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Forums - Sales Discussion - Clash of the October 20th titans: Which will sell more, Mario Wonder or Spiderman 2?


Which will sell more?

Super Mario Bros Wonder 126 84.56%
Spiderman 2 23 15.44%

Spiderman 2 for sure. just look at the youtube views spider man 2 is way more hyped.

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This thread should have been asking if Wonder will sell double Spiderman 2's sales. That would be an interesting debate. Cuz Spiderman 2 could definitely have a chance to sell >15 million on PS5, but Mario Wonder definitely has a chance to sell 30 million.

This thread pitting Spiderman 2 directly against Mario Wonder makes no sense as is though.

I think that Spiderman 2 will sell more the first months. Even if the install base of PS5 owners are way lower than switch there is more of a drought for good exclusive titles on the PS5. But January onward Mario will take the crown and never look back.
Even with PC release of Spiderman 2 included and if switch 2 is not backwards compatible or gets its own port of Mario Wonder I think Spiderman 2 wont reach the same numbers.

zeldaring said:

Spiderman 2 for sure. just look at the youtube views spider man 2 is way more hyped.

Youtube views don't necessarily align with sales.

The Mario Odyssey E3 2017 trailer has nearly ten times more views than the Animal Crossing E3 2019 trailer, but Animal Crossing sold more.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Spiderman 2 for sure. just look at the youtube views spider man 2 is way more hyped.

Youtube views don't necessarily align with sales.

The Mario Odyssey E3 2017 trailer has nearly ten times more views than the Animal Crossing E3 2019 trailer, but Animal Crossing sold more.

Yea I think it's gonna a close battle.

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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

Youtube views don't necessarily align with sales.

The Mario Odyssey E3 2017 trailer has nearly ten times more views than the Animal Crossing E3 2019 trailer, but Animal Crossing sold more.

Yea I think it's gonna a close battle.

I'm not so sure about that. Spiderman 2 can sell ~25m on PS5 alone but Wonder can do ~35m when it's all said and done. A ~10 million gap is not "close". 

Last edited by RedKingXIII - on 06 October 2023


RedKingXIII said:
zeldaring said:

Yea I think it's gonna a close battle.

I'm not so sure about that. Spiderman 2 can sell ~25m on PS5 alone but Wonder can do ~35m when it's all said and done. A ~10 million gap is not "close". 

I'm not sure mario wonder is gonna do any where near 35 million because we already had a 2d mario on Switch and even though it a wiiu port so was mario kart 8 lol. 

zeldaring said:
RedKingXIII said:

I'm not so sure about that. Spiderman 2 can sell ~25m on PS5 alone but Wonder can do ~35m when it's all said and done. A ~10 million gap is not "close". 

I'm not sure mario wonder is gonna do any where near 35 million because we already had a 2d mario on Switch and even though it a wiiu port so was mario kart 8 lol. 

If even a low effort port of NSMBU managed to sell 16 million on the Switch then Wonder definitely is going to sell 35m. Yes, I think there's going to be some people that bought NSMBU Deluxe that won't get Wonder but the opposite is also true: I didn't get NSMBU on Switch but I already preordered Wonder, for starters.


RedKingXIII said:
zeldaring said:

I'm not sure mario wonder is gonna do any where near 35 million because we already had a 2d mario on Switch and even though it a wiiu port so was mario kart 8 lol. 

If even a low effort port of NSMBU managed to sell 16 million on the Switch then Wonder definitely is going to sell 35m. Yes, I think there's going to be some people that bought NSMBU Deluxe that won't get Wonder but the opposite is also true: I didn't get NSMBU on Switch but I already preordered Wonder, for starters.

Nobody owned a wiiu so that being a port of that system doesn't really matter much, and super NSMBU is the perfect handheld game so even people that had it on wiiu most likelydouble dipped. To the average casual mario wonder just looks like another NSMBU game.

zeldaring said:
RedKingXIII said:

If even a low effort port of NSMBU managed to sell 16 million on the Switch then Wonder definitely is going to sell 35m. Yes, I think there's going to be some people that bought NSMBU Deluxe that won't get Wonder but the opposite is also true: I didn't get NSMBU on Switch but I already preordered Wonder, for starters.

Nobody owned a wiiu so that being a port of that system doesn't really matter much, and super NSMBU is the perfect handheld game so even people that had it on wiiu most likelydouble dipped. To the average casual mario wonder just looks like another NSMBU game.

I take it, by the "average casual" you are refering to yourself.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.