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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Haha, I don't think the Zionist lobby considers VGChartz a high profile target.

More and more voices are denouncing the Zionist lobby. Israel is committing political suicide with the way they're handling this 'war'. And in a sad way their fears are coming true, making the place only less safe for Jews.

Netanyahu should never have gotten a second term, and I fear bad stuff will happen if Trump gets a second term as well. It would be better to scrap the possibility of second terms altogether.

Ideally there would be one country for all. A 2 state solution is merely a stop gap because things have gotten so bad. As a start both sides need to learn about each other, Hebrew needs to be taught in Palestine, Arabic is Israel. Removing the language barrier is essential and then a bi-lingual country can be formed. The biggest problem are the Zionist settlers that keep provoking violence.

It's not realistic for 7 million Arabs to disappear nor for 7 million Jews. It's the 750,000 Settlers that keep these two populations at each other's throats. The focus should be on them, not Hamas which is merely a product from the occupation and apartheid.

Around the Network

300 homes destroyed in occupied West Bank since October 7: UN

The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says in its latest report that approximately 300 houses have been demolished by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank since October 7.

It says 1,640 Palestinians have been displaced within the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since that time. At 57 percent, over half of them have been displaced since the start of January.

“The majority of those displaced (903) were during operations carried out by Israeli forces, especially in refugee camps in Jenin and Tulkarm, followed by displacement due to the lack of Israeli-issued permits (640), and displacement due to the demolition of homes on punitive grounds (138).”

Bernie Sanders says US ‘virtually alone in the world’ in defending Israel

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders says there has been a “bipartisan consensus” on US foreign policy for decades, and that consensus has almost always been wrong, whether on Vietnam or Iraq or many other issues.

This pattern is happening again right now with what is unfolding in the Gaza Strip as a result of Washington’s unwavering support for Israel amid its war on Gaza, the senator writes in US-based Foreign Affairs magazine.

“After spending billions of dollars to support the Israeli military, the United States, virtually alone in the world, is defending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government, which is waging a campaign of total war and destruction against the Palestinian people, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands – including thousands of children – and the starvation of hundreds of thousands more in the Gaza Strip.”

UK ‘must respect rule of law’ on arms exports to Israel: Global Legal Action Network

The Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), a non-profit legal organisation that last week briefed UK lawmakers on the legal aspects of arms transfers to Israel amid its war on Gaza, says the UK “must respect the rule of law and end unlawful arms exports to Israel now”.

Members of the organisation had earlier joined Ben Saul, the UN’s special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism, to explain to lawmakers how the country’s arms supplies to Israel at a time when it is committing violations of international law is unlawful.

The UK-based GLAN said on X that British MPs were told about the “UK’s legal obligations under international law, and its own exports rules, to stop weapons sales and transfers to Israel”.

‘Israel wants no witnesses’ in Gaza: UN rapporteur

The UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territory says Israeli authorities are preventing entry of a top UN official into the Gaza Strip to hide their violations of international law.

“The highest number of people ever recorded as facing human-made famine, along with mass killings, constant harm and creation of conditions that gut life of humanity has a name: Genocide,” Francesca Albanese said in a post on X.

“Israel wants no witnesses, no truth-tellers,” she said, referencing Israel’s blocking of Philliphe Lazzarini, the head of UNRWA, from entering Gaza, which we reported on earlier.

Gaza government says Israel ‘assassinates’ Gaza aid coordination official during raid

The Government Media Office in the Gaza Strip says the Israeli military has “assassinated” General Fayeq al-Mabhouh, who was in charge of coordinating humanitarian aid going into northern Gaza with local tribes as well as the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees.

It said in a statement that the general was engaging in civilian humanitarian work when he was killed and should have, therefore, been protected under international law. This, the office stressed, comes only two days after a handful of humanitarian aid trucks reached northern Gaza with Palestinian coordination, the first time a convoy had reached the area without any incident in months.

“We hold the Israeli occupation, the American administration and the international community fully responsible for these ongoing crimes against our Palestinian people and against civilians, children and women,” the statement said.

Come on, this is just stupid. They're not even trying to make it believable anymore. Does the IDF get their plot ideas from the Cartoon Network.

Israeli army claims to find ‘terror funds’ inside al-Shifa Hospital

The Israeli military has released short videos from inside the complex of the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City that claim that it has found “terror” funds.

A soldier says their group just opened a safe and found money. It showed a note that the military claims was written by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, thanking the hospital for its “good work”.


SvennoJ said:

Haha, I don't think the Zionist lobby considers VGChartz a high profile target.

