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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

My views on Islam gets me branded as an Islamophobe these days, a meaningless term the modern left has helped greatly contributed to its power. My similar views on other religions, including Christianity, don't get me similar harsh responses. That said, I have no delusions about the right, they are the bigger cancel culture force around the world and there are too many examples for this just from the past few months on several key issues.

By no means what I'm not going to say scientific so please do not pass it on because I don't have any evidence to back up; but I FEEL when the left indulges in cancel culture, it's coming from a more noble place and an attempt to come off as "nice and tolerant" as opposed to the right attempts at cancellations that are mostly rooted in impinging on someone else's freedoms because..... religion said so.

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Chrkeller said:
the-pi-guy said:

Same here. 
I feel like it'd be worse to have a Biden sticker. 

Heck, some people who are probably going to vote for Biden would probably still think it was weird to have a sticker. 

Even at the workplace?  At the workplace Trump support is a no go, at least in my experience.  Around the neighborhood is a different story.  

Absolutely, I’ve only worked in blue collar, manual labor jobs, for about 5 years I worked in manufacturing then about 7 years in construction and for the last 3 years in the street department for a municipality. Every factory, job site & crew I’ve worked on has overwhelmingly been filled with people who are vocally conservative.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Some of those things I think are going to be regional, or even specialty specific. 

Being an IT person in the California is going to be different from being a manufacturing worker in the Midwest. 

I don't believe any of these things are exclusive to the left. I think the big issue is that left vs right have different things they care about. 

Florida Teacher Fired Over LGBTQ+ Pride Flag Lesson

Jenks Public Schools teacher alleges he was fired for displaying rainbow pride flags in his classroom

Waukesha teacher suspended for rainbow flag

I'm not sure how accurate that second story is, but these are a few that I found. 

There might be some differences in how these things are being administered. I don't think that left-wingers are pushing laws like the ones that conservatives pushed in Florida. 

I'm not a big believer in any of this though. I think in a better world that we'd be able to have conversations and convince people when they do something wrong. 

But we also don't particularly live in that world, so I digress. But it's still the standard I try to aim for. 

Makes sense. I've only worked white collar science rolls. Certainly very liberal.


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zorg1000 said:
Jumpin said:

I'll add Roseanne Barr.
I don't agree with what she's said, but I think the result is much worse and sadder than the direction this could have gone. Because a humbled Roseanne Barr who is allowed to express humility and is rewarded/incentivized to get the psychiatric and psychological help she needs, is ultimately better for her and her fans than ostracism. As it stands, she's been made into a voice for the most insane part of the extremists who reward and encourage her insanity.

And if I may rant on some of the off-topic stuff said in this thread.

I'll also add that just because a person did some sexually devious thing doesn't mean they should be banished from society - but rather they should be encouraged to accept a prescribed set of consequences, and then be allowed to return, even if with probation. The #MeToo movement was necessary because there was a lot of shit that needed to be fixed. But the mob backed punishments (as opposed to the legal punishments) were unjust. Should guys like Louis CK and Kevin Spacey have been eternally damned because they misunderstood their boundaries (perhaps alcohol fuelled) and engaged in misconduct? These guys are a far cry from Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby, but the mob burned them with the same torch on the same stake (I think Louis CK has since escaped). I think responses have to be measured.

It has to be added that this mob response are the same stupid people who attack and harass actors, directors, musicians, and producers over disagreements on a work of art - mostly trivial - but these people have only one volume, maximum. Because the mob isn't led by their best and brightest, but those who best embody the values of their lowest common denominator; that's why all these anti-fans of recent Star Wars films, Rings of Power, Game of Thrones, Witcher, various singers/bands (mostly black women), books/authors of books about sex and race, etc... seem like a bunch of fucking idiots to everyone who isn't brainwashed by mob-mentality. I brought this up because this same dynamic of stupidity that's judge and jury of celebrities right now. That's why celebrities probably need legal rights and legal freedoms that protect them against the stupidity of an enraged mob with the power to destroy their lives.

I can see your point about rehabilitation but a big part of it comes down to the individual. When people like Gina Carano & Roseanne got fired from their shows for sharing bigoted views, did either of them apologize, admit what they said was wrong, do any soul searching and realize the things they said were hurtful…….or did they complain about being cancelled and double down?

And I don’t mean a single apology video in the direct aftermath but actually taking the time to show they are truly sorry and have changed?

Yes, Roseanne did apologize. It did no good. There were no pathways or options to save her show, she was only met with hatred by those who call themselves “progressive”. In fact, I’m fairly sure they didn’t care about anything Roseanne said, they just wanted blood.

The result of her ostracism is that she went toward those who were forgiving of her instead of getting help for her mental situation. Those are the reactionaries, and she became a martyr for them . Now she’s a voice for the right, and slipping further into the pit of mental illness. What happened to Roseanne was not justice.

