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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

That's you. Most people i know that are casuals loved GTA6 and it's a day one for them, as the games that came before GTAV they were doing 20-30 million even with deep discounts, so there is no comparison,  when GTA6 releases  and if its great everyone is gonna be taking about it.

That's the general market actually, we can look at GTA5's sales and see most of its sales came after its first 3 years on the market, especially when it was heavily discounted. 

GTAV didn't sell like 50 million units in year 1 + 2. 

Either way it has nothing to do with Nintendo, it's like saying Taylor Swift has a concert movie coming out, and because Taylor Swift is so popular, Nintendo should have moved the Super Mario Bros. The Movie right out of the same year, lol, it's just nonsensical line of logic, and by the way the GTAIV people who thought it would "kill the Wii!" were goddamn hilarious on their meltdowns on this board. 

Nintendo's hardware or software appeal has nothing to do with GTA, if it did they never would be on track to sell 160+ million hardware units. 

Nintendo had everything go right for them that's why they sold 160 million the chances of even hitting 140 million again are slim to none. This time things will be more more difficult and they probably coming out at the worst time with the switch 2. 

I mean thats what people said about nintendo that they don't compete with sony and xbox but they cleary do, when the biggest game ever is coming out near your system launch i'm sure it won't effect sales at all and pigs fly as well.

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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

That's the general market actually, we can look at GTA5's sales and see most of its sales came after its first 3 years on the market, especially when it was heavily discounted. 

GTAV didn't sell like 50 million units in year 1 + 2. 

Either way it has nothing to do with Nintendo, it's like saying Taylor Swift has a concert movie coming out, and because Taylor Swift is so popular, Nintendo should have moved the Super Mario Bros. The Movie right out of the same year, lol, it's just nonsensical line of logic, and by the way the GTAIV people who thought it would "kill the Wii!" were goddamn hilarious on their meltdowns on this board. 

Nintendo's hardware or software appeal has nothing to do with GTA, if it did they never would be on track to sell 160+ million hardware units. 

Nintendo had everything go right for them that's why they sold 160 million the chances of even hitting 140 million again are slim to none. This time things will be more more difficult and they probably coming out at the worst time with the switch 2. 

I mean thats what people said about nintendo that they don't compete with sony and xbox but they cleary do, when the biggest game ever is coming out near your system launch i'm sure it won't effect sales at all and pigs fly as well.

COVID boost was nice, but they didn't have "everything go right". No COD, no Madden NFL, no main line Final Fantasy, no Monster Hunter World (got the spin off instead and sold a ton anyway, but still). Those are all areas they can improve on. 

They could even get all of Microsoft's IPs this gen too, something the Switch 1 didn't fully benefit from, that's a stroke of nice timing for the Switch 2. Halo and Forza and Sea of Theives and HiFi Rush could fill out nice supporting niches on the Nintendo ecosystem whereas Sony already has major games in all those genres so it's not really as big of a deal in some ways. 

I don't think the Switch 1 got the full impact of what Nintendo's movie slate is going to be either, Mario movie came out very late in the Switch's product cycle, Switch 2 could enjoy things like the release of the live action Legend of Zelda, Super Mario 2 movie, maybe even Smash Bros. event film, etc. Those are going to be multiple surges in interest for Nintendo characters, not just a one off boost. Also the opening of further theme park attractions. 

GTA has no impact on that either way though, Switch 2 will sell what it sells, it has nothing to do with Switch 2 anymore than the Taylor Swift concert movie impacted the hype for a Mario movie or yearly COD games impact the Switch hardware and sales of their software. You're trying to create a false equivalence thinking one impacts the other, when is nothing tying those two things together at all. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Nintendo had everything go right for them that's why they sold 160 million the chances of even hitting 140 million again are slim to none. This time things will be more more difficult and they probably coming out at the worst time with the switch 2. 

I mean thats what people said about nintendo that they don't compete with sony and xbox but they cleary do, when the biggest game ever is coming out near your system launch i'm sure it won't effect sales at all and pigs fly as well.

COVID boost was nice, but they didn't have "everything go right". No COD, no Madden NFL, no main line Final Fantasy, no Monster Hunter World (got the spin off instead and sold a ton anyway, but still). Those are all areas they can improve on. 

They could even get all of Microsoft's IPs this gen too, something the Switch 1 didn't fully benefit from, that's a stroke of nice timing for the Switch 2. Halo and Forza and Sea of Theives and HiFi Rush could fill out nice supporting niches on the Nintendo ecosystem whereas Sony already has major games in all those genres so it's not really as big of a deal in some ways. 

I don't think the Switch 1 got the full impact of what Nintendo's movie slate is going to be either, Mario movie came out very late in the Switch's product cycle, Switch 2 could enjoy things like the release of the live action Legend of Zelda, Super Mario 2 movie, maybe even Smash Bros. event film, etc. Those are going to be multiple surges in interest for Nintendo characters, not just a one off boost. 

GTA has no impact on that either way though, Switch 2 will sell what it sells, it has nothing to do with Switch 2 anymore than the Taylor Swift concert movie impacted the Mario movie or yearly COD games impact the Switch hardware and sales of their software. 

Comparing 10$ movies to people buying spending 550$ for a console and games is ridiculous, and honestly doubt anyone is buying a switch for madden or cod those won't do anything for switch2. final fantasy is becoming irrelevant, monster hunter wilds if it even releases on switch 2 will help. 

You wanna talk about thing going right for switch they basically got huge list of massive games from the dead wiiu, that was massive. first hybrid system ever and the best timing ever for a console release when everyone was getting free money and caused inflation up the ass.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

COVID boost was nice, but they didn't have "everything go right". No COD, no Madden NFL, no main line Final Fantasy, no Monster Hunter World (got the spin off instead and sold a ton anyway, but still). Those are all areas they can improve on. 