More and more voices are denouncing the Zionist lobby. Israel is committing political suicide with the way they're handling this 'war'. And in a sad way their fears are coming true, making the place only less safe for Jews.

Netanyahu should never have gotten a second term, and I fear bad stuff will happen if Trump gets a second term as well. It would be better to scrap the possibility of second terms altogether.

Ideally there would be one country for all. A 2 state solution is merely a stop gap because things have gotten so bad. As a start both sides need to learn about each other, Hebrew needs to be taught in Palestine, Arabic is Israel. Removing the language barrier is essential and then a bi-lingual country can be formed. The biggest problem are the Zionist settlers that keep provoking violence.

It's not realistic for 7 million Arabs to disappear nor for 7 million Jews. It's the 750,000 Settlers that keep these two populations at each other's throats. The focus should be on them, not Hamas which is merely a product from the occupation and apartheid.

You are asking something impossible from a non-universalist religion, which considers a limited number of people as the "elected ones" which must dominate every other humans. It will never happen, that is why a holocaust happens approximately every half century.

Amnesia said:

You are asking something impossible from a non-universalist religion, which considers a limited number of people as the "elected ones" which must dominate every other humans. It will never happen, that is why a holocaust happens approximately every half century.

A lot of religions do that, yet people still find a way to live together and take the positives out of religion instead of the superiority complex. Zionism has good ideas as well, the bad stuff is unfortunately being pushed ahead.

It's a long process, yet women managed to get rights despite the bible, gays managed to get rights despite the bible, and so can Palestinians co-exist with Israelis despite the bible.

The key is that Church needs to be separate from State. Currently that's not the case in Israel.
“The separation of church and state prevents the government from imposing religious beliefs on its citizens.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

The 8.5 million non settlers need to take back their country from the right wing religious nuts.

By far most people prefer Democratic principles over religious law

18% of the people have successfully brain washed the rest into electing a destructive right wing government.

Amnesia said:

I am really impressed and full of doubts now...

On the Covid and Ukraine, my account was immediately suspended if I was not sharing the same view as the US Democrat parti.

And now, the Anti-Zionist position, which I share ofcourse, is tolerated...And is actually the OG post and main animator here.

I am completely blown away. I would have bet everything I possess, that such a position here would not be tolerated at all.

Haha last time I checked you were a big Orban supporter who also happens to be the biggest Israel supporter in Europe.

Around the Network

UN chief’s spokesperson extends sympathies to Al Jazeera reporter after arrest

Al Jazeera correspondent Biesan Abu Kwaik has asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s spokesperson Farhan Haq about the arrest and beating of Ismail al-Ghoul, an Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent who was taken by Israeli forces outside al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

The pair had the following exchange:

“He was severely beaten,” Abu Kwaik said of al-Ghoul. “He was stripped of his clothing, and then he was taken to an unknown location. Other journalists also were detained, and equipment, broadcast and corporate, was destroyed. Do you have any comments on that?”

“We stand against any harassment of journalists anywhere in the world,” Haq responded. “And certainly we do so in this instance. Our sympathies go to your colleague as well as to all the other journalists who suffered from any violence during the course of this incident.”

Al Jazeera journalist released from Israeli detention

Ismail al-Ghoul, an Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent who was beaten and detained by Israeli troops during their raid of al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, has been freed after 12 hours in Israeli custody.

Ismail al-Ghoul gives interview on his detention by Israeli forces

Al Jazeera Arabic journalist Ismail al-Ghoul has spoken to the channel about his experience in Israeli custody.

He told Al Jazeera after his release that Israeli forces stormed al-Shifa Hospital at dawn during intense fighting. They started by destroying media equipment and arresting journalists gathered in a room used by media teams, he said.

The journalists were stripped of their clothes, he continued, and were arrested and placed in a room inside the medical compound. They were forced to lie on their stomachs as they were blindfolded and their hands tied, he said.

Israeli soldiers would open fire to scare them if there was any movement, al-Ghoul said. After about 12 hours, they were taken for interrogation. After waiting in line for investigation, an elderly man was released from inside the hospital and he needed help to leave the compound, the journalist said, adding that he volunteered to help the man and was able to accompany him until they both left the compound.

Al-Ghoul later heard that some of his colleagues were released but said he does not have enough information about the whereabouts of the rest of his team to confirm any details.

Al Jazeera’s Ismail al-Ghoul just one of many journalists in Gaza targeted by Israel

After speaking to him, I can say [Al Jazeera journalist Ismail al-Ghoul] is doing fine. He had been blindfolded and handcuffed for 12 hours [by Israeli forces] and was taken away for interrogation.

