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300 homes destroyed in occupied West Bank since October 7: UN

The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says in its latest report that approximately 300 houses have been demolished by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank since October 7.

It says 1,640 Palestinians have been displaced within the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since that time. At 57 percent, over half of them have been displaced since the start of January.

“The majority of those displaced (903) were during operations carried out by Israeli forces, especially in refugee camps in Jenin and Tulkarm, followed by displacement due to the lack of Israeli-issued permits (640), and displacement due to the demolition of homes on punitive grounds (138).”

Bernie Sanders says US ‘virtually alone in the world’ in defending Israel

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders says there has been a “bipartisan consensus” on US foreign policy for decades, and that consensus has almost always been wrong, whether on Vietnam or Iraq or many other issues.

This pattern is happening again right now with what is unfolding in the Gaza Strip as a result of Washington’s unwavering support for Israel amid its war on Gaza, the senator writes in US-based Foreign Affairs magazine.

“After spending billions of dollars to support the Israeli military, the United States, virtually alone in the world, is defending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government, which is waging a campaign of total war and destruction against the Palestinian people, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands – including thousands of children – and the starvation of hundreds of thousands more in the Gaza Strip.”

UK ‘must respect rule of law’ on arms exports to Israel: Global Legal Action Network

The Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), a non-profit legal organisation that last week briefed UK lawmakers on the legal aspects of arms transfers to Israel amid its war on Gaza, says the UK “must respect the rule of law and end unlawful arms exports to Israel now”.

Members of the organisation had earlier joined Ben Saul, the UN’s special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism, to explain to lawmakers how the country’s arms supplies to Israel at a time when it is committing violations of international law is unlawful.

The UK-based GLAN said on X that British MPs were told about the “UK’s legal obligations under international law, and its own exports rules, to stop weapons sales and transfers to Israel”.

‘Israel wants no witnesses’ in Gaza: UN rapporteur

The UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territory says Israeli authorities are preventing entry of a top UN official into the Gaza Strip to hide their violations of international law.

“The highest number of people ever recorded as facing human-made famine, along with mass killings, constant harm and creation of conditions that gut life of humanity has a name: Genocide,” Francesca Albanese said in a post on X.

“Israel wants no witnesses, no truth-tellers,” she said, referencing Israel’s blocking of Philliphe Lazzarini, the head of UNRWA, from entering Gaza, which we reported on earlier.

Gaza government says Israel ‘assassinates’ Gaza aid coordination official during raid

The Government Media Office in the Gaza Strip says the Israeli military has “assassinated” General Fayeq al-Mabhouh, who was in charge of coordinating humanitarian aid going into northern Gaza with local tribes as well as the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees.

It said in a statement that the general was engaging in civilian humanitarian work when he was killed and should have, therefore, been protected under international law. This, the office stressed, comes only two days after a handful of humanitarian aid trucks reached northern Gaza with Palestinian coordination, the first time a convoy had reached the area without any incident in months.

“We hold the Israeli occupation, the American administration and the international community fully responsible for these ongoing crimes against our Palestinian people and against civilians, children and women,” the statement said.

Come on, this is just stupid. They're not even trying to make it believable anymore. Does the IDF get their plot ideas from the Cartoon Network.

Israeli army claims to find ‘terror funds’ inside al-Shifa Hospital

The Israeli military has released short videos from inside the complex of the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City that claim that it has found “terror” funds.

A soldier says their group just opened a safe and found money. It showed a note that the military claims was written by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, thanking the hospital for its “good work”.