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Forums - Movies & TV - Great shows ruined by terrible endings (Hide the spoilers)

Looks like The Boys might end up in this thread, idk what the fuck they're at besides shock value now. A real pity. I hope this season gets shit on so they get the last season right.

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Yeah, surprised LOST took so long to come up. I'm a huge fan of the show, but the ending... let's just say I have issues with it.

EnricoPallazzo said:

You think Game of Thrones was bad... it's nothing compared to the ending of Lost. That was a bad ending.

Oh merciful and yet tyrannical Lord, this ending was so bad. I started watching the series when it was already all out on blu-ray, so after finishing the 1st season, i decided to buy the complete series... What a wasteful mistake. 

I totally forgot about how bad was this ending thanks to GoT ending.


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

Until now, the only Series (that i have watched) with a well done ending is Breaking Bad. I cannot recall anything coming close to this masterpiece.


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

KLXVER said:

Game Of Thrones I guess. Although it started before the final episode.

Also Orange Is The New Black. What a shitty and rushed last season.

Yes Game of Thrones got the crown IMO.

I also add Dexter.

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The ending of Game of Thrones is supposed to be horrible and ruins the show. So, being late to get into the show, I was expecting something like how Farscape ended. Not only did the ending not ruin the show, but it was quite enjoyable! And a great wrap for an adaptation of a massive book series that the original author couldn’t figure out how to end.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

The Animaniacs revival ends with the world literally blown up by an asteroid. Thanks, David Zaslav.

Knitemare said:

Until now, the only Series (that i have watched) with a well done ending is Breaking Bad. I cannot recall anything coming close to this masterpiece.

No joke, but Breaking Bad is such a masterpiece, as a whole, that it actually put me off watching other shows for a while. Everything felt so inferior after that.

In a different way, Babylon 5.
Not the actual series finale - which is pretty much the most beautiful ending I've seen - but the Lost Tales DVD that is two extra episodes far below the quality of the series or even most of the movies. Even after the lesser spinoff Crusade (sadly cut short) and Legend of the Rangers, Lost Tales leaves bad final taste.
Well, there's the new animation I haven't seen yet.

Kaunisto said:

In a different way, Babylon 5.
Not the actual series finale - which is pretty much the most beautiful ending I've seen - but the Lost Tales DVD that is two extra episodes far below the quality of the series or even most of the movies. Even after the lesser spinoff Crusade (sadly cut short) and Legend of the Rangers, Lost Tales leaves bad final taste.
Well, there's the new animation I haven't seen yet.

Babylon 5 is the only show I can say that has two of my favourite series finales of all time - the one at the end of season 4, and again in season 5 :)

I’m watching the show right now, I just got past Severed Dreams.

I’ve never seen the films or expanded material.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.