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Forums - Sony Discussion - Helldivers 2 pulled from Steam in countries that don’t support PSN

The Fury said:
method114 said:

This whole situation seemed really overblown. Oh well Sony should just make it optional but give players cross progression and some rewards for signing up. Just make the rewards really worth it and that will get most of the player base to sign up.

Completely, as I'm sure that a lot of the players of HD2 on PC via Steam play(ed) Apex as well, which requires an EA account. But all those suggestions seem like seems like the good compromise. "Here's some free stuff for doing it." But the key is that if it was like it from the start (as in no issues) then there might never have been an issue and people that didn't have a PS account and bought it wouldn't have even carried on playing and just refunded.

It's the fact it was removed then added later as a forced thing was just stupid and how it was handled sounded like some idiot executive was oddly more concerned over consumer data than profit. You know, useless data of fake emails and burner accounts.

Signalstar said:

There is still an issue here. It's not fair console players have to pay a subscription to play multiplayer but PC players don't. If Sony is going to continue supporting PC like this the issue is only going to grow.

Yes, agreed. Blame MS for that though, they started it. Sony would have been stupid to not follow suit whether we like it or not.

G2ThaUNiT said:

 It would require a massive, and expensive, undertaking for Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation to change how their infrastructure functions that would allow for them to still receive the necessary funding to keep an absurd number of servers up and maintained while still making a profit. They already take losses on console sales, minus Nintendo, so idk how willing they would be to also take losses on server infrastructure. 

Valve was pretty smart in keeping themselves to just be an online store and not also a networking hub for all multiplayer games on Steam.

That or game costs go up. Again. And people are very against that even though in the modern gaming era where game costs are more expensive than ever. With massive teams to fund, server costs etc, seems the best way of maintaining those costs is subbed online.

MS, Nintendo and Sony do add a lot of features for this price though, free games, cloud storage, share play (only PS right?) which PC does not have.

My friend recently booted up the PS4 version of Last Of Us that was free on PS+ and imported his PS3 saves from like a decade ago.

The funny thing is I read it was removed because of the server issues. There are some people on Steam who already had their account linked because it was there day 1 and later removed. It's hilarious because Sony removed it to help the users out and then get spit on when trying to add it back.

Around the Network
method114 said:
The Fury said:

Completely, as I'm sure that a lot of the players of HD2 on PC via Steam play(ed) Apex as well, which requires an EA account. But all those suggestions seem like seems like the good compromise. "Here's some free stuff for doing it." But the key is that if it was like it from the start (as in no issues) then there might never have been an issue and people that didn't have a PS account and bought it wouldn't have even carried on playing and just refunded.

It's the fact it was removed then added later as a forced thing was just stupid and how it was handled sounded like some idiot executive was oddly more concerned over consumer data than profit. You know, useless data of fake emails and burner accounts.

Signalstar said:

There is still an issue here. It's not fair console players have to pay a subscription to play multiplayer but PC players don't. If Sony is going to continue supporting PC like this the issue is only going to grow.

Yes, agreed. Blame MS for that though, they started it. Sony would have been stupid to not follow suit whether we like it or not.

That or game costs go up. Again. And people are very against that even though in the modern gaming era where game costs are more expensive than ever. With massive teams to fund, server costs etc, seems the best way of maintaining those costs is subbed online.

MS, Nintendo and Sony do add a lot of features for this price though, free games, cloud storage, share play (only PS right?) which PC does not have.

My friend recently booted up the PS4 version of Last Of Us that was free on PS+ and imported his PS3 saves from like a decade ago.

The funny thing is I read it was removed because of the server issues. There are some people on Steam who already had their account linked because it was there day 1 and later removed. It's hilarious because Sony removed it to help the users out and then get spit on when trying to add it back.

Yeah, those who were able to link their accounts were in countries where PSN was supported. That really wasn't the issue since hundreds of online games use the exact same system. Unfortunately, well over 100 countries did NOT support PSN and yet Helldivers 2 was still being sold in those 100+ countries knowing this was going to be an issue when the server issues were eventually resolved. 

I'd prefer not to downplay this issue because it was a massive oversight where instead of working on the issue, Sony just pulled the game from those 100+ countries. At least Sony can use this as a learning experience. 

