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outlawauron said:
God, I'm surprised. Square Enix and Bethsada are some of my favorite developers. And twesterm, I couldn't disagree with you more. As well as you elprinciple. Final Fantasy IX is my favorite game of all time and I can't take that hate.

OT: Team Ninja, Rare, and Capcom are my choices.

Ninja Gaiden is as great as advertised. Rare hasn't made a great game since N64. And I have never been able to get in Capcom's games. DMC, Street Fighter, Mega Man, etc are not my thing.

Ok, but what about VIII, X, X-2, XII, and even the fail that XIII is turning out to be?


And before people jump down my throat for the XIII comment, I have the feeling the game has been started and redone so many times by now that it's a bunch of poorly pieced together ideas.  I admit I very well could be wrong and I hope that I am but I'm betting I'm not.