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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

Jumpin said:

Microsoft openly admits their mediocrity. They can’t innovate, and they suck the innovative spirit out of every company they buy.

Microsoft has replaced EA as the worst cancer afflicting the videogaming industry today.

Yeah... I keep telling these guys that Microsoft should also jump on the 3rd person action adventure games remaster-remake-director's cuts wave. That's where the true creativity and innovation resides.

But hold on, I think I'm not giving Sony enough credit here, I mean, they are just about to bring all of their innovation to the GAAS space now. I mean, those Marathon, Concord, FairGames, and FoamStars gameplay trailers really looked like something never seen before. If the rest of their 10 GAAS games that they have planned for these next 2 years are anything like those.. oh, boy!

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Qwark said:

Imagine how strong gamepass would be if they had all of Nintendo's offerings and Microsoft could bring Nintendo games to pc. It isn't all that bad for the Industry, if Microsoft actually does the impossible. On the other hand I doubt Nintendo is willing to sell for anything less than ABK.

I know this may come as a crazy idea…but have you ever thought of just simply purchasing a Nintendo Switch? It much preferable for the consumer that Nintendo continue doing they do best (i.e. make good games) and not be taking under the wing of one of the most vile corporations to have ever existed in human history. Crazy thought, especially for Xbox fanboys. But this is just what I’m thinking.

Imagine how great it would be if Xbox focused on innovating the industry instead of cannibalizing it.

rapsuperstar31 said:
smroadkill15 said:

People getting upset for a corporation humoring the idea of buying one the most popular and successful gaming companies. How could they 🫢. Any company with enough money and interest in gaming has likely discussed wanting to buy Nintendo at some point.
The email even has Phil nicely shooting the idea down unless the stars align perfectly. Big overreaction per usual from those too emotionally invested in this stuff.

Wanting to buy Nintendo is fine, I wouldn't mind owning Nintendo myself.  It's this part I don't like "they have a [Board of Directors] that until recently has not pushed for further increases in market growth or stock appreciation.”Continuing, Spencer's email revealed that, at that time, former Microsoft Board of Directors member and co-CEO of ValueAct Capital, Mason Morfit, had been “heavily acquiring” Nintendo shares. As a result, Spencer was keeping in touch with him as it was “likely he will be pushing for more from Nintendo stock which could create opportunities for us”.

Even though he does state he doesn't think a hostile takeover is appropriate, he literally has activist investors that have infiltrated the company by buying up stock with the intent of forcing Nintendo to increase the value of the stock. Some activist investors like the ones fighting Kohls are demanding Kohls fire a good chunk of their board and hire new ones picked out by the activist investors. These activist investors are scum, that try to push their way of doing business on other business, and if the don't they may one day decided to do a hostile takeover.

Good point. I want to make it clear; I don't like the idea of MS acquiring Nintendo. What was happening and being discussed in 2020 might not be happening now. Considering this was 3 years ago and the Zenimax deal happened and the ABK deal is about to pass, it doesn't seem like a realistic possibility of happening and we have to imagine MS realizes this too. 

I think it is inevitable that Nintendo will need to move their games off of their own hardware. I think dedicated hardware is on its way out. So I think, at least in some sense, Phil is correct.

I also don't think Nintendo has the scale required to compete effectively in the streaming business. So they will either have to partner with somebody, or they will be acquired.

VAMatt said:

I think it is inevitable that Nintendo will need to move their games off of their own hardware. I think dedicated hardware is on its way out. So I think, at least in some sense, Phil is correct.

I also don't think Nintendo has the scale required to compete effectively in the streaming business. So they will either have to partner with somebody, or they will be acquired.

or you know, they could take a page out of MS book and just buy a company that specializes in streaming. I mean they have years to prepare for it.

Around the Network
VAMatt said:

I think it is inevitable that Nintendo will need to move their games off of their own hardware. I think dedicated hardware is on its way out. So I think, at least in some sense, Phil is correct.

I also don't think Nintendo has the scale required to compete effectively in the streaming business. So they will either have to partner with somebody, or they will be acquired.

Sony is toast in that scenario too probably ... they're not going to win any kind streaming service war, not when they have to compete against companies not just 1 Microsoft, but Apple, Netflix and others. Their whole business model and success is rooted in basically the same physical Playstation hardware model from 1995. That won't work for them if you change the game entirely. 

KLXVER said:
VAMatt said:

I think it is inevitable that Nintendo will need to move their games off of their own hardware. I think dedicated hardware is on its way out. So I think, at least in some sense, Phil is correct.

I also don't think Nintendo has the scale required to compete effectively in the streaming business. So they will either have to partner with somebody, or they will be acquired.

or you know, they could take a page out of MS book and just buy a company that specializes in streaming. I mean they have years to prepare for it.

In theory, yes. But, I think the cloud gaming business, which is what almost the entire video game industry will be within a decade or so, will be dominated by tech megacorps.  Nintendo doesn't have the scale to compete with those companies.  So, either Nintendo is going to go on a merger and acquisition spree, or they are likely to be acquired at some point.  

Soundwave said:
VAMatt said:

I think it is inevitable that Nintendo will need to move their games off of their own hardware. I think dedicated hardware is on its way out. So I think, at least in some sense, Phil is correct.

I also don't think Nintendo has the scale required to compete effectively in the streaming business. So they will either have to partner with somebody, or they will be acquired.

Sony is toast in that scenario too probably ... they're not going to win any kind streaming service war, not when they have to compete against companies not just 1 Microsoft, but Apple, Netflix and others. Their whole business model and success is rooted in basically the same physical Playstation hardware model from 1995. That won't work for them if you change the game entirely. 

Possibly. But, Sony is a more diversified technology and entertainment business. I think they have a leg up on Nintendo in that respect.  Also, because they are somewhat diversified, I think they make a less attractive acquisition target for many companies.  I don't think Microsoft wants to buy in to the audio and video equipment industry, for example.  They could of course spin that stuff out, but that complicates the deal.  

Definitely Sony is under threat from a takeover of the gaming business by tech megacorps. Something about their business is going to change substantially. Maybe it's being acquired, maybe it's doing some acquiring. I don't know. I just think they're in a different position than Nintendo, which could lead to a different end result for the company. 

VAMatt said:
KLXVER said:

or you know, they could take a page out of MS book and just buy a company that specializes in streaming. I mean they have years to prepare for it.

In theory, yes. But, I think the cloud gaming business, which is what almost the entire video game industry will be within a decade or so, will be dominated by tech megacorps.  Nintendo doesn't have the scale to compete with those companies.  So, either Nintendo is going to go on a merger and acquisition spree, or they are likely to be acquired at some point.  

They are competing with Sony, MS, Apple, Google etc now. They are not as small and fragile as you might think they are.

VAMatt said:
KLXVER said:

or you know, they could take a page out of MS book and just buy a company that specializes in streaming. I mean they have years to prepare for it.

In theory, yes. But, I think the cloud gaming business, which is what almost the entire video game industry will be within a decade or so, will be dominated by tech megacorps.  Nintendo doesn't have the scale to compete with those companies.  So, either Nintendo is going to go on a merger and acquisition spree, or they are likely to be acquired at some point.  

Nintendoomed since 1889. Or you know their IPs are strong enough that people will sub anyway. People are doing it now with NSO to get 30-year-old Nintendo games.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!