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method114 said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

Yeah, those who were able to link their accounts were in countries where PSN was supported. That really wasn't the issue since hundreds of online games use the exact same system. Unfortunately, well over 100 countries did NOT support PSN and yet Helldivers 2 was still being sold in those 100+ countries knowing this was going to be an issue when the server issues were eventually resolved. 

I'd prefer not to downplay this issue because it was a massive oversight where instead of working on the issue, Sony just pulled the game from those 100+ countries. At least Sony can use this as a learning experience. 

Yes the 100 countries was also another thing people were bringing up. Which IMO is a legitimate complaint.

The linking your account in general was also a big part of the issue here. I saw tons of reviews and people saying "I don't want to link my account to PSN." Then they were posting the past hacks that Sony was a victim of. In fact the 100 countries thing was a small part of the complaints from what I saw. 

Those that were complaining about account linking was definitely overblown. If you're playing Halo, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, etc. then you've linked a 3rd party account to play. Hell, some of these games require an entirely separate launcher while you're playing a game on Steam. Ubisoft and EA do this often. 

I did see some of those and just rolled my eyes, but I primarily saw a lot of people that were talking about how many dozens and hundreds of hours they put in the game that they wouldn't be able to play anymore because it wouldn't just be a matter of creating a different region PSN account (which you're already getting screwed over because you've now lost all your unlocked cosmetics) but your Steam account would have to be part of that region you select as well. Which Steam limits how often you can change your region. Only once every 3 months specifically to deter stuff like this, and even in order to buy battle passes, etc. you would need access to that regions local currency and a verifiable billing address in that region. 

So while there was a vocal online base, petty ones at that, there were always going to be more real-world individuals affected than the minority complaining online. 

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 06 May 2024