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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

Chrkeller said:

I'm largely aligned with Pokoko's post.  My concern is liberals focus on small pockets of people and do not focus on the average person enough.  I could see this costing them the election.  

You guys are either joking or don’t know anything about the major bills passed under this administration.

American Rescue Plan

-$410bn stimulus checks

-$350bn state & local government aid

-$290bn expanded unemployment insurance

-$135bn expanded Child Tax Credit & Earned Income Tax Credit

-$170bn aid for K-12 schools & colleges

-$122bn vaccines & testing

-$81bn expanded ACA & COBRA subsidies

-$50bn small businesses

-$47bn housing/utility assistance

-$40bn public transit/airports/amtrak aid

Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

-$110bn roads & bridges

-$73bn power infrastructure 

-$66bn passenger & freight rail

-$65bn broadband

-$55bn drinking water

-$50bn western water storage

-$39bn public transit

-$25bn airports

-$21bn water & soil purification

-$17bn port infrastructure

-$15bn electric vehicle charging stations

-$11bn transportation safety programs

CHIPS & Science Act

-$200bn STEM, R&D & workforce development

-$78bn grants & tax credits for semiconductor manufacturing

Inflation Reduction Act

-$$350bn tax credits/loans/grants for businesses that invest in clean energy/transportation/manufacturing

-$64bn extension of expanded ACA subsidies

-$44bn Medicare out-of-pocket prescription cap

-$43bn tax credits for consumers (EV, solar panels, heat pumps, weatherproofing, etc.)

Honoring Our Pact Act

-$153bn expand veterans disability benefits

-$102bn expand veterans health benefits

Safer Communities Act

-$13bn expand access to mental health services

There is no way you can look at this list and think, “Liberals/the left/democrats have abandoned the middle class!” Many of the tax credits for individuals have income caps so high income earners can’t access them and many of the tax incentives/funding for corporations have mandates that various materials for projects be extracted/assembled in the US (or from a free trade partner if we don’t have said material) and have to pay prevailing wages.

Who do you guys think are doing all these projects? The Infrastructure/CHIPS/Inflation Acts are very much focused on creating jobs for people in the trades that usually don’t require a college degree and often members of a union. Asphalt workers, concrete workers, bricklayers, utility workers, installers, plumbers, heavy equipment operators, truck drivers, HVAC workers, electricians, linemen, pipefitters, assembly workers, builders, carpenters, bus drivers, landscapers, train conductors, material handlers, engineers, machine operators, welders, fabricators, blacksmiths, roofers, drywallers, painters, QA inspectors, safety inspectors, mechanics, rail workers, power plant operators, air traffic controllers, dock workers, cargo ship workers, etc.

That’s also not counting all the things that were proposed but were blocked like subsidized childcare, universal Pre-K, paid family & medical leave, continuation of expanded CTC, increased minimum wage, easier to join unions, tuition free community college, elder care funding, funding for increased housing construction, etc.

If you think liberals/the left/democrats are only focused on college graduates &  minorities then you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I know plenty about the bills being passed.  There is one that could close down one of our facilities.

But much like the other thread I'm out.  I'm not dealing with insults and disrespect because I see things differently.

A shame too.  Maybe one day people such as yourself might mature and wonder why Biden is losing in the polls.  

Is this one of those, “I have no actual rebuttal so I’m going to play the victim and leave” responses?

Nothing I said was any more insulting or disrespectful than the things you & Soundwave say to each other when arguing about video game graphics so get off your high horse.

It has nothing to do with you “seeing things differently” it’s about you and Pokoko making bold claims without providing any data or examples to back them up.

Sorry that I said you don’t know what you’re talking about but I gave like 30 examples of things that either directly or indirectly benefit working class Americans and instead of providing any counterpoints, you get offended by a very mild slight which just reinforces my opinion that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

I know plenty about the bills being passed.  There is one that could close down one of our facilities.

But much like the other thread I'm out.  I'm not dealing with insults and disrespect because I see things differently.

A shame too.  Maybe one day people such as yourself might mature and wonder why Biden is losing in the polls.  

Is this one of those, “I have no actual rebuttal so I’m going to play the victim and leave” responses?

Nothing I said was any more insulting or disrespectful than the things you & Soundwave say to each other when arguing about video game graphics so get off your high horse.

It has nothing to do with you “seeing things differently” it’s about you and Pokoko making bold claims without providing any data or examples to back them up.

