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SvennoJ said:

Haha, I don't think the Zionist lobby considers VGChartz a high profile target.

More and more voices are denouncing the Zionist lobby. Israel is committing political suicide with the way they're handling this 'war'. And in a sad way their fears are coming true, making the place only less safe for Jews.

Netanyahu should never have gotten a second term, and I fear bad stuff will happen if Trump gets a second term as well. It would be better to scrap the possibility of second terms altogether.

Ideally there would be one country for all. A 2 state solution is merely a stop gap because things have gotten so bad. As a start both sides need to learn about each other, Hebrew needs to be taught in Palestine, Arabic is Israel. Removing the language barrier is essential and then a bi-lingual country can be formed. The biggest problem are the Zionist settlers that keep provoking violence.

It's not realistic for 7 million Arabs to disappear nor for 7 million Jews. It's the 750,000 Settlers that keep these two populations at each other's throats. The focus should be on them, not Hamas which is merely a product from the occupation and apartheid.

You are asking something impossible from a non-universalist religion, which considers a limited number of people as the "elected ones" which must dominate every other humans. It will never happen, that is why a holocaust happens approximately every half century.