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Forums - Sales Discussion - Clash of the October 20th titans: Which will sell more, Mario Wonder or Spiderman 2?


Which will sell more?

Super Mario Bros Wonder 125 84.46%
Spiderman 2 23 15.54%
RolStoppable said:
zeldaring said:

when i mean fatigue i don't mean that its not gonna do great but switch is flooded with mario platformers  and wiiu didn't exist to most people that own a switch so those games are brand  new to 90% of switch owners.

Are you soundwave's twin? taking things personal over predictions or maybe let's all have the same opinion with no discussion. You keep coming with insults like stupid logic or anything i say seems to trigger you by comparing me to quickrik. Anyway is there a ignore feature on this website? then ignore me if discussing games are gonna get you triggered. 

Being compared to quickrick is a compliment.

I'm sure was just like when a certain member here was calling me  on being someone else as  as well.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 09 October 2023

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zeldaring said:
zorg1000 said:

Yeah there is literally zero evidence of Mario fatigue, it’s up there with Quickrick’s cliff for goofiest argument.

when i mean fatigue i don't mean that its not gonna do great but switch is flooded with mario platformers  and wiiu didn't exist to most people that own a switch so those games are brand  new to 90% of switch owners.

Are you soundwave's twin? taking things personal over predictions or maybe let's all have the same opinion with no discussion. You keep coming with insults like stupid logic or anything i say seems to trigger you by comparing me to quickrik. Anyway is there an ignore feature on this website? then ignore me if discussing games are gonna get you triggered. 

First of all, I’m not taking what you say personally or triggered, I don’t care if you have opinions/predictions different from mine or others on this site but opinions/predictions need to be based on something to be taken seriously.

Basically what I’m saying is, show your work, explain why that is your opinion/prediction with some sort of data/evidence to back it up. “It’s my opinion” is such a lazy way to not have to support your argument.

You brought up Mario fatigue, so it’s on you to provide the slightest bit of evidence to support that statement. Sure, Switch has a ton of Mario games but that’s been true for years so why would 2023 all of a sudden be the year fatigue shows, especially in a year with the massively successful Mario Movie?

I’m sorry if I’ve been rude or short with you but this is a forum based on data/statistics so I expect you to do the bare minimum and use the tools available to base your opinions/predictions on.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

RolStoppable said:
zorg1000 said:

Is Zeldaring this sites newest Lawlight/Quickrick figure?

I swear every post I see from them is downplaying something from Nintendo.

He's the latest incarnation of quickrick.

Honestly, I never thought we'd see someone on practically the same level of Quickrick with the infamous "cliff" debate but I think we do have now a spiritual successor in his name.

Also, it might be important for Zeldaring to understand most problems coming from his "altercations" on different threads recently, are mostly due to how poorly some of his arguments have been constructed.

Are YouTube views truly significant or good indicator of sales ? Not really a guarantee. Tears of the Kingdom is smashing BOTW sales ATM despite the former having much better marketing and views on YouTube. Also, Nintendo games tends to have less views than Sony releases, does it mean every Sony 1st party trounced Nintendo 1st party releases ? Absolutely not.

Mario fatigue ?

Where we just got one the biggest earning animated movies of all time and we're about to get the first brand new 2D Mario platformer not tied to "New" or "Maker" brand moniker in 10+ years ? That's difficult to imagine it''d be the case really. 

You're free to believe your statements, just know they're profoundly flawed so arguing their legitimacy afterwards can come out as funny indeed.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

zorg1000 said:
zeldaring said:

when i mean fatigue i don't mean that its not gonna do great but switch is flooded with mario platformers  and wiiu didn't exist to most people that own a switch so those games are brand  new to 90% of switch owners.

Are you soundwave's twin? taking things personal over predictions or maybe let's all have the same opinion with no discussion. You keep coming with insults like stupid logic or anything i say seems to trigger you by comparing me to quickrik. Anyway is there an ignore feature on this website? then ignore me if discussing games are gonna get you triggered. 

First of all, I’m not taking what you say personally or triggered, I don’t care if you have opinions/predictions different from mine or others on this site but opinions/predictions need to be based on something to be taken seriously.

Basically what I’m saying is, show your work, explain why that is your opinion/prediction with some sort of data/evidence to back it up. “It’s my opinion” is such a lazy way to not have to support your argument.

You brought up Mario fatigue, so it’s on you to provide the slightest bit of evidence to support that statement. Sure, Switch has a ton of Mario games but that’s been true for years so why would 2023 all of a sudden be the year fatigue shows, especially in a year with the massively successful Mario Movie?

I’m sorry if I’ve been rude or short with you but this is a forum based on data/statistics so I expect you to do the bare minimum and use the tools available to base your opinions/predictions on.