Sorry that I said you don’t know what you’re talking about but I gave like 30 examples of things that either directly or indirectly benefit working class Americans and instead of providing any counterpoints, you get offended by a very mild slight which just reinforces my opinion that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Anyone who starts with "you don't know what you are talking about" clearly isn't seeking a discussion.  And that is fine.  There is no reason for me to be interested in discord if you aren't.

And being an effective leader is more than just what laws are passed.  

The super smart liberals still haven't figured out the impact of the Trump rallies.  

But what do I know?  I'm just a stupid republican.

Good luck in the election.  I hope liberals take this one, but it doesn't look great so far.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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zorg1000 said:

It has nothing to do with you “seeing things differently” it’s about you and Pokoko making bold claims without providing any data or examples to back them up.

Sorry that I said you don’t know what you’re talking about but I gave like 30 examples of things that either directly or indirectly benefit working class Americans and instead of providing any counterpoints, you get offended by a very mild slight which just reinforces my opinion that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I mean, all you have to do is google.

"State of play: Biden's poll numbers have been rising lately, but several surveys have indicated he is underperforming with non-white voters without college degrees — a constituency that has long been overwhelmingly Democratic.

A YouGov poll commissioned by the Progressive Policy Institute at the end of 2023 found that working-class voters overwhelmingly believe they're worse off today than similar voters did 40 years ago.
Voters said they trusted the GOP more than Democrats on the economy, immigration, and education — a dramatic shift from past elections.

Zoom in: Among Latinos, Republicans also now have an edge over Democrats when it comes to dealing with the economy, according to an April Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll in partnership with Noticias Telemundo."  --

"1. Across the battleground, Biden is losing to Trump among working-class voters by 16 points. That compares to Biden’s national working-class deficit of just 4 points in 2020. It’s also slightly worse than Biden’s performance in last October’s Times poll which covered the same states, when he was behind among these voters by 15 points."  --

There are DOZENS of articles about this.  Do you really think I'm joking?

sundin13 said:

Ehh, I mean, Democratic policies often greatly benefit the working class. Dems are bad at messaging, but if someone looks to vote for the party that actual proposes policies to help the working class, dems are the ticket. 

Very few people are going to actually go down the list and compare the details hidden in enormous spending bills.  What they're going to do is listen to the media, as bad as that is, and to where the candidates are focusing their attention.  That's the simple truth.

And the things Democrats like to talk about the most are either unpopular or irrelevant to the working class.  This has been the pattern in one survey after another.

the-pi-guy said:
pokoko said:

Trump is probably going to win the election and it's kind of puzzling to me that people are asking why. This isn't about Trump magically finding more supporters, it's about people turning against the extremism of the Left.

Specifically, the working class has very little confidence that Democrats care about them at all. The Left essentially ignores people who didn't go to college but aren't unemployed and don't center their identity around some type of minority status. If you're in the lower middle then you don't really exist UNTIL election time, then the liberal media starts obsessing over "non-college voters" like some breed of vermin.

Studies have shown that Democratic candidates for Congress aren't from the working class (2% to 6%) and most do not focus on the issues that are important to the working class as a group or include key words the working class is looking for in their political messaging.

Does Trump care about the working class? No, of course not, but he is clever enough to talk to and acknowledge them. He's grabbed an opening left by the Democrats. It's their own fault.

Most of what you've said is also true in some capacity of Republicans. 

Congress is not made up of the working class for either party. It's not an issue exclusive to Democrats. 

>Trump is probably going to win the election and it's kind of puzzling to me that people are asking why. This isn't about Trump magically finding more supporters, it's about people turning against the extremism of the Left.

And what about the extremism of the right? 

I'm still waiting for any actual left wing policies to be implemented. Waiting for actual universal healthcare. 

Meanwhile, the right has successfully banned abortion in many states. Forcing 10 year olds to give birth to their rapist's babies. Forcing people to die for a pregnancy that wasn't even viable anyways. 

Banning topics in school to placate straight white culture. 

America is not left-wing in the slightest, it always makes me laugh when Americans claim that, let alone labelling it as extremist left, America isn't even to the left of the UK which is currently ruled by a transphobic right-wing party. The biggest far-left I notice in America are the Commie idiots who are batting for Russia which ironically the far-right do as well but when looking at people with actual power, who are these far-left extremist? Cause I struggle to name a single one and clearly if there are any, they are irrelevant/ignored and unable to achieve anything.

