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MS has given me no reason to buy an Xbox since 2013. No real exclusives worth buying the console over. Yeah, I recently got into the Gears series. Enjoyed them all. Tho 4 and 5 feel like a big step down. So I don't feel compelled to buy them. Rent worthy. 1-3 own worthy. No physical of Hi-Fi Rush so a friend gifted it to me on Steam. Most of Japan still ignores Xbox so with my Switch and PS5 I get a lot of smaller physical releases of arcade games. Shmups. Middleware. Not much for Sony IPs but I do find Spider-Man enjoyable and liked Rift Apart a lot. Gungrave is not an exclusive but as the only person on this site who is a big fan of the series, felt right to play on PS5. I got tired of Phil Spencer next year will be the year sorry about this year's nonsense about mid XBO generation. Phantom Dust and Scalebound sealed the deal to not buy an XBO. Disliked Phil for a few years and he has finally been exposed for the idiot he is. I loved the OG Xbox and still enjoy my 360. Don stomped all over the brand and Phil has slowly drowned Xbox but given people, fools gold to buy into his bullshit for a decade. Jim Ryan we know has been a douche but he hasn't killed PS the brand but has made it have less of an identity to me.

Nintendo is still Nintendo even if I don't love all their IPs. Still happy they make unique hardware and software. Publish a Daemon X Machina. Get a new IP like Astral Chain. Put out those Xenoblade games. Meanwhile, 3rd parties load that console with fun smaller games and arcade ports.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!