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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Hogwarts Legacy on Switch finally unvieled

JRPGfan said:

The texture downgrades (on pop-ins), and resolution... the fps and microstutter(which seem constant in the video)....
If you have other ways to play this, go that root instead imo.

*edit: surprised so many of the youtube comments seem so positive, mostly mentioning it look great for a impossible port.
         I didnt myself see it that way.

*edit2:  Im not crazy... went to check on PS4 port videos, and that seems drastically better than this.
So like if you have a PS5,PS4/PS4pro,Xbox One X, Series S/X, or a PC able... any of those would be a big improvement in graphics/fluidity.

It needs to be seen in context; it's impossible for it to look as pretty as the home console versions on a 7 year old mobile platform, the laws of physics prevent that.

This version is primarily for folks who value portability over graphics.

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Looks pretty good for the Switch.

I'm personally getting it for Steam in the future.

Huge Harry Potter fan.

JRPGfan said:

The texture downgrades (on pop-ins), and resolution... the fps and microstutter(which seem constant in the video)....
If you have other ways to play this, go that root instead imo.

*edit: surprised so many of the youtube comments seem so positive, mostly mentioning it look great for a impossible port.
         I didnt myself see it that way.

*edit2:  Im not crazy... went to check on PS4 port videos, and that seems drastically better than this.
So like if you have a PS5,PS4/PS4pro,Xbox One X, Series S/X, or a PC able... any of those would be a big improvement in graphics/fluidity.

One of the most obvious filthy nintendo haters on this site is talking shit. What are the odds?

IcaroRibeiro said:
Slownenberg said:

Going off the video I'd say there are definitely better looking and better performing games on Switch, so no, yes I do believe a game made for the Switch would look and run better. Also a main thing about my post was that it is coming out many months late with little to no marketing. It's a total afterthought. That's all very different than a game made from the ground up on Switch and coming out same day as the other current systems when was that like 9 months ago?!

I'm sure there are games that look better, but sometimes is just a matter of both artstyle and being able to render the world size. Maybe if the game was more colorful and cartoonish it would look better 

The kind of art style was defined already, which rely heavily on being darker, with shades of gray and sepia for the most it's part. This looks gorgeous in a console that can handle more complex assets, but won't look as good on Switch

It's the same reason why most of western third parties AAA PS3 games always looked atrociously ugly to me. Everything there was gray/brown without enough process power to make this art style shine

The other versions were also late. PS4 version only released 4 months after PS5 version. What do you wanted them to do? Have the game ready for PS5 (which was already delayed from 2022) but holding off to release it? Doesn't make much sense for me.

You will never satisfy some people don't worry.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Will pick this up for Switch, but not right away. Wait to see how it runs/issues etc when its released and will probably wait until its cheaper.

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Definitely won't be buying it again (Triple dip) with those downgrades... To be fair I won't even consider the Xbox One X/Playstation 4 Pro versions either.

Game is enjoyable though, so those who are picking it up for the first time, even on Switch, have a blast.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

It looks like a PS2 or early PS3 game. The differences are striking. I played it on PS5 and this almost feels like a different game atmospherically. And it's not open world. There's a load screen when entering Hogsmeade and all the shops there also have load screen. But I hope it's still amazing for new players who only has a Switch

I'll still buy it for my switch physical collection lol.

Hell I got mortal kombat a month ago lol



Blazer said:
JRPGfan said:

The texture downgrades (on pop-ins), and resolution... the fps and microstutter(which seem constant in the video)....
If you have other ways to play this, go that root instead imo.

*edit: surprised so many of the youtube comments seem so positive, mostly mentioning it look great for a impossible port.
         I didnt myself see it that way.

*edit2:  Im not crazy... went to check on PS4 port videos, and that seems drastically better than this.
So like if you have a PS5,PS4/PS4pro,Xbox One X, Series S/X, or a PC able... any of those would be a big improvement in graphics/fluidity.

One of the most obvious filthy nintendo haters on this site is talking shit. What are the odds?

If you don't have FUCK NINTENDO tattooed on your penis, are you even living life to its fullest?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Pinkie_pie said:

It looks like a PS2 or early PS3 game. The differences are striking. I played it on PS5 and this almost feels like a different game atmospherically. And it's not open world. There's a load screen when entering Hogsmeade and all the shops there also have load screen. But I hope it's still amazing for new players who only has a Switch

Open world is more about world/gameplay design then having load screens. Skyrim and Starfield are still open world even though there are load screens. Even Zelda has load screens for certain interior environments.