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Blazer said:
JRPGfan said:

The texture downgrades (on pop-ins), and resolution... the fps and microstutter(which seem constant in the video)....
If you have other ways to play this, go that root instead imo.

*edit: surprised so many of the youtube comments seem so positive, mostly mentioning it look great for a impossible port.
         I didnt myself see it that way.

*edit2:  Im not crazy... went to check on PS4 port videos, and that seems drastically better than this.
So like if you have a PS5,PS4/PS4pro,Xbox One X, Series S/X, or a PC able... any of those would be a big improvement in graphics/fluidity.

One of the most obvious filthy nintendo haters on this site is talking shit. What are the odds?

If you don't have FUCK NINTENDO tattooed on your penis, are you even living life to its fullest?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!