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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil, Assassin's Creed, and other AAA titles bomb on iPhone/iPad

The only game I have on my phone is symphony of the night it's possible to play some fast paced games on smart phone

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This is actually great news for the industry as a whole. The last thing we need is a series of cheap-ass, low effort ports to phones and tablets for quick cash.

You just can't get sucked into the horror or whatever it is on a pitifully small screen. You don't get the vibes. Mobile devices are better suited for real mobile games.

Dante9 said:

You just can't get sucked into the horror or whatever it is on a pitifully small screen. You don't get the vibes. Mobile devices are better suited for real mobile games.

In the silence of night, in a near totally dark room, infront of a gigantic tv.... it just hits differntly.

Uh yeah why would anyone think this was a good idea. Mobile games are for short and casual play sessions, not AAA games lol.

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The problems of the mobile/phone crowd were apparent day one and some still cling to the idea that suddenly having AAA experiences on your phone would litteraly shift the market or appeal to large number who were underserved by mobile crap.
At least, this experiment has now lead to the obvious conclusion of the free to play market dominance over the phone market.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Chrkeller said:

Makes sense. For starters people who play games on phones are a different demographic.

Not to mention AAA games run like dog **** on a phone.

I have zero idea why anyone in their right mind thought AAA to phones was a big news story.

So much for the big 3 needing to fear Apple and their magical M1 chipsets.  

Also doesn't help any of the publishers that said mobile demographic have entirely been brought up on the fact that most games on mobile devices are designed entirely as "F2P", loaded with MT's, so when you see AAA titles on a phone and the jacked prices, of course they're gonna gawk at them.

Publishers expecting us to pay £70 for games on consoles/PC and thinking they can emulate the same on mobile is just batshit insane "bar must go up" madness. They have to stop doing this, the people in charge of any chart measurements need to flat out go.

Also Apple still trying to cling onto any semblance of gaming as if it'll ever take off will never stop being funny. They barely cared back when MS got into console gaming, they barely care now, why the hell even bother if they cba to fund game dev for their own hw. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Mar1217 said:

The problems of the mobile/phone crowd were apparent day one and some still cling to the idea that suddenly having AAA experiences on your phone would litteraly shift the market or appeal to large number who were underserved by mobile crap.
At least, this experiment has now lead to the obvious conclusion of the free to play market dominance over the phone market.

It's almost like we've come full circle.

years ago mobile was just F2P garbage (still is), while consoles and PC had full fat completed games. Then 10-15yrs ago, publishers shift and start thinking mobile will take over all of gaming, so they shove all of mobile's hideous practices onto consoles/PC, and now we're still stuck with that, only today they're now trying to shift consoles price tags onto a platform that was brought up entirely on F2P+ MT's.

None of these publishers know what the fuck they are doing. You can't just swap practices in and out and expect them to be interchangeable and also have zero long-lasting consequences (cough, in-game shops in AAA games for the past decade cough).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Great news.

34 years playing games.


Phones will never really replace consoles much like consoles will never replace PCs, or motorbikes will never replace cars, or kindles didn't replace books; they're separate things that have different roles and markets.

Being able to play a downgraded version of Assassin's Creed or RE or Death Stranding on a high end phone or tablet isn't going to make any significant amount of people say "wow, guess I don't need a Playstation now".