Journalists are one of the main focuses of the Israeli military campaign in Gaza. Ismail has been reporting on Israeli attacks in Gaza since day one of the fighting. He has been able to continue reporting despite all the ongoing efforts by the Israeli military to silence the narrative of Palestinians around the world.


Israeli military says 200 arrested at al-Shifa Hospital

Here are the main points made by Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari during an evening press briefing about today’s operations at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

  • We arrested 200 people during the operation in the hospital complex and killed 20 Palestinian fighters.
  • A soldier from our forces was killed during the operation in the area.
  • We found weapons and money inside the al-Shifa complex.
  • We are conducting an investigation of those arrested in the operation, and we call on the Palestinian militants to surrender.

Footage shows aftermath of Israeli attacks on civilian homes in Gaza City

This disturbing footage, originally posted by photographer Omar El Qattaa and verified by Al Jazeera, shows the immediate aftermath of the latest Israeli strike on northern Gaza.

Translation: The first moments after the Israeli occupation forces targeted civilian homes on al-Jalaa Street in Gaza City.

Palestinians flee the area after Israeli bombardment in central Gaza City on March 18, 2024

Israeli air attacks kill at least 14 in Rafah: Wafa

Israeli air attacks on two houses and an apartment in Rafah in southern Gaza have killed at least 14 people and injured several more, the Wafa news agency reports. The Israeli strikes hit the Musabah, Khirbet Al-Adas and Al-Jeneina neighbourhoods in Rafah. Women and children were killed in the attacks, Wafa reported.

Footage, verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad agency, shows the dead and wounded arriving in ambulances at the Kuwaiti hospital.

Translation: Martyrs and wounded people arrive at the Kuwaiti Hospital following an Israeli attack on Rafah in southern Gaza.

Israeli attack on Jabalia kills eight Palestinians, including children

Israeli forces have shelled a house in Jabalia in northern Gaza on Monday evening, killing at least eight Palestinians, including children, according to the Wafa news agency. Citing witnesses, the agency said the house belonged to the al-Banna family and was destroyed completely. Many others were wounded, it said.

EU foreign ministers approve sanctions against violent settlers in West Bank

European Union foreign ministers on Monday have “unanimously” approved sanctions against violent settlers who harass Palestinians in the West Bank, Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told reporters after meeting with his EU counterparts in Brussels.

“Today, we have approved, unanimously, the sanctions against the violent settlers that harass the Palestinians in the West Bank,” he said.

This move follows several rounds of sanctions against extremist settlers linked to violent attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Israel’s Smotrich says one response to EU sanctions: ‘Entrenching’ settlements

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has promised to protect Israel’s illegal settlements after EU foreign ministers approved sanctions against violent settlers in the occupied West Bank.

“There is one holistic, Zionist response to this [EU] declaration – strengthening and entrenching settlements in all parts of the land of Israel,” Smotrich was quoted as saying by The Times of Israel.

The minister – a backer of settlement expansions in occupied Palestinian territory, which are illegal under international law – said the “false BDS campaign against Israel is working”, referring to the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Smotrich described it as “a campaign which is designed in its entirety to besmirch the state of Israel”.

Israeli settlers attack villages south of Nablus with military protection

Israeli settlers accompanied by armed forces attacked Palestinian land south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank after dark today. The footage below, verified by Al Jazeera, shows the forces arriving at Burin village. The Wafa news agency says the Madama village in the area was also attacked.

The Palestinian news service cited unnamed local sources as saying that settlers from the illegal settlement of Yitzhar in the occupied West Bank pelted a Palestinian home located between the two villages with stones, shattering its windows, and also damaged several vehicles.

It also said Israeli armed forces made no moves to stop the attacks, and fired live ammunition and tear gas in the direction of Palestinians in the area, but no injuries were reported.

UN says looming Rafah incursion would break Gaza aid distribution

Speaking to reporters in Geneva via video link from Jerusalem, UN official Jamie McGoldrick said the organisation’s humanitarian body could not plan its Gaza aid operation for more than two or three days ahead because of conditions he described as uncertain and unstable.

“It would be a really difficult scenario for us to envisage the possibility of hundreds of thousands of people being forced from Rafah because of the incursion,” he said. “We are not in a position to contingency plan that. We’re not in a position to pre-position shelter, material, food, medical supplies and especially water … It will be a real problem for us.”

