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Here's another statistical fact, sales of "traditional consoles" (ie: Playstation, XBox) have declined since GTAV released, not gone up. GTAV came out at the very tail end of the PS3-360, PS2 era was pre-GTAIV/V.

PS2 + XBox  = 185 million units (pre GTAV)

PS3 + XBox 360 = 173 million units (GTAV released late)

PS4 + XB1 = 175 million units (GTAV available all gen)

There's not really anything above that suggest GTAV onwards we've seen any kind of massive console sales growth. The largest "traditional" console generation was the PS2 era, 20+ years ago and no XBox or Playstation console has even topped 125 million since then, let alone 150 million. 

We're not in the golden age of non-mobile console sales that was like 20+ years ago past. I have serious doubts the PS5 + XBS are going to hit 175 million even. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024