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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

Chrkeller said:

I've lost all interest in MS.  I owned a xbox, 360 and One.  I see no reason to get a Series.  When I look at xbox I cannot find a single game that I want to play that isn't on Steam.

And I'm curious to see what Sony does with Steam...  if they go full blown PC support like MS, next generation is an easy decision.  PC + Nintendo.

I did buy a Series X, to play Halo Infinite in split-screen co-op (cancelled), Starfield (lost interest due to fast travel dependence) and Forza 8 (lost interest after GT7 PSVR2). And yeah you can play them all on PC anyway. I did play Forza 7 on the Series X before VR hit GT7, now I use it as a 4K blu-ray player.

I'm leaving PC behind as well though, my next laptop/desktop is going to be Mac, I always butt heads with Windows and windows update is now completely broken on my system. So I'll be dependent on the few games that come to Mac.

Switch (2) and PSVR2 is what I'll be playing. One is capable of delivering finished physical games, the other brings the innovation. BG3 is getting Mac support so I can continue that there when the M3 Macs hit. I started on PS5 yet my controller has stick drift and the characters now all want to walk left all the time. So sick of controllers breaking all the time, so BG3 on Mac with mouse + kb sounds good to me.

I picked PSVR2 back up yesterday after a long break (TotK), still great but still waiting on RE4 VR patch. So just played some Synthriders and Puzzling Places. It would be nice if HL Alyx got a PSVR2 port, might still happen. Paper Beast is looking to get a great PSVR2 update soon.

Anyway next generation, Switch 2 is day one, PS6 depends on what Sony is doing with GAAS and VR. Then whatever comes to Mac I guess. I have no interest in a digital only console, so might just be Switch 2 for me next gen. XBox is already ditching the disc drive, Sony is making it optional, so PS6 might also be all digital. So please Nintendo, keep living off your hardware, it will be the only hardware worth buying for me!

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For sure a market for Ninty outside of consoles could exist.
For sure it wouldn't be where MS wishes to grab money and other benefits from Ninty move.
For most sure Ninty doesn't need Phil Spencer consulting to decide how to be Ninty, particularly
seeing what former MS people with too many ties with their old company did to Nokia and other
companies that were duped into hiring them for high responsibility roles.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

A market consisting solely of Xbox and Playstation would be quite dull honestly.

Don't get me wrong; there's merit to what they do, but having a third wildcard to mix things up keeps gaming much more fun and interesting.

Gaming is better off with more competition and more variety, not less.

curl-6 said:

A market consisting solely of Xbox and Playstation would be quite dull honestly.

Don't get me wrong; there's merit to what they do, but having a third wildcard to mix things up keeps gaming much more fun and interesting.

Gaming is better off with more competition and more variety, not less.

I wouldn't call dull, but that's mainly about personal tastes. You have been with out playstation and Xbox consoles since the ps3 did you find it dull just owning a Nintendo console?

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

A market consisting solely of Xbox and Playstation would be quite dull honestly.

Don't get me wrong; there's merit to what they do, but having a third wildcard to mix things up keeps gaming much more fun and interesting.

Gaming is better off with more competition and more variety, not less.

I wouldn't call dull, but that's mainly about personal tastes. You have been with out playstation and Xbox consoles since the ps3 did you find it dull just owning a Nintendo console?

The Wii U/PS4/XBO days were pretty dull at times. I experienced PS4/XBO via friends and wasn't that excited by them; there were some games I was interested in like Doom, Witcher 3, and Hellblade, but those ended up getting ported to Switch. Now that I've moved in with my girlfriend I have a PS5, and I have been playing Diablo 4 and Hogwarts Legacy on it, but I still spend most of my time on my Switch.

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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I wouldn't call dull, but that's mainly about personal tastes. You have been with out playstation and Xbox consoles since the ps3 did you find it dull just owning a Nintendo console?

The Wii U/PS4/XBO days were pretty dull at times. I experienced PS4/XBO via friends and wasn't that excited by them; there were some games I was interested in like Doom, Witcher 3, and Hellblade, but those ended up getting ported to Switch. Now that I've moved in with my girlfriend I have a PS5, and I have been playing Diablo 4 and Hogwarts Legacy on it, but I still spend most of my time on my Switch.