The Supreme Court is pretty hard-right right now, there's a notable group in House of frankly insane MAGA cultist who booted out their last Speaker for the crime of working with the Democrats and then MTG tried it on Mike Johnson for the crime of working with the Democrats. Funnily, the Democrats tried to pass a pretty right wing border bill which was only prevented thanks to the Republicans on orders from their Supreme Leader Trump after spending months screaming at the Democrats to do something about the border but they don't give a shit about the border as much as they do using it as an election talking point.

Recently I've seen left wing voters angry at Joe Biden for frankly pandering to right wing voters, I've seen left wing voters angry at him for his recent border policies, for trying to pass the border bill which Republicans blocked, I've seen left wing voters angry at him for his Israel-Palestine stance (which is very much in line with Republicans) where is this extremist leftism? Because he passed a number of bills to help Americans out? Any form of social-help in America seems to be labelled as far-left communism by Republicans.

Meanwhile Republicans are ripping away women's rights, screwing over any chance of better healthcare, not even passing things they themselves want because Supreme Leader Trump told them not to, booted out their House Speaker for not being far-right, scared the current House Speaker into delaying Ukraine aid for months (more than half of Republicans in House opposed Ukraine aid), aggressively going after LGBTQ+ people, trying to ram Christianity down the throats of everyone, their Christian Extremism is no different to Islamic Extremism and they're trying to ram their beliefs down peoples throat and force others to follow them.

Trump is the rot and the Republican Party is becoming the Party of Trump, if Republicans still wanted a Monarchy they should have stayed under the UK. They treat him like he's Jesus Christ, he can do no wrong, they can do nothing without his approval, the only time MAGA showed any anger towards Trump was when he wasn't personally there trying to help them overthrow the government then quickly went back to worshipping him, if this isn't a cult then I don't know what is. They tried to do a goddamn insurrection on the government cause Trump lost an election, Lol.

It was a complete embarrassment for the USA and that sums up Trump's impact, he makes America look like a complete joke.


I'm not too concerned about polls right now, I'll wait until closer to the election before paying attention to them, there has been a few very obvious nonsense ones which would be unprecedented shifts in voting habits which should be taken with a grain of salt, especially when Trump hasn't done a thing to deserve such a huge shift in voting habits from his 2016 % and his 2020 %.

First the debates need to happen and then we'll see what the polls say a month or two before election, what I do see though is Democrats consistently overperforming in recent elections, so I don't think if there is a problem it's with Democrats as a whole but with Biden himself, likely down to the economy not improving quick enough.

Trump won't improve the economy though, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 6 days ago

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pokoko said:
sundin13 said:

Ehh, I mean, Democratic policies often greatly benefit the working class. Dems are bad at messaging, but if someone looks to vote for the party that actual proposes policies to help the working class, dems are the ticket. 

Very few people are going to actually go down the list and compare the details hidden in enormous spending bills.  What they're going to do is listen to the media, as bad as that is, and to where the candidates are focusing their attention.  That's the simple truth.

And the things Democrats like to talk about the most are either unpopular or irrelevant to the working class.  This has been the pattern in one survey after another.

Nailed it


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

pokoko said:
zorg1000 said:

It has nothing to do with you “seeing things differently” it’s about you and Pokoko making bold claims without providing any data or examples to back them up.

Sorry that I said you don’t know what you’re talking about but I gave like 30 examples of things that either directly or indirectly benefit working class Americans and instead of providing any counterpoints, you get offended by a very mild slight which just reinforces my opinion that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I mean, all you have to do is google.

"State of play: Biden's poll numbers have been rising lately, but several surveys have indicated he is underperforming with non-white voters without college degrees — a constituency that has long been overwhelmingly Democratic.

A YouGov poll commissioned by the Progressive Policy Institute at the end of 2023 found that working-class voters overwhelmingly believe they're worse off today than similar voters did 40 years ago.
Voters said they trusted the GOP more than Democrats on the economy, immigration, and education — a dramatic shift from past elections.

Zoom in: Among Latinos, Republicans also now have an edge over Democrats when it comes to dealing with the economy, according to an April Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll in partnership with Noticias Telemundo."  --

"1. Across the battleground, Biden is losing to Trump among working-class voters by 16 points. That compares to Biden’s national working-class deficit of just 4 points in 2020. It’s also slightly worse than Biden’s performance in last October’s Times poll which covered the same states, when he was behind among these voters by 15 points."  --

There are DOZENS of articles about this.  Do you really think I'm joking?

I know that he does poorly in the polls and Democrats have been losing blue collar voters for quite a while, but that has literally nothing to do with your original statements.

“it's about people turning against the extremism of the Left.”