Defying international calls to halt its military operation, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to push into Rafah on the southern tip of the Gaza Strip, where more than half of the enclave’s 2.3 million residents have been sheltering in makeshift tents to escape the Israeli assault farther north.

“If there was to be an incursion, that [aid] system we have, which is already precarious and intermittent, would then be broken,” said McGoldrick.

Israel to send interagency team to Washington to discuss Rafah: White House

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to send a team of Israeli officials to Washington to discuss with Biden administration officials a prospective Rafah operation, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

“We’ve arrived at a point where each side has been making clear to the other its perspective,” Sullivan said.

Netanyahu has pushed for a ground operation into Rafah, where more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents have been sheltering, despite international calls saying such a move would be “catastrophic”.

Palestinian recognition would ‘ultimately reward terrorism’, Gantz tells Canada

Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz has spoken on the phone with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after the New Democratic Party in Canada pushed legislation in the country’s parliament to “officially recognise” the State of Palestine.

“I expressed that unilateral recognition, particularly following the 7th of October, is counterproductive to the mutual goal of long-term regional security and stability, and would ultimately reward terrorism,” Gantz said. “I reiterated to the PM that for the sake of the region, any unilateral actions should be avoided,” Gantz said, also thanking the Israel ally for “his personal commitment to Israel’s security”.

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said on Monday that Canada will continue to back a two-state solution but will not change its overall foreign policy based on the legislation.

I wish Trudeau had the balls to tell Gantz, recognizing Israel is ultimately rewarding occupation, apartheid and genocide. 'Terrorism' is a result of occupation, injustice, apartheid, ongoing displacement, destruction of Palestinian property, destruction of Palestinian infrastructure, unlawful detention, nightly raids and so on.

But Canada continues to follow the USA, say one thing, back the genocide anyway.

Houthi-run channel reports 10 new US-UK raids on Yemen

The Al Masirah television channel, run by the Houthis in Yemen, has reported 10 new air attacks by the US and UK militaries.

It said the attacks targeted the al-Jabbana and al-Faza areas in the port city of Hodeidah, which has been a main target of the US-UK air strikes that have hit multiple governorates across Yemen since the Houthis started targeting cargo and military vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in November in support of the Palestinians.

Houthi attacks must ease for salvage of two vessels: UN shipping agency

Efforts to limit environmental damage from a cargo vessel that sank after a Houthi missile strike and another vessel abandoned in a separate attack are on hold until attacks on ships let up, the UN’s maritime shipping regulator says.

The UK-owned ship Rubymar last month became the first vessel lost since the Houthis began targeting commercial ships in the Red Sea area in November. The Greek-owned True Confidence was then abandoned this month after being set ablaze in an attack that killed a few of its crew members near Yemen’s port city of Aden.

“We’re limited in what we can do in an area that is not safe and secure,” Arsenio Dominguez, secretary-general of the International Maritime Organization, said at a media briefing in London.

The Houthis say their campaign against commercial vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is a show of solidarity with Palestinians against Israel’s offensive in Gaza.

UNSC ‘strongly condemns’ Houthi attacks in Red Sea

The UN Security Council has “condemned in the strongest terms” attacks by the Houthi group in Yemen on commercial vessels in the Red Sea, including the March 6 attack on the True Confidence that killed two Filipino members and one Vietnamese member of the ship’s crew.

Council members demanded that Houthi attacks against commercial vessels cease, urged caution and restraint to avoid further escalation and “reaffirmed that the exercise of navigational rights and freedoms by merchant and commercial vessels of all States transiting the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab, in accordance with international law, must be respected”.

“The Council members recalled the importance of enhancing international and regional cooperation to counter threats to peace and security in the region and called for a de-escalation in the Red Sea to preserve the peace process in Yemen.”

Oh look the UNSC can demand a ceasefire for attacks on ships, just not for genocide, deliberate starvation of 2.3 million people and the systematic destruction of Gaza. Demand a ceasefire in Gaza, get it done, and the Red Sea will de-escalate.

US destroys Houthi anti-ship missiles, drones in Yemen

The US military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) says it destroyed “seven anti-ship missiles, three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and three weapons storage containers” in attacks on Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

In a post on X, CENTCOM said it determined that “these weapons presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region”.

Israel fires missiles at military sites in Syria: Report

Israeli forces launched several missiles at military sites near the Syrian capital, Damascus, resulting in some “material damage”, according to the official SANA news agency.

Citing the Syrian government, SANA said Israeli forces launched the missiles from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights. It said Syrian air defences intercepted and shot down some of the missiles.