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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Direct 6/18/24 Poll


6/18 Nintendo Direct Poll

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection 15 2.14%
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD 12 1.71%
Dragon Quest III HD-2D (p... 53 7.55%
Fantasian Neo Dimension 12 1.71%
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom 273 38.89%
Mario & Luigi: Brothership 39 5.56%
Marvel Vs Capcom Fighting... 41 5.84%
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond 238 33.90%
NSO games (4 Swords, Zero... 11 1.57%
Super Mario Party Jamboree 8 1.14%

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, because the trailer means it's not dead after all.

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firebush03 said:

Polls on this site feel a little useless sometimes. Last night, Metroid had a massive lead, and now Zelda has somehow swept by. (I personally voted for EoW, though it doesn’t make sense how all the sudden the game that was in third place is now in first by a wide margin.)

Looks like there was a bit of course correction lol. I will let you know that if you take out the anonymous data, there is only a four vote difference between Zelda and Metroid.

KLXVER said:
BraLoD said:

I just discovered a sequel for Phantom Brave was announced in the direct, with all those Nintendo games being the focus of talk it totally got past me.
Phantom Brave sequel is definitely the best announcement I saw this whole year, the original game is so, so good, but even Disgaea is hardly talked about, so many people just have no clue about it.
Literally can't wait for it.

The framerate looked rough on it.

Not worried since I'll be getting it on the PS5.

Edited OP with youtube videos and stats on the games at the show.

How can I possibly choose between M&L and MP4? Then throw in claymation Zelda brand new game?

No. I refuse to vote! I REFUSE!!!

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Dulfite said:

How can I possibly choose between M&L and MP4? Then throw in claymation Zelda brand new game?

No. I refuse to vote! I REFUSE!!!

I’m just glad I didn’t include Hello Kitty Island Adventure since it would have obviously taken everything else out. 

Kinda mid for me if I'm being honest. Maybe I'm just becoming a jaded old gamer and have seen it all at this point. Or maybe my (mild) depression is just making it hard for me to enjoy most things I used to :P

I am pretty excited about the New Mario Party with 100+ minigames, online play, and the return of the Western Land board game, which my friends and cousins loved playing back in the day. DKC Returns should be sweet, lends itself to handheld play (which is like 90% of my Switch play) plus I've never played the 3DS levels so those are new to me.

Beyond that, I enjoyed the first 3 Dragon Quest games on Gameboy in the early 2000s, so an Octopath-stype HD 2D remake of those should be rad. The Mario and Luigi game is a maybe. I am starting to get somewhat into Paper Mario finally, so that seems like a natural transition from that. NES comp could be fun. I just hope those challenges are more fleshed out than those bite-sized ones on the NES remix for Wii U.

And of couse.. Metroid Prime 4 at long last! Hopefully with all the time spent on it (even going back to the drawing board after it was in progress) should make it a pretty refined game. Looks pretty sleek. Very little aside from that really, the Zelda game looked kinda lame tbh. I still haven't even played Breath of the Wild 2 anyway, which suddenly is looking a lot better by comparison.

I'd say I'm the most excited about Metroid Prime 4, but Dragon Quest III and Mario Party are a close second and third.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - 6 days ago


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

I'm very surprised how few votes Mario & Luigi has. Even less than Dragon Quest III remake or Marvel vs. Capcom currently.
I thought it would be on par with the new Zelda and ahead Metroid Prime 4.

Well, the original developers of the series went bankrupt. Tells you everything about the standing of the series among Nintendo customers. (Of course, I am certain the "Switch-effect" will do wonders for sales numbers of the new game.)

Also the vote asks us to name our favourite game of the show and even if one likes Mario & Luigi, chances are that they like Zelda or Metroid even more.
It is also likely that fans of JRPGs like Dragon Quest or fans of fighting games are not that much into the Nintendo franchises, thus Dragon Quest and Mvs.C gaining more votes since they are not cannibalizing each other as much among their respective fanbases.

The poll doesn't ask us to rank the games. So in theory it could be possible that Mario & Luigi, albeit not being the first choice for most people, could be the second choice for everybody!
Yes, this is a very extreme scenario but we don't know the answer since the poll isn't asking us anything but our single favourite game.

I am surprised zelda won

The more I think of echoes of wisdom the more I want it