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Forums - Sales Discussion - Senua's Bomba: Hellblade 2 Fails To Chart Even In Europe's Top 100

zeldaring said:
IkePoR said:

Has GenZ ever cared about graphics?  They play Minecraft and Fortnite.

Now me, an old man, I prefer pretty graphics now.  Anything older than late PS3 can't hold my interest for long.

Many of games with great graphics are doing well sony games wouldn't be doing as well if they had mid graphics. let's just say ghosts of tsushima, spider man, god of war, and horizon would probably fail with ps3 or Fortnite type graphics..   

Oh well, I guess Nintendo fans are smarter then, lol. I am currently playing DQ VIII and Xenosaga, those games you listed are garbage in my opinion. I am probably too old and just showing my age. For me modern gaming is rinse and repeat and made for the casuals with piss easy games.

Last edited by Random_Matt - 4 days ago

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Random_Matt said:
zeldaring said:

Many of games with great graphics are doing well sony games wouldn't be doing as well if they had mid graphics. let's just say ghosts of tsushima, spider man, god of war, and horizon would probably fail with ps3 or Fortnite type graphics..   

Oh well, I guess Nintendo fans are smarter then, lol. I am currently playing DQ VIII and Xenosaga, those games you listed are garbage.

Wow.  I get preferences but calling GoW and Spider garbage is a bit extreme.  Have fun watching Xenosaga.  I prefer to play my games.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Random_Matt said:
zeldaring said:

Many of games with great graphics are doing well sony games wouldn't be doing as well if they had mid graphics. let's just say ghosts of tsushima, spider man, god of war, and horizon would probably fail with ps3 or Fortnite type graphics..   

Oh well, I guess Nintendo fans are smarter then, lol. I am currently playing DQ VIII and Xenosaga, those games you listed are garbage in my opinion. I am probably too old and just showing my age. For me modern gaming is rinse and repeat and made for the casuals with piss easy games.

Those games you listed are garbage  imo as well. As for piss easy games those games have difficulty option if you want a challenge which most nintendo   games don't even offer a challenge, unless you wanna wait till near the end game.

I think Gamepass really hurt this one. It was never going to be a big seller to begin with, but I think most of the people who wanted to play this just did it using Gamepass.

Not surprised that this movie sim did not do so well. Though the plot of the game looked interesting.


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Panicradio said:


Just for the sake of a complete picture: Requiem was released on Switch, PS5, X|S (GP) and PC (GP & retail).

Very true.

Another bit that completes a picture is that both are sequels to fairly successful games that sold about the same on all platforms (some 1+ million).

CosmicSex said:
HoloDust said:

For comparison, another really nice looking game, Plague Tale: Requiem, had a budget of around $25 million, was on a Gamepass and sold 3+ millions.

Point taken but can we take a moment and appreciate what results Plague Tale got for just $25 million?  We are easily looking at a 300% ROI.  Clearly not as good as Palworld and HellDivers 2 but still very nice. 

Yeah. Funny thing is, both originals, Plague Tale: Innocence and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, had around $10 million budget, and they both sold some 1+millions, all platforms combined.

Obviously Asobo knows how to make great looking game, with engaging gameplay of descent length (16 and 27 hours respectively for completionist runthroughs) for "modest" amount of money (weird how $25 millions has become modest, when Witcher 2, great looking game with much more in the way of gameplay and length, cost $10 million, only 13 years ago).

Random_Matt said:

Oh well, I guess Nintendo fans are smarter then, lol. I am currently playing DQ VIII and Xenosaga, those games you listed are garbage in my opinion. I am probably too old and just showing my age. For me modern gaming is rinse and repeat and made for the casuals with piss easy games.

I love DQ8.  THAT one I could play, its very stylized and holds up still.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Random_Matt said:
zeldaring said:

Many of games with great graphics are doing well sony games wouldn't be doing as well if they had mid graphics. let's just say ghosts of tsushima, spider man, god of war, and horizon would probably fail with ps3 or Fortnite type graphics..   

Oh well, I guess Nintendo fans are smarter then, lol. I am currently playing DQ VIII and Xenosaga, those games you listed are garbage in my opinion. I am probably too old and just showing my age. For me modern gaming is rinse and repeat and made for the casuals with piss easy games.

I wouldn't call them "garbage" but I know how that feels, and I think it's mainly the result of 3 things: Age, internet, and accessibility.

We just had more energy, imagination, and less distractions back then. Lack of internet made games more mysterious and intimate, and limited accessibility made them more difficult and punishing by design. Beating games and uncovering little secrets was so much more satisfying. I had a sense of pride at some of my gaming findings and achievements as a kid. You just don't get that anymore.

IMO FomSoftware games scratch that itch, but even they fail to completely replicate how gaming felt when we were kids.

Ninja theory is next in the chopping blocks,

7 years to make a crappy short less than 6 hours game and a forgettable dumpster fire of a multiplayer

No Physical
Short, with no replay value

I experienced the game with making myself a drink and some snacks, then binge watched somebody's playthrough on youtube. Was a relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon. But have no interest in playing it myself.