G2ThaUNiT said:
method114 said:

The funny thing is I read it was removed because of the server issues. There are some people on Steam who already had their account linked because it was there day 1 and later removed. It's hilarious because Sony removed it to help the users out and then get spit on when trying to add it back.

Yeah, those who were able to link their accounts were in countries where PSN was supported. That really wasn't the issue since hundreds of online games use the exact same system. Unfortunately, well over 100 countries did NOT support PSN and yet Helldivers 2 was still being sold in those 100+ countries knowing this was going to be an issue when the server issues were eventually resolved. 

I'd prefer not to downplay this issue because it was a massive oversight where instead of working on the issue, Sony just pulled the game from those 100+ countries. At least Sony can use this as a learning experience. 

Yes the 100 countries was also another thing people were bringing up. Which IMO is a legitimate complaint.

The linking your account in general was also a big part of the issue here. I saw tons of reviews and people saying "I don't want to link my account to PSN." Then they were posting the past hacks that Sony was a victim of. In fact the 100 countries thing was a small part of the complaints from what I saw. 

method114 said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

Yeah, those who were able to link their accounts were in countries where PSN was supported. That really wasn't the issue since hundreds of online games use the exact same system. Unfortunately, well over 100 countries did NOT support PSN and yet Helldivers 2 was still being sold in those 100+ countries knowing this was going to be an issue when the server issues were eventually resolved. 

I'd prefer not to downplay this issue because it was a massive oversight where instead of working on the issue, Sony just pulled the game from those 100+ countries. At least Sony can use this as a learning experience. 

Yes the 100 countries was also another thing people were bringing up. Which IMO is a legitimate complaint.

The linking your account in general was also a big part of the issue here. I saw tons of reviews and people saying "I don't want to link my account to PSN." Then they were posting the past hacks that Sony was a victim of. In fact the 100 countries thing was a small part of the complaints from what I saw. 

Those that were complaining about account linking was definitely overblown. If you're playing Halo, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, etc. then you've linked a 3rd party account to play. Hell, some of these games require an entirely separate launcher while you're playing a game on Steam. Ubisoft and EA do this often. 

I did see some of those and just rolled my eyes, but I primarily saw a lot of people that were talking about how many dozens and hundreds of hours they put in the game that they wouldn't be able to play anymore because it wouldn't just be a matter of creating a different region PSN account (which you're already getting screwed over because you've now lost all your unlocked cosmetics) but your Steam account would have to be part of that region you select as well. Which Steam limits how often you can change your region. Only once every 3 months specifically to deter stuff like this, and even in order to buy battle passes, etc. you would need access to that regions local currency and a verifiable billing address in that region. 

So while there was a vocal online base, petty ones at that, there were always going to be more real-world individuals affected than the minority complaining online. 

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 06 May 2024

Chrkeller said:

Not surprised. 60 fps takes a large memory bandwidth, 120 fps even more so. I think the series x and ps5 are around 450 gb/s. The 4090 is 1000 gb/s. Consoles can't do high graphics and high fps.

G2ThaUNiT said:
Signalstar said:

There is still an issue here. It's not fair console players have to pay a subscription to play multiplayer but PC players don't. If Sony is going to continue supporting PC like this the issue is only going to grow.

Idk if that's ever going to change. On PC, the developer/publisher is responsible in providing the servers for their games and only their games. They also aren't paying money towards dev kits or anything like that, so the cost to put your game on PC is free allowing for additional funds to pay for your own online infrastructure. A storefront like Steam is all that it is, a storefront. Valve does offer additional services like anti-cheat but Steam is primarily just a place to put and sell your game on.

Whereas on console, the platform holder is who builds and maintains the online infrastructure for ALL online games that are available on that platform. 

So on PC, Arrowhead and/or Sony front the bill for the servers for Helldivers 2. On PS5, console players front the bill for the servers for Helldivers 2, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six: Siege, NBA 2K, Fall Guys, Monster Hunter, etc. etc. etc. 

It would require a massive, and expensive, undertaking for Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation to change how their infrastructure functions that would allow for them to still receive the necessary funding to keep an absurd number of servers up and maintained while still making a profit. They already take losses on console sales, minus Nintendo, so idk how willing they would be to also take losses on server infrastructure. 

Valve was pretty smart in keeping themselves to just be an online store and not also a networking hub for all multiplayer games on Steam.

