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SpookyXJ said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The question you asked is who "is" the more over-rated, not who "was", but if I could go back, I would have to say Origin.

They made a few good games, but they made a lot of crap too.

Ahh you blaspheme. I never met a wing comander game I didnt like. Some of the ultima stuff was good too. That accounts for the majority of their titles. The good outweight the bad IMO. Times of Lore was Kinda sucky though.  You really cant blame them for anything post EA. (I'm looking at you Privateer 2)  

I was an X-Wing fan, so I hated Wing Commander. I could never tell where I was relative to everyone else, I had to rely on the radar. I did like Privateer.

Ultima was great because of the game concept, not the developers. Every one of them were "ok" graphics, yet required super high end PCs, and Ultima IX was just broken. It was so bad, it ended the development house.