS4 it's lower resolution while traveling along a zip line. Still looks great but not 1080p.