My dude I'm predicting 20 million in sales not 10 and gave my explanation. You don't agree just say I don't agree and move on. It's not that serious. Why would super mario wonder blow away 3d world for example. When for 90% of usebase 3d world is a brand new mario game. That's just what I'm seeing and if you don't agree it's ok but some you guys feel like that's insult and want a essay of why i feel it will 20 million its a just prediction thread for fun and many people get predictions massively wrong like wiiu sales prediction and switch sales as well. For example rol  predicted smash  brawl would  out self gta4 and he got the prediction dead wrong she would have ganged up and said how stupid his logic was.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 09 October 2023

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

NSMB fatigue wasn't just a thing on forums, it showed in sales as well, both for NSMBU and 2; Switch and 3DS both had proportionately lower sales of NSMB than Wii because of this.

Personally I doubt Switch 2's release will kill sales of Wonder, there's still a massive base of Switch owners and they won't all buy it immediately. 3DS games didn't just instantly stop selling after Switch came out.

Well see what happens but I feel there might be some mario fatigue. Like sure NSMBU and 3d world were ports but no one really  owned a wiiu compared to 100 million switches and just on Switch alone that's gonna be 4 mario platformers witch  mario wonder. My prediction is 20 million on Switch. 

3D and 2D Mario are fundamentally different, and there's only been one new 2D entry in the last 11 years. Heck, it's been nearly 4 years since the port of New Super Mario Bros U came out on Switch, that's a pretty standard gap between games in the same popular series.

I really don't see any sign of Mario fatigue, especially not on the heels of the movie being a massive hit.

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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Well see what happens but I feel there might be some mario fatigue. Like sure NSMBU and 3d world were ports but no one really  owned a wiiu compared to 100 million switches and just on Switch alone that's gonna be 4 mario platformers witch  mario wonder. My prediction is 20 million on Switch. 

3D and 2D Mario are fundamentally different, and there's only been one new 2D entry in the last 11 years. Heck, it's been nearly 4 years since the port of New Super Mario Bros U came out on Switch, that's a pretty standard gap between games in the same popular series.

I really don't see any sign of Mario fatigue, especially not on the h11eels of the movie being a massive hit.

That's Fine. I honestly expected both 3d world and nsmu to do much better  considering what mario kart 8 did. Let's remove fatigue and just say there are way to many mario platformers on switch for this to do 30 million. Like I just don't see the thirst for a mario platformers. You can say there hasn''t been a new 2d mario for 11 years but 90% of switch owners NSMBU was a brand new 2d mario.

Zeldaring your like count number on all your post tells a sad history for you, you are trolling every time hahaha

34 years playing games.


zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

3D and 2D Mario are fundamentally different, and there's only been one new 2D entry in the last 11 years. Heck, it's been nearly 4 years since the port of New Super Mario Bros U came out on Switch, that's a pretty standard gap between games in the same popular series.

I really don't see any sign of Mario fatigue, especially not on the h11eels of the movie being a massive hit.

That's Fine. I honestly expected both 3d world and nsmu to do much better  considering what mario kart 8 did. Let's remove fatigue and just say there are way to many mario platformers on switch for this to do 30 million. Like I just don't see the thirst for a mario platformers. You can say there hasn''t been a new 2d mario for 11 years but 90% of switch owners NSMBU was a brand new 2d mario.

NSMBUD came out nearly 5 years ago and from a subseries that wore out its welcome over a decade ago and was considered tired and not particularly impressive even in 2012.

Wonder by contrast is the first mainline 2D Mario to have real effort and ambition behind it since the SNES.

There's just no comparison between the two, Wonder is going to sell more by the end of this year than NSMBUD has lifetime.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

That's Fine. I honestly expected both 3d world and nsmu to do much better  considering what mario kart 8 did. Let's remove fatigue and just say there are way to many mario platformers on switch for this to do 30 million. Like I just don't see the thirst for a mario platformers. You can say there hasn''t been a new 2d mario for 11 years but 90% of switch owners NSMBU was a brand new 2d mario.

NSMBUD came out nearly 5 years ago and from a subseries that wore out its welcome over a decade ago and was considered tired and not particularly impressive even in 2012.

Wonder by contrast is the first mainline 2D Mario to have real effort and ambition behind it since the SNES.

There's just no comparison between the two, Wonder is going to sell more by the end of this year than NSMBUD has lifetime.

That's just your opinion.

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

NSMBUD came out nearly 5 years ago and from a subseries that wore out its welcome over a decade ago and was considered tired and not particularly impressive even in 2012.

Wonder by contrast is the first mainline 2D Mario to have real effort and ambition behind it since the SNES.

There's just no comparison between the two, Wonder is going to sell more by the end of this year than NSMBUD has lifetime.

That's just your opinion.

Actually it's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of a great many people. There's a lot of excitement around this being the first non-NSMB entry in forever.