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Forums - Sony Discussion - So how about that STELLAR BLADE demo? Any thoughts?

The gameplay was simple but decent and very polished, and the soundtrack is great. It's scoring as I predicted it would. Sucks that the actually cool character dies right at the prologue, though, and you're left with [REDACTED].






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Looks cool, reminds me of stuff like Bayonetta and Nier Automata.

Kinda wanna support it too just to stick it to the pearl-clutching puritans whining about Eve being sexy.

curl-6 said:

the pearl-clutching puritans whining about Eve being sexy.

Those aren't the ones trying to get it cancelled, though.  It's a different group entirely.  

Otherwise, yeah, I kind of wish it was on PC for the same reason.  Also, it would be really nice to see Korean developers take a step forward in this segment of the gaming industry.

pokoko said:
curl-6 said:

the pearl-clutching puritans whining about Eve being sexy.

Those aren't the ones trying to get it cancelled, though.  It's a different group entirely.  

I know it's the left rather than the right who's crying about it, but to me it's still the same repressive nonsense, just now wearing a different hat. 

Cancel culture and repression are trash regardless of whether it's being pushed by conservatives or leftists.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 25 April 2024

curl-6 said:
pokoko said:

Those aren't the ones trying to get it cancelled, though.  It's a different group entirely.  

I know it's the left rather than the right who's crying about it, but to me it's still the same repressive nonsense, just now wearing a different hat. 

Cancel culture and repression are trash regardless of whether it's being pushed by conservatives or leftists.


I'm a little on the fence with this game. Looks kind of cool, but is it too hard for me? Is it a soulslike? I'm not into soulslikes, they just frustrate me with the repetition. I'm not good at precision dodging and parrying, so there needs to be some room for error and simple fun.

At least there seems to be a coherent plot and narrative to drive the whole thing, instead of some vague gobbledygook.

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Haven't played it but if it gets a PC release, likely day 1. Looks like bayo meets sekiro.


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