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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Direct, June 18, 2024, 10 AM EST


How would you rate this Nintendo Direct?

10 18 25.71%
9 28 40.00%
8 15 21.43%
7 6 8.57%
6 2 2.86%
5 0 0%
4 1 1.43%
3 0 0%
2 0 0%
1 0 0%

The bastards finished with Metroid Prime 4 ... Beyond ... For 2025 ...

It's a cross-gen title of course.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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DKC Returns HD is ok but I wanted a brand new Donkey Kong game, really want Echoes of Wisdom and Mario & Luigi Brothership, but other than that there's nothing else they've shown me so far that I'd even care about.

*sees Metroid Prime 4: Beyond*

Finally!! Metroid Prime 4 is coming!!!

I added a poll, so we could rate this Direct.

The biggest games for me come from Square Enix:
DQ3 + DQ1/2 coming next year

Those are all must play games for me.  Also, I've already ordered the Nintendo World Championship game, but the announcement was not new for me.  Other than that there were several games that looked good, but I'd put in the maybe category just because I only have so much free time.  I'd give this Direct an 8/10.

EDIT: I also plan on getting the Marvel vs Capcom collection.

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 18 June 2024

Also, I'm gonna say this. If you want to experience a SaGa game, the remake of Romancing SaGa 2 is most likely going to be the best entry, I think.

Was looking mighty fresh and with competent values for SE non-FF, KH project

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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Ok, that was pretty dope.

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2024 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues:

Nintendo | PlayStation | Multiplat

Solid 8 for me. Mario & Luigi: Brothership, The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom, DKC Returns HD, Marvel vs Capcom Collection(because of the awesome The Punisher arcade game), Metroid Prime 4 and The HD 2D Dragon Quests. Some great stuff for sure.

Sad no xenoblade chronicles X

Glad because it likely means monolith soft are focusing on something for the next gen Nintendo system

That was definitely better than I expected.

New Mario and Luigi is surprising, considering I was figuring they'd do another Mario RPG or Paper Mario. But, I still love Mario and Luigi. New Mario Party is also always welcome. Was not expecting another topdown Zelda game, especially one based on copying boxes and junk, but it looks pretty cool. Nice to see Metroid Prime 4 still exists and will be available to Switch owners.

Marvel vs Collection is probably the highlight of the show for me. Especially excited to be able to play the pre MvC2 games online.

Best conference I've seen in a long, long time. My favorite of at least this decade.
7 games I'm possibly interested in.

I'm not really a big Zelda fan. Like I grew up with them on the game boy/SNES but died off after that. I tried various ones on the DS/3DS never stuck.
That Zelda game looks amazing though. Even GOTY worthy. Not just puzzle solving but fighting in a new way etc. Genius!!

Last edited by Bandorr - 2 days ago

You are bound to love Earthbound.