They could even get all of Microsoft's IPs this gen too, something the Switch 1 didn't fully benefit from, that's a stroke of nice timing for the Switch 2. Halo and Forza and Sea of Theives and HiFi Rush could fill out nice supporting niches on the Nintendo ecosystem whereas Sony already has major games in all those genres so it's not really as big of a deal in some ways. 

I don't think the Switch 1 got the full impact of what Nintendo's movie slate is going to be either, Mario movie came out very late in the Switch's product cycle, Switch 2 could enjoy things like the release of the live action Legend of Zelda, Super Mario 2 movie, maybe even Smash Bros. event film, etc. Those are going to be multiple surges in interest for Nintendo characters, not just a one off boost. 

GTA has no impact on that either way though, Switch 2 will sell what it sells, it has nothing to do with Switch 2 anymore than the Taylor Swift concert movie impacted the Mario movie or yearly COD games impact the Switch hardware and sales of their software. 

Comparing 10$ movies to people buying spending 550$ for a console and games is ridiculous, and honestly doubt anyone is buying a switch for madden or cod those won't do anything for switch2.

Nintendo owns the franchises that will sell the Switch 2. They don't need to ask for anyone's help, those other 3rd party IP will just create a more robust and fuller overall library of games, likely faster than the Switch 1 too, that's all, which is a nice plus to have. Monster Hunter 6 will help adoption in Japan, that will be nice. Madden NFL will let a lot of NFL fans enjoy the series on the go. That's all nice and good. 

Nintendo doesn't need any of it, nor is there anything on Sony or MS platforms or PC platform that will stop the Switch 1 or 2 from selling whatever it's going to sell. All of that boils down to how Nintendo executes on their strengths, there's not a goddamn thing anyone else in the industry gonna do about it. 

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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Comparing 10$ movies to people buying spending 550$ for a console and games is ridiculous, and honestly doubt anyone is buying a switch for madden or cod those won't do anything for switch2.

Nintendo owns the franchises that will sell the Switch 2. They don't need to ask for anyone's help, those other 3rd party IP will just create a more robust and fuller overall library of games, likely faster than the Switch 1 too, that's all, which is a nice plus to have. Monster Hunter 6 will help adoption in Japan, that will be nice. Madden NFL will let a lot of NFL fans enjoy the series on the go. That's all nice and good. 

Nintendo doesn't need any of it, nor is there anything on Sony or MS platforms or PC platform that will stop the Switch 1 or 2 from selling whatever it's going to sell. All of that boils down to how Nintendo executes on their strengths, there's not a goddamn thing anyone else in the industry gonna do about it. 

See my post above yours but well see how it plays out.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Nintendo owns the franchises that will sell the Switch 2. They don't need to ask for anyone's help, those other 3rd party IP will just create a more robust and fuller overall library of games, likely faster than the Switch 1 too, that's all, which is a nice plus to have. Monster Hunter 6 will help adoption in Japan, that will be nice. Madden NFL will let a lot of NFL fans enjoy the series on the go. That's all nice and good. 

Nintendo doesn't need any of it, nor is there anything on Sony or MS platforms or PC platform that will stop the Switch 1 or 2 from selling whatever it's going to sell. All of that boils down to how Nintendo executes on their strengths, there's not a goddamn thing anyone else in the industry gonna do about it. 

See my post above yours but well see how it plays out.

No we won't see how it plays out, because it's a dumb premise to begin with and no one is going to remember your posts here in a week let alone 18 months from now. 

No one but you and maybe two other people on planet earth think GTAVI and Switch 2's performance are some how intertwined with each other in any meaningful way. How Switch 2 performs depends wholly on Nintendo's execution on their strengths, there's no one else in the business that has any impact over that. 

You're just desperately throwing this straw man argument out because you didn't like the comments about Sony making PC titles could cause Playstation to decline as a brand (which actually could happen) and you don't like it when it's pointed out that the PS-XBox audience hasn't been growing for like 15-20 years now (which is factual, statistical truth). 

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

See my post above yours but well see how it plays out.

No we won't see how it plays out, because it's a dumb premise to begin with and no one is going to remember your posts here in a week let alone 18 months from now. 

No one but you and maybe two other people on planet earth think GTAVI has anything to do with Switch 2 directly. How Switch 2 performs depends wholly on Nintendo's execution on their strengths, there's no one else in the business that has any impact over that. 

This is dumb take if switch comes out with huge hits right off the bat like BOTW it will effect ps5 sales it's as simple as that even now switch is effecting ps5 and especially xbox sales. these consoles are all competing for people's time and money and GTA6 is the biggest thing ever how can you say it won't effect switch 2 sales lol.

I see all console sales declining and PC taking over it's the best bang for your money lol.

I'm curious to see if competitors like the Deck, Go, Ally and Claw impact S2 sales. Don't get me wrong I wholly think the S2 will do well, but I don't view Nintendo as some sort of invincible diety.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Here's another statistical fact, sales of "traditional consoles" (ie: Playstation, XBox) have declined since GTAV released, not gone up. GTAV came out at the very tail end of the PS3-360, PS2 era was pre-GTAIV/V.

PS2 + XBox  = 185 million units (pre GTAV)

PS3 + XBox 360 = 173 million units (GTAV released late)

PS4 + XB1 = 175 million units (GTAV available all gen)

There's not really anything above that suggest GTAV onwards we've seen any kind of massive console sales growth. The largest "traditional" console generation was the PS2 era, 20+ years ago and no XBox or Playstation console has even topped 125 million since then, let alone 150 million. 

We're not in the golden age of non-mobile console sales that was like 20+ years ago past. I have serious doubts the PS5 + XBS are going to hit 175 million even. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024