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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Perfect Dark (Reboot) - On Track and its coming!

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Just my personal belief but I'll be honest perfect dark sucks and always has sucked now she looks like a man lol goldeneye on the other hand is a masterpiece

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Resistance would be dope to play again 

Fei-Hung said:

Not saying this will be good, bad, greatly or badly received, but I loved Goldeneye and PD and this doesn't play anything like it.

It would have been nice to get a PD that plays like PD. I don't want a Hitman style game or a Deus Ex.

I hope if KZ or Resistance make a comeback they don't suffer the same fate.

Of course I may be wrong and it may have linear sections and these Deus Ex bits might be few and far between.

At the same time, I may be in the minority wanting an old skool style PD.

I understand what you are saying and i am also a big fan of the IP, however they tried that again with PD: Zero and it just doesn't hold up today unfortunately. Perfect Dark needs to evolve to stay relevant these days.

When you look at the old PD games and than play a game like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it's not that that much different except Deus Ex expands upon it greatly. 

Multiple ways of entering buildings, strategizing around enemy placements, Gadgets, Stealth, Hacking, Parcoring, optional objectives. 

I think this is what PD needs to be to survive the plethora of FPS games market. It needs to be unique and not just another part of the shooty shooty bang bang culture.

Just my opinion.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 05 July 2024

Looks great! It's now one of my most highly anticipated games

I have rewatched the Perfect Dark trailer so much. Reminds me of when the first Halo 3 trailer came out.


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APerfectCircle said:

Just my personal belief but I'll be honest perfect dark sucks and always has sucked now she looks like a man lol goldeneye on the other hand is a masterpiece

Have you actually played the games? Or is this just a belief?

The OG was considered one of the best games ever made. There is a reason why they want to create another one. 

As for the man part... I am not sure what a woman looks like to you, but below looks like a woman to me. Being realistic doesn't stop her from looking like a female.

Goldeneye was indeed a masterpiece, so is Perfect Dark.

Yeah I played them probably when u we're a child lol not a fan and she had a manly jawline u kidding me look at the original it's fine if seen much worse but I'm not going to say it's okay to make women look manly bc many gaming journalist are leftist and feel like crap when pretty women are made 

APerfectCircle said:

Just my personal belief but I'll be honest perfect dark sucks and always has sucked now she looks like a man lol goldeneye on the other hand is a masterpiece

She's literally based on a real model - Elissa Bibaud

APerfectCircle said:

Yeah I played them probably when u we're a child lol not a fan and she had a manly jawline u kidding me look at the original it's fine if seen much worse but I'm not going to say it's okay to make women look manly bc many gaming journalist are leftist and feel like crap when pretty women are made 

I was 15 when I had Perfect Dark and 100% completed the game on an original N64 back in 2000. So yes, I was a child when the game launched and I was also a day one owner.

As for your take on her manly looks, they are literally modeling the new design off a real actress... saying she looks like a man when in fact its a real woman is misleading and throwing mud just because.

This debate sounds like an extreme take at a game just because the character isn't oversexualized. This sounds very similar to those throwing complaints at the Dead Space: Remake when they used Unisex Toilets on the Ishimura and those extremists called the game woke. 

Also, Rare previously attempted the attractive Joanna look in Perfect Dark: Zero and let me say the fans of the series were not happy. 

So, it's good to see them reverting back to a serious looking Jo. You may not like the look but for someone whose been a fan of the IP since its first release, I am glad and happy with what I have been seeing lately. 

Could just make the original playable. Simple. I know they are going all out. But just saying, stop all the crazy frame rate problems and the original would have been a 10/10. Always drooled over that game boy camera thing. I wanted to put my picture on there soóoo badly.

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