I voted for gta, but knowing the site's users, ssb wins
2008, Game of the Year Runoff | |||
Persona 4 | 2 | 3.45% | |
Fallout 3 | 13 | 22.41% | |
Metal Gear Solid IV | 7 | 12.07% | |
Super Smash Bros Brawl | 14 | 24.14% | |
Braid | 3 | 5.17% | |
Tales of Vesperia | 4 | 6.90% | |
Dead Space | 6 | 10.34% | |
Mirror's Edge | 3 | 5.17% | |
Valkyria Chronicles | 6 | 10.34% | |
Total: | 58 |
I voted for gta, but knowing the site's users, ssb wins
Mano777 said: I voted for gta, but knowing the site's users, ssb wins |
Come on, you're still crying about people voting for Nintendo games? People can vote however they like, deal with it.
Persona 4 for me. Don't think it'll win, but maybe an outside chance?
I was thinking about 2016 though, and obvs Uncharted 4 and Overwatch will be tough competition but I'm thinking Persona 5 has a real chance of winning. It's populairty has been a bit a of a slow burn so it wasn't really in the discussion back then (esp since Western release was 2017) but now in 2023, I think it's possible...
Bit of a lackluster period where sequels started to rule. So many Twos and Threes.
Fallout 3 was great though, more a new start rather than a sequel. Fallout 3 started my 'obsession' with exploring game worlds fully, most of it before continuing with the main story. And there was lots of great stuff to find. Including a working text adventure.
Fallout 3 knew how to reward the wandering player :)
Still plenty originals to play:
Mirror's Edge was great, awesome flow to the game where speed running was the game mechanic. Combat was hit and miss though. However it all came with great style, awesome art design
I would love to play a game like this in VR!
Dead Space was great as well, I currently have the remake in my backlog. Another game that screams VR! Exploring the ship was awesome.
A big favorite was Prince of Persia 2008. Many didn't like it since you couldn't fall to your death. The game still had plenty challenge, was great fun to get the travel sequences right and looked amazing.
Little Big Planet was tons of fun playing together and got my creativity flowing. I made a long level with intricate puzzles, taking about 20 minutes to get through knowing how to solve the puzzles. One involved moving mirrors and aiming light beams split by a prism to join back together, to activate a laser burning through a door. The logic, hidden underneath the room, took up a lot more space with all the gears, cogs and sensors, all color coded so I could keep track of it. It was pretty amazing what you could accomplish with a couple logic gates, sensors and pushing activators around off screen. Sadly LBP2 broke the end boss stage, didn't animate right anymore breaking the level.
My favorite level in LBP was the Indonesian inspired one, Wayang Kulit in the Dancer's Court
LBP didn't age that well though with the floaty controls, plus I never really got into the sequels.
My goty is Valkyria Chronicles for originality, great game play and providing me the most peaceful time with a game ever.
Great alternate history store told with style and amazing visuals.
Yet what really brought it home is that it was the game that got me through the long nights holding our first born on my lap. he had trouble sleeping as an infant and would cry non stop giving neither of us any rest. So I had him sleeping on my lap while playing Valkyria Chronicles through the night. Nothing is more peaceful than that, baby softly snoring cuddled on your lap. And since it was turn based, easy to stop for a night time bottle or diaper change.
The only downside, the sequels went to PSP, so I never played them. The 4th one came back to console yet by then I had put the series out of my mind. Plus my kids didn't fit on my lap anymore in 2018 :p
Nice to see Disgaea 3 making the secondary list!
2008 is Metal Gear Solid 4 year, tho, even as GTA 4 was really something else in tech.
This year marks the first PS3 era game to win a GOTY for me, so it's your time to roll now, HD gen!
curl-6 said:
Come on, you're still crying about people voting for Nintendo games? People can vote however they like, deal with it. |
I can't make an observation?? And my intention was never to criticize people's tastes, but I was surprised by the number of Nintendo fans here, almost at the level of Nintendo everything.com lol
Yet another Other vote for me: Valkyria Chronicles.
March 2025 Articles:
BraLoD said: Nice to see Disgaea 3 making the secondary list! |
Ah the 10 minute install screens for each act and 45 minute cut scenes. MGS4 was great yet reign in that rambling, on and on and on! It did have the most satisfying surround sound design. Playing one of the loud battle sequences in my home theater was something else, shaking everything in the room :)
GTA4 had it's own issues with rambling or rather needy friends problems. And that tiny cell phone. I even had trouble making out the text messages on my projector. The story itself and indeed the tech was great. Better story and progression than GTA5, that is when your friends don't make you feel bad for not taking them bowling again... GTA4 took getting side tracked to a new level lol.