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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1983, Game of the Year


1983, Game of the Year

Dragon's Lair 9 21.95%
Mario Bros 15 36.59%
Spy Hunter 4 9.76%
Star Wars 4 9.76%
Track and Field 0 0%
Lode Runner 1 2.44%
Manic Miner 1 2.44%
Dr J vs Larry Bird 0 0%
Ultima 3 4 9.76%
Other (please specify) 3 7.32%

Dragons Lair had such shallow gameplay, plus lazer discs never really took off so not sure why people vote for it.

My vote is for Atic Atac The first true decent arcade adventure, a landmark game and quite fun to play. It set the mould for others like zelda to copy and improve.
Gyruss and Track and Field were also fun

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GProgrammer said:

Dragons Lair had such shallow gameplay, plus lazer discs never really took off so not sure why people vote for it.

My vote is for Atic Atac The first true decent arcade adventure, a landmark game and quite fun to play. It set the mould for others like zelda to copy and improve.
Gyruss and Track and Field were also fun

Laserdiscs did take off for hifi enthusiasts, I still have over a hundred in a box downstairs. Sadly my Laserdisc player broke (and I have replaced all the good ones with blu-ray versions by now). Laserdisc was better quality than early DVD and had AC3 surround sound first. It was readily available in stores where I bought all my Laserdiscs. Anyone with a projector at the time had Laserdisc for best video quality.

Plus Dragon's lair is still getting rereleased, last version was 2018. But it will be back in a 4K remaster.

GProgrammer said:

Dragons Lair had such shallow gameplay, plus lazer discs never really took off so not sure why people vote for it.

My vote is for Atic Atac The first true decent arcade adventure, a landmark game and quite fun to play. It set the mould for others like zelda to copy and improve.
Gyruss and Track and Field were also fun

I remember Atic Atac - I had C64 and friend of mine had ZX Spectrum, so we were hanging out a lot at each others home playing games that were only at their respective platforms. I can't say Atic Atac was one of my overall favourites on Speccy (unlike Stamper brothers year later game, Knight Lore), but I have very fond memory of it.

Also, great pick with Gyruss - most of my friends and me back then were into Scramble, Galaga, Pheonix and stuff like that, when it came to shooters, but one of them was really into tube shooters, both Tempest at first, and then really into Gyruss.


Mario Bros tho

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Tight race for the third spot

Congo Bongo should have been mentioned in the other notable games category.