This just is not true. not at all. each game has their own servers or direct ip connections etc Sony or MS is not doing anything different then steam....

Around the Network
The Fury said:
method114 said:

This whole situation seemed really overblown. Oh well Sony should just make it optional but give players cross progression and some rewards for signing up. Just make the rewards really worth it and that will get most of the player base to sign up.

Completely, as I'm sure that a lot of the players of HD2 on PC via Steam play(ed) Apex as well, which requires an EA account. But all those suggestions seem like seems like the good compromise. "Here's some free stuff for doing it." But the key is that if it was like it from the start (as in no issues) then there might never have been an issue and people that didn't have a PS account and bought it wouldn't have even carried on playing and just refunded.

It's the fact it was removed then added later as a forced thing was just stupid and how it was handled sounded like some idiot executive was oddly more concerned over consumer data than profit. You know, useless data of fake emails and burner accounts.

Signalstar said:

There is still an issue here. It's not fair console players have to pay a subscription to play multiplayer but PC players don't. If Sony is going to continue supporting PC like this the issue is only going to grow.

Yes, agreed. Blame MS for that though, they started it. Sony would have been stupid to not follow suit whether we like it or not.

G2ThaUNiT said:

 It would require a massive, and expensive, undertaking for Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation to change how their infrastructure functions that would allow for them to still receive the necessary funding to keep an absurd number of servers up and maintained while still making a profit. They already take losses on console sales, minus Nintendo, so idk how willing they would be to also take losses on server infrastructure. 

Valve was pretty smart in keeping themselves to just be an online store and not also a networking hub for all multiplayer games on Steam.

That or game costs go up. Again. And people are very against that even though in the modern gaming era where game costs are more expensive than ever. With massive teams to fund, server costs etc, seems the best way of maintaining those costs is subbed online.

MS, Nintendo and Sony do add a lot of features for this price though, free games, cloud storage, share play (only PS right?) which PC does not have.

My friend recently booted up the PS4 version of Last Of Us that was free on PS+ and imported his PS3 saves from like a decade ago.

This is also not true. Epic games gives free games every month for nothing, steam and gog does it sometimes too.

Epic games and steam all have cloud saves.

So what exactly is people paying for on consoles?. online should be free the extras should be optional. but i do blame ms for this, sony just seen how much money they was making and joined in now Nintendo too

zero129 said:
Chrkeller said:

Not surprised. 60 fps takes a large memory bandwidth, 120 fps even more so. I think the series x and ps5 are around 450 gb/s. The 4090 is 1000 gb/s. Consoles can't do high graphics and high fps.

G2ThaUNiT said:

Idk if that's ever going to change. On PC, the developer/publisher is responsible in providing the servers for their games and only their games. They also aren't paying money towards dev kits or anything like that, so the cost to put your game on PC is free allowing for additional funds to pay for your own online infrastructure. A storefront like Steam is all that it is, a storefront. Valve does offer additional services like anti-cheat but Steam is primarily just a place to put and sell your game on.

Whereas on console, the platform holder is who builds and maintains the online infrastructure for ALL online games that are available on that platform. 

So on PC, Arrowhead and/or Sony front the bill for the servers for Helldivers 2. On PS5, console players front the bill for the servers for Helldivers 2, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six: Siege, NBA 2K, Fall Guys, Monster Hunter, etc. etc. etc. 

It would require a massive, and expensive, undertaking for Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation to change how their infrastructure functions that would allow for them to still receive the necessary funding to keep an absurd number of servers up and maintained while still making a profit. They already take losses on console sales, minus Nintendo, so idk how willing they would be to also take losses on server infrastructure. 

Valve was pretty smart in keeping themselves to just be an online store and not also a networking hub for all multiplayer games on Steam.

This just is not true. not at all. each game has their own servers or direct ip connections etc Sony or MS is not doing anything different then steam....

Really? That's how I've always understood it when I've seen developer AMA's over the years when the question is brought up. Like it's what allowed for Xbox to fix the older CoD game servers last year but it had no affect on the PlayStation versions of the games. 

zero129 said:
The Fury said:

Completely, as I'm sure that a lot of the players of HD2 on PC via Steam play(ed) Apex as well, which requires an EA account. But all those suggestions seem like seems like the good compromise. "Here's some free stuff for doing it." But the key is that if it was like it from the start (as in no issues) then there might never have been an issue and people that didn't have a PS account and bought it wouldn't have even carried on playing and just refunded.

