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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which FromSoftware title should get a sequel or trilogy? (Poll)


Which Fromsoft games needs continuation the most...

Bloodborne 15 35.71%
Sekiro 8 19.05%
Elden Ring 6 14.29%
A new title 9 21.43%
Other 4 9.52%


ER don't need a sequel, it's great as it is. I hope they do another open world game with similar scale though

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King's Field.
I need a new game from that series or a remake of the first 3 games in ps1.

Sekiro is really only where the Git gud stuff applies absolutely, you can steam roll bosses by leveling or building well in the rest of the games. I'm taking breaks from the last boss of ER DLC and going back to Bloodborne which feels soooo much easier now, I got to the blue lightning boss without dying once after I gained the ability to level up and died there only cause the boss is so spastic and hard to avoid. Sekiro is a different story though, I got to Genichiro fairly easily, a handful of deaths from simple mistakes but at genichiro there is no way you can level and steam roll him, there is literally nothing you can do but Git Gud or die.

I'm changing my vote to A new title cause these games are still perfect as they are and as much as I'd want to see Bloodborne 2 for the story I wanna see what crazy way Fromsoft will push the formula. We went from sword and sheild in DS, to offensive play in BB to parrying and timing in Sekiro and then whatever the hell you want in Eldenring, I wanna see how they can further explore the genre they have created and innovate it.

Elder ring definitely getting a sequel so you can scrap that off.
So it Bloodborne as my easy pick as I haven't played Sekiro

Oh and Nioh >>> all FromSoftware. Bite me!

I mean a new title would be best for them considering that it feels the last game stretched the gameplay nature of current Souls formula to it's limits, especially the boss designs which are increasing getting asinine in comparison to the capacities by default given to the player.

They're really on the verge of creating an actual full-on action game. Juste let them do it.

Though, don't know how Kadokawa/Bandai would feel about this. Seems like they might be forced into working for another Souls game or Elden Ring sequel because of that game popularity

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Enough Souls bullshit. 900 million Souls likes these days. Give me another Otogi. Another Ace Century Episode. Frame Gride. A couple more Metal Wolf Chaos games.  Ninja Blade wasn't good but maybe they can try again since Ninja Gaiden is dead. Why not.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Enough Souls bullshit. 900 million Souls likes these days. Give me another Otogi. Another Ace Century Episode. Frame Gride. A couple more Metal Wolf Chaos games.  Ninja Blade wasn't good but maybe they can try again since Ninja Gaiden is dead. Why not.

I wouldn't call Sekiro a souls like. Traversal, combat, and storytelling are different. Armored Core is near completely different too.

Of course they'll never stop prioritizing souls-like games though, because they pretty much coined the term and the games sell a crap load. And it's just impossible to match the output of the old days, AA games can take longer and cost more to develop than 90s and some early 2000s AAA games. It sucks but that's the current state of the industry. It's a pleasant surprise that AC6 is even a thing.

Leynos said:

Enough Souls bullshit. 900 million Souls likes these days. Give me another Otogi. Another Ace Century Episode. Frame Gride. A couple more Metal Wolf Chaos games.  Ninja Blade wasn't good but maybe they can try again since Ninja Gaiden is dead. Why not.

Like Kyuu said, Sekiro isn't a soulsborne and I might add the Bloodborne isn't really a souls game, it's more action oriented at its core with the health regeneration system. Elden Ring is the only true Souls like out of the three listed and even with that you can build towards something akin to Ninja Gaiden with duel blades and fast paced builds. 

Yeah yeah. I still stand by give me more Ace Century. Frame Gride. Otogi. Metal Wolf Chaos. Less whatever you want to call what they have been making for a decade and yes I know what AC is. I got the CE for VI and am very familiar with the AC series. I didn't mention it for a reason.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Whatever they do it'll be great 👍 They are in top form and so much greater than when they were churning out 50 games a year.