 Ps4 for me was greatest console of all time for me so the last thing  would call it is dull. For me owning a switch only  would be dull and not because Nintendo sucks its because I would be missing on most third-party games and I like having descent powered  home console. Plus my favorite developer is Fromsoftware, followed by Sony then probably Nintendo/capcom. When I think about n64 would be my second favorite console truly was a nextgen experience with revolutionary games.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 26 September 2023

MS has given me no reason to buy an Xbox since 2013. No real exclusives worth buying the console over. Yeah, I recently got into the Gears series. Enjoyed them all. Tho 4 and 5 feel like a big step down. So I don't feel compelled to buy them. Rent worthy. 1-3 own worthy. No physical of Hi-Fi Rush so a friend gifted it to me on Steam. Most of Japan still ignores Xbox so with my Switch and PS5 I get a lot of smaller physical releases of arcade games. Shmups. Middleware. Not much for Sony IPs but I do find Spider-Man enjoyable and liked Rift Apart a lot. Gungrave is not an exclusive but as the only person on this site who is a big fan of the series, felt right to play on PS5. I got tired of Phil Spencer next year will be the year sorry about this year's nonsense about mid XBO generation. Phantom Dust and Scalebound sealed the deal to not buy an XBO. Disliked Phil for a few years and he has finally been exposed for the idiot he is. I loved the OG Xbox and still enjoy my 360. Don stomped all over the brand and Phil has slowly drowned Xbox but given people, fools gold to buy into his bullshit for a decade. Jim Ryan we know has been a douche but he hasn't killed PS the brand but has made it have less of an identity to me.

Nintendo is still Nintendo even if I don't love all their IPs. Still happy they make unique hardware and software. Publish a Daemon X Machina. Get a new IP like Astral Chain. Put out those Xenoblade games. Meanwhile, 3rd parties load that console with fun smaller games and arcade ports.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

The Wii U/PS4/XBO days were pretty dull at times. I experienced PS4/XBO via friends and wasn't that excited by them; there were some games I was interested in like Doom, Witcher 3, and Hellblade, but those ended up getting ported to Switch. Now that I've moved in with my girlfriend I have a PS5, and I have been playing Diablo 4 and Hogwarts Legacy on it, but I still spend most of my time on my Switch.

 Ps4 for me was greatest console of all time for me so the last thing  would call it is dull. For me owning a switch only  would be dull and not because Nintendo sucks its because I would be missing on most third-party games and I like having descent powered  home console. Plus my favorite developer is Fromsoftware, followed by Sony then probably Nintendo/capcom. When I think about n64 would be my second favorite console truly was a nextgen experience with revolutionary games.

There are good games on PS4, don't get me wrong, it's just once most of them ones I wanted were ported it got harder for me to justify spending like $500 on a new console when I already had a backlog on Switch. There are some I still gotta check out now I have a PS5 though like DMC5 and RE7. I did love the N64 too, awesome console, games like Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc were a big part of my childhood.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

 Ps4 for me was greatest console of all time for me so the last thing  would call it is dull. For me owning a switch only  would be dull and not because Nintendo sucks its because I would be missing on most third-party games and I like having descent powered  home console. Plus my favorite developer is Fromsoftware, followed by Sony then probably Nintendo/capcom. When I think about n64 would be my second favorite console truly was a nextgen experience with revolutionary games.

There are good games on PS4, don't get me wrong, it's just once most of them ones I wanted were ported it got harder for me to justify spending like $500 on a new console when I already had a backlog on Switch. There are some I still gotta check out now I have a PS5 though like DMC5 and RE7. I did love the N64 too, awesome console, games like Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc were a big part of my childhood.

You don't like fromsoftware Games? I mean they are considered by many to be some of the greatest games of all time. You might have to go through hell to beat one but there is really nothing like them and once you get gud it's so satisfying. Bloodborne, sekiro, or elden ring  just beat one and see what they are about. Resident evil 4 remake is also amazing, evil with in 2. Batman arknight, and spiderman are fun. Gtav is also pretty  fun I won't lie just exploring the world is insane.

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

There are good games on PS4, don't get me wrong, it's just once most of them ones I wanted were ported it got harder for me to justify spending like $500 on a new console when I already had a backlog on Switch. There are some I still gotta check out now I have a PS5 though like DMC5 and RE7. I did love the N64 too, awesome console, games like Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, etc were a big part of my childhood.

You don't like fromsoftware Games? I mean they are considered by many to be some of the greatest games of all time. You might have to go through hell to beat one but there is really nothing like them and once you get gud it's so satisfying. Bloodborne, sekiro, or elden ring  just beat one and see what they are about. Resident evil 4 remake is also amazing, evil with in 2. Batman arknight, and spiderman are fun. Gtav is also pretty  fun I won't lie just exploring the world is insane.

From games are a bit too hard for me; I don't cope well with frustration and I don't have great fine motor skills or reflexes, plus I have a stressful job and I prefer to play relaxing games at the end of my day.