It's the fact it was removed then added later as a forced thing was just stupid and how it was handled sounded like some idiot executive was oddly more concerned over consumer data than profit. You know, useless data of fake emails and burner accounts.

Signalstar said:

There is still an issue here. It's not fair console players have to pay a subscription to play multiplayer but PC players don't. If Sony is going to continue supporting PC like this the issue is only going to grow.

Yes, agreed. Blame MS for that though, they started it. Sony would have been stupid to not follow suit whether we like it or not.

That or game costs go up. Again. And people are very against that even though in the modern gaming era where game costs are more expensive than ever. With massive teams to fund, server costs etc, seems the best way of maintaining those costs is subbed online.

MS, Nintendo and Sony do add a lot of features for this price though, free games, cloud storage, share play (only PS right?) which PC does not have.

My friend recently booted up the PS4 version of Last Of Us that was free on PS+ and imported his PS3 saves from like a decade ago.

This is also not true. Epic games gives free games every month for nothing, steam and gog does it sometimes too.

Epic games and steam all have cloud saves.

So what exactly is people paying for on consoles?. online should be free the extras should be optional. but i do blame ms for this, sony just seen how much money they was making and joined in now Nintendo too

Yeah with the extra features offered, things really aren't going to change on the console side of things. 

G2ThaUNiT said:
zero129 said:

G2ThaUNiT said:

Idk if that's ever going to change. On PC, the developer/publisher is responsible in providing the servers for their games and only their games. They also aren't paying money towards dev kits or anything like that, so the cost to put your game on PC is free allowing for additional funds to pay for your own online infrastructure. A storefront like Steam is all that it is, a storefront. Valve does offer additional services like anti-cheat but Steam is primarily just a place to put and sell your game on.

Whereas on console, the platform holder is who builds and maintains the online infrastructure for ALL online games that are available on that platform. 

So on PC, Arrowhead and/or Sony front the bill for the servers for Helldivers 2. On PS5, console players front the bill for the servers for Helldivers 2, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six: Siege, NBA 2K, Fall Guys, Monster Hunter, etc. etc. etc. 

It would require a massive, and expensive, undertaking for Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation to change how their infrastructure functions that would allow for them to still receive the necessary funding to keep an absurd number of servers up and maintained while still making a profit. They already take losses on console sales, minus Nintendo, so idk how willing they would be to also take losses on server infrastructure. 

Valve was pretty smart in keeping themselves to just be an online store and not also a networking hub for all multiplayer games on Steam.

This just is not true. not at all. each game has their own servers or direct ip connections etc Sony or MS is not doing anything different then steam....

Really? That's how I've always understood it when I've seen developer AMA's over the years when the question is brought up. Like it's what allowed for Xbox to fix the older CoD game servers last year but it had no affect on the PlayStation versions of the games. 

Console makers have always had excuses for why online on console should be paid for compared to pc and other systems at the time where it was free.

360 days excuse was look at how you have friends all across your games and whatever else compared to ps3's free online while ignoring how pc was doing things like this for years.

zero129 said:

This is also not true. Epic games gives free games every month for nothing, steam and gog does it sometimes too.

Epic games and steam all have cloud saves.

So what exactly is people paying for on consoles?. online should be free the extras should be optional. but i do blame ms for this, sony just seen how much money they was making and joined in now Nintendo too

I shouldn't have said "Free" I should have said "games included with the sub".

I know there are things like this but it just gave them out. EA used to give out free games too on Origin (I got ME2 and DA:O from it), they have a service now, so probs never will again. And I've over the years received many games from both Steam and PSN for nothing (not just PS+, literal freebies) just because they gave them. Epic seemed to do it because they were trying to get people on their service/market place, to move away from Steam. Are they still doing it? The free games per month?

In reality and answer to your question? No idea really. Infrastructure is all I can answer.

But how that works with the idea of F2P games not needing it? Heck, Google and MS just give people free cloud storage.

Although I do think the Share Play feature Playstation does is amazing.

I do wonder, if next gen, Sony came out and said "We are charging more for our games but we will no longer require PS+" to play online, I do think there will still be a bunch of people moaning that they are paying more for games.

Hmm, pie.