I believe the world of media would have been a better place without her cancellation and ostracism—instead accepting her apology, giving her a path to redemption, and the incentive to get better psychiatric and psychological help. At the very least, she would have likely been healthier than she is today. I’ve seen some recent videos, and they make me sad. And the more callous individuals on the left seem happy to see her in that state as they bash her further.

This was not only unjust, but what happened was the worst outcome.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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sundin13 said:
BFR said:

Probably no one.  I didn't vote in either 2020 or 2016. 2012 was the last time I did.

Alright, so not supporting Trump, but still somewhat enabling him. 

Look, years ago I realized that no matter who won the POTUS election, my life would be no different.

This election year, my major issue is aid to Ukraine, and on that one, I would vote for Biden (and I have always been a Reagan Republican) if I decide to go out and vote versus staying home, getting drunk, and watching the results pour in. Nov. is a long ways away.

Also, I challenge anyone in this forum to explain to all of us how your life would be different if Trump won or if Biden won. Mine would be no different.

BFR said:
sundin13 said:

Alright, so not supporting Trump, but still somewhat enabling him. 

Look, years ago I realized that no matter who won the POTUS election, my life would be no different.

This election year, my major issue is aid to Ukraine, and on that one, I would vote for Biden (and I have always been a Reagan Republican) if I decide to go out and vote versus staying home, getting drunk, and watching the results pour in. Nov. is a long ways away.

Also, I challenge anyone in this forum to explain to all of us how your life would be different if Trump won or if Biden won. Mine would be no different.

"How would this effect me?" is a supremely selfish way of looking at things. I'm like you in that either way, my life likely won't change too much but I realize that I'm lucky in a lot of ways. 

I'm not a woman, so I don't have as many concerns about losing my right to choose and make my own healthcare decisions (though those concerns still exist).

I'm not trans, so I don't have to worry about losing my access to gender affirming healthcare or protection against discrimination.

I don't have any significant medical conditions, so I don't really have to worry about what happens to my coverage if the ACA is dismantled.

I'm not gay, so I don't have to worry about losing the right to marry.

I'm not poor so I don't need to worry about losing my access to food stamps.

I'm not in college so I don't have to worry about the dismantling of aid programs like Public Service Loan Forgiveness. 

I am technically an immigrant, but luckily I have legal residency so I don't need to worry about being deported or my family being deported.

No one can really say what will happen in a second Trump presidency, but the stakes are high for a lot of people

Well then, let's hear it from those people. They can speak for themselves.

Oh, one more thing, I just got on food stamps (SNAP as they call it today) last month. Oh gosh, I hope I don't lose my benefits, what will I do then?

Jumpin said:
zorg1000 said:

I can see your point about rehabilitation but a big part of it comes down to the individual. When people like Gina Carano & Roseanne got fired from their shows for sharing bigoted views, did either of them apologize, admit what they said was wrong, do any soul searching and realize the things they said were hurtful…….or did they complain about being cancelled and double down?

And I don’t mean a single apology video in the direct aftermath but actually taking the time to show they are truly sorry and have changed?

Yes, Roseanne did apologize. It did no good. There were no pathways or options to save her show, she was only met with hatred by those who call themselves “progressive”. In fact, I’m fairly sure they didn’t care about anything Roseanne said, they just wanted blood.

The result of her ostracism is that she went toward those who were forgiving of her instead of getting help for her mental situation. Those are the reactionaries, and she became a martyr for them . Now she’s a voice for the right, and slipping further into the pit of mental illness. What happened to Roseanne was not justice.

I believe the world of media would have been a better place without her cancellation and ostracism—instead accepting her apology, giving her a path to redemption, and the incentive to get better psychiatric and psychological help. At the very least, she would have likely been healthier than she is today. I’ve seen some recent videos, and they make me sad. And the more callous individuals on the left seem happy to see her in that state as they bash her further.

This was not only unjust, but what happened was the worst outcome.

Like I said, “and I don’t mean a single apology video in the direct aftermath but actually taking the time to show they are truly sorry and have changed?”

Actions have consequences

This article states that ABC asked her to leave Twitter in order to continue working with her and she refused which led to them cancelling the show.

this gives a timeline of the aftermath

a day after the tweet she made an apology while also blaming it on the sleep medicine she was taking

about a month later she was on a podcast and gave a tearful apology

another month later she posted a video on YouTube where she claims she was “fired for supporting Trump and that’s not accepted in Hollywood”

a week later she was interviewed on Fox and when asked to apologize on air she said “I’m sorry you feel harm and hurt”

So she gives one true apology sandwiched in between refusing an offer to save her job, making up bullshit excuses, blaming Hollywood for being biased and a “sorry you were offended” response.

then in an interview about 8 months later she blames one of her former co-stars for getting her fired.

a few months later during a stand up set, she talks shit about ABC firing her.

At what point were people supposed to “accept her apology & give her a path to redemption”?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.