The Left essentially ignores people who didn't go to college but aren't unemployed and don't center their identity around some type of minority status. If you're in the lower middle then you don't really exist UNTIL election time, then the liberal media starts obsessing over "non-college voters" like some breed of vermin.”

most do not focus on the issues that are important to the working class as a group”

If you said that Democrats are bad at messaging and middle class Americans feel ignored than I would agree with you but you said the left is extreme and ignores people who didn’t go to college or are part of a minority group, that is just simply not true.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:

I know that he does poorly in the polls and Democrats have been losing blue collar voters for quite a while, but that has literally nothing to do with your original statements.

“it's about people turning against the extremism of the Left.”

The Left essentially ignores people who didn't go to college but aren't unemployed and don't center their identity around some type of minority status. If you're in the lower middle then you don't really exist UNTIL election time, then the liberal media starts obsessing over "non-college voters" like some breed of vermin.”

most do not focus on the issues that are important to the working class as a group”

If you said that Democrats are bad at messaging and middle class Americans feel ignored than I would agree with you but you said the left is extreme and ignores people who didn’t go to college or are part of a minority group, that is just simply not true.

It literally has everything to do with what I said.  Do I need to do a paint-by-numbers?

A)  Democrats most often talk about things the working class doesn't like or isn't interested in and rarely talk about the stuff they do care about.  

B)  The working class feels ignored and less important to the Democratic party than other groups.  Democrats instead rush to talk about social issues that, again, are unpopular or irrelevant to the working class.

Judis and Teixeira have drawn much criticism (including in this magazine) for advising Democratic candidates to distance themselves from “woke” provocation espoused by what the economist Thomas Piketty calls the “Brahmin Left.” But just about every person I interviewed for this article said much the same. In 2021, the Center for Working-Class Politics surveyed 2,000 working-class voters in five swing states and concluded that “‘woke,’ activist-inspired rhetoric is a liability.” -- 

c)  This becomes the identity of the Democrats in the eyes of many people.

I believe one of the articles I linked even said that the rare Democrats who focused on appealing to the working class did very well with that segment, which supports the idea that these are self-inflicted wounds.

There is plenty of evidence to back it up.  Deal with it or don't.

pokoko said:

It literally has everything to do with what I said.  Do I need to do a paint-by-numbers?

A)  Democrats most often talk about things the working class doesn't like or isn't interested in and rarely talk about the stuff they do care about.  

B)  The working class feels ignored and less important to the Democratic party than other groups.  Democrats instead rush to talk about social issues that, again, are unpopular or irrelevant to the working class.

Judis and Teixeira have drawn much criticism (including in this magazine) for advising Democratic candidates to distance themselves from “woke” provocation espoused by what the economist Thomas Piketty calls the “Brahmin Left.” But just about every person I interviewed for this article said much the same. In 2021, the Center for Working-Class Politics surveyed 2,000 working-class voters in five swing states and concluded that “‘woke,’ activist-inspired rhetoric is a liability.” -- 

c)  This becomes the identity of the Democrats in the eyes of many people.

I believe one of the articles I linked even said that the rare Democrats who focused on appealing to the working class did very well with that segment, which supports the idea that these are self-inflicted wounds.

There is plenty of evidence to back it up.  Deal with it or don't.

Why does messaging always seem more important than actions?

sundin13 said:
pokoko said:

It literally has everything to do with what I said.  Do I need to do a paint-by-numbers?

A)  Democrats most often talk about things the working class doesn't like or isn't interested in and rarely talk about the stuff they do care about.  

B)  The working class feels ignored and less important to the Democratic party than other groups.  Democrats instead rush to talk about social issues that, again, are unpopular or irrelevant to the working class.

Judis and Teixeira have drawn much criticism (including in this magazine) for advising Democratic candidates to distance themselves from “woke” provocation espoused by what the economist Thomas Piketty calls the “Brahmin Left.” But just about every person I interviewed for this article said much the same. In 2021, the Center for Working-Class Politics surveyed 2,000 working-class voters in five swing states and concluded that “‘woke,’ activist-inspired rhetoric is a liability.” -- 

c)  This becomes the identity of the Democrats in the eyes of many people.

I believe one of the articles I linked even said that the rare Democrats who focused on appealing to the working class did very well with that segment, which supports the idea that these are self-inflicted wounds.

There is plenty of evidence to back it up.  Deal with it or don't.

Why does messaging always seem more important than actions?

Because messaging gets you elected.  Being elected is required to pass and enforce laws.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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