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zeldaring said:
IkePoR said:

Has GenZ ever cared about graphics?  They play Minecraft and Fortnite.

Now me, an old man, I prefer pretty graphics now.  Anything older than late PS3 can't hold my interest for long.

Many of games with great graphics are doing well sony games wouldn't be doing as well if they had mid graphics. let's just say ghosts of tsushima, spider man, god of war, and horizon would probably fail with ps3 or Fortnite type graphics..   

Oh well, I guess Nintendo fans are smarter then, lol. I am currently playing DQ VIII and Xenosaga, those games you listed are garbage in my opinion. I am probably too old and just showing my age. For me modern gaming is rinse and repeat and made for the casuals with piss easy games.

Last edited by Random_Matt - 5 days ago