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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who do you believe is the most over rated developer?

Definitely Square Enix. Square hasn't made a good game since the SNES days.

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elprincipe said:
Definitely Square Enix. Square hasn't made a good game since the SNES days.




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SpookyXJ said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The question you asked is who "is" the more over-rated, not who "was", but if I could go back, I would have to say Origin.

They made a few good games, but they made a lot of crap too.

Ahh you blaspheme. I never met a wing comander game I didnt like. Some of the ultima stuff was good too. That accounts for the majority of their titles. The good outweight the bad IMO. Times of Lore was Kinda sucky though.  You really cant blame them for anything post EA. (I'm looking at you Privateer 2)  

I was an X-Wing fan, so I hated Wing Commander. I could never tell where I was relative to everyone else, I had to rely on the radar. I did like Privateer.

Ultima was great because of the game concept, not the developers. Every one of them were "ok" graphics, yet required super high end PCs, and Ultima IX was just broken. It was so bad, it ended the development house.

Square-Enix is probably the most over-rated right now imo. Konami is slightly over hyperd, but they deliver solid games regardless.

@Griffin: No friend code? I am surprised. No really I am.

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God, I'm surprised. Square Enix and Bethsada are some of my favorite developers. And twesterm, I couldn't disagree with you more. As well as you elprinciple. Final Fantasy IX is my favorite game of all time and I can't take that hate.

OT: Team Ninja, Rare, and Capcom are my choices.

Ninja Gaiden is as great as advertised. Rare hasn't made a great game since N64. And I have never been able to get in Capcom's games. DMC, Street Fighter, Mega Man, etc are not my thing.

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Bethesda (although I hate to have to agree with Neos) - I was so hyped for Oblivion, but then was so bored and frustrated by it ... let's see what they are doing to fallout

outlawauron said:
God, I'm surprised. Square Enix and Bethsada are some of my favorite developers. And twesterm, I couldn't disagree with you more. As well as you elprinciple. Final Fantasy IX is my favorite game of all time and I can't take that hate.

OT: Team Ninja, Rare, and Capcom are my choices.

Ninja Gaiden is as great as advertised. Rare hasn't made a great game since N64. And I have never been able to get in Capcom's games. DMC, Street Fighter, Mega Man, etc are not my thing.

Ok, but what about VIII, X, X-2, XII, and even the fail that XIII is turning out to be?


And before people jump down my throat for the XIII comment, I have the feeling the game has been started and redone so many times by now that it's a bunch of poorly pieced together ideas.  I admit I very well could be wrong and I hope that I am but I'm betting I'm not.

Lafiel said:
Bethesda (although I hate to have to agree with Neos) - I was so hyped for Oblivion, but then was so bored and frustrated by it ... let's see what they are doing to fallout

Doing to Fallout is a great way to phrase it.  What they are doing to it is murdering it, then beating it, then making it into Oblivion with guns.

God I hate Bethesda.  Seroiusly, there is no developer I hate more.  There are other bad developers, but them I can ignore.  Bethesda has taken one of my favorite franchises of all time and turned it into their Oblivion style crap.

naznatips said:
Lafiel said:
Bethesda (although I hate to have to agree with Neos) - I was so hyped for Oblivion, but then was so bored and frustrated by it ... let's see what they are doing to fallout

Doing to Fallout is a great way to phrase it.  What they are doing to it is murdering it, then beating it, then making its now soulless corpse into Oblivion with guns. 

God I hate Bethesda.  Seroiusly, there is no developer I hate more.  There are other bad developers, but them I can ignore.  Bethesda has taken one of my favorite franchises of all time and turned it into their Oblivion style crap.

Fixed that for you. -_-

Bethesda. Oblivion was a piece of crap. Just watch as they butcher fallout and get critical props for it. I hate Bethesda, they deserve nothing.

Also, by denying troika the fallout ip they effectively killed off trioka. They get double plus hate from me.

EDIT lol I read the thread and noticed lots of people have said the same thing as me.

EDIT 2 who killed off Black Isles? Whoever did that deserves to be killed.