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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Switch 2 has 12GB RAM and 512GB internal storage


These specs would be...

better than I've expected 33 66.00%
about what I've expected 14 28.00%
worse than I've expected 3 6.00%
Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

The fastest way to get yourself into trouble in this business is to not take competition seriously. 

It's been shown over and over and over and over again, yet some people still want to die on that hill. Did the 3DS and Wii U not have Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash, Animal Crossing, etc. etc.? Yes the IP are extremely important but you can't just half ass a piece of hardware and become lazy and think things are going to go A-OK. 

If they don't have an industry changing kind of feature (and I doubt it) for Switch 2 they're going to need a full generation upgrade over the existing hardware at least, if they just fart out a mediocre upgrade, it's just creating a good possibility of unnecessary headaches for no great reason. They've never released a system that was neither a large upgrade over their previous system OR had a completely industry changing functionality feature (Wiimote or hybrid console). It's either one of the other and in Nintendo DS' case it had both (and lo and behold it has the highest sales). 

Apple isn't a "closed system", lol (and Nintendo is some how an "open system?"). Apple products are the mainstream of the mainstream, very few companies move the kind of hardware volume they do, thus their ecosystem is huge, no game company could ever dream of getting the numbers they get. 

Nintendo's downfall has been predicted yearly for the last 30 years....  and here we are with the switch dominating.

And don't rewrite my words.  I said PC gamers are not going for apple's closed systems.  And Apple is a closed system while PC isn't.  PC gamers will not give a **** about apple.  Apple is for casuals.

McDonalds sells the most hamburgers, who cares?  Their products are still crap.  So is Starbucks coffee.  PC gamers will never limit themselves to Apple only hardware with limited upgrade ability.  It flatly isn't going to happen.  

The world revolves around PC gamers now? lulz. 

Apple products aren't crap either, like there's very few phones as good as an iPhone, certainly almost none with the processing power it has. 

An M2 Max can come pretty damn close to PS5 performance at 35 watts max draw whereas a PS5 needs 200 watts to run games, lol. 80 watts just to run Netflix. Who's making the crap product again?

If Apple really wanted to make a game console, they'd blow that ugly ass PS5 right off its ass and take Sony to the cleaners. They could make something at 100-120 watts significantly more powerful than a PS5 or XSX and smaller/slimmer than both of those systems at the same time.

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Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Nintendo's downfall has been predicted yearly for the last 30 years....  and here we are with the switch dominating.

And don't rewrite my words.  I said PC gamers are not going for apple's closed systems.  And Apple is a closed system while PC isn't.  PC gamers will not give a **** about apple.  Apple is for casuals.

McDonalds sells the most hamburgers, who cares?  Their products are still crap.  So is Starbucks coffee.  PC gamers will never limit themselves to Apple only hardware with limited upgrade ability.  It flatly isn't going to happen.  

The world revolves around PC gamers now? lulz. 

Apple products aren't crap either, like there's very few phones as good as an iPhone, certainly almost none with the processing power it has. 

An M2 Max can come pretty damn close to PS5 performance at 35 watts max draw whereas a PS5 needs 200 watts to run games, lol. 80 watts just to run Netflix. Who's making the crap product again?

If Apple really wanted to make a game console, they'd blow that ugly ass PS5 right off its ass and take Sony to the cleaners. They could make something at 100-120 watts significantly more powerful than a PS5 or XSX and smaller/slimmer than both of those systems at the same time.

Never said anything about the world revolving around PC.  Those are your words, not mine.

The problem is you cannot concede any facts that are negative against Apple.  They are a closed system and PC games aren't going to care.

No idea what Netflix has to do with anything.  I have a smart TV and don't need a second device for Netflix.

Sony isn't going anywhere when they have uncharted, Spiderman, ratchet, last of us, ghost, God of War, etc.  You are underselling software.  The series X is more powerful than the ps5....  how are sales going?  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

The world revolves around PC gamers now? lulz. 

Apple products aren't crap either, like there's very few phones as good as an iPhone, certainly almost none with the processing power it has. 

An M2 Max can come pretty damn close to PS5 performance at 35 watts max draw whereas a PS5 needs 200 watts to run games, lol. 80 watts just to run Netflix. Who's making the crap product again?

If Apple really wanted to make a game console, they'd blow that ugly ass PS5 right off its ass and take Sony to the cleaners. They could make something at 100-120 watts significantly more powerful than a PS5 or XSX and smaller/slimmer than both of those systems at the same time.

Never said anything about the world revolving around PC.  Those are your words, not mine.

The problem is you cannot concede any facts that are negative against Apple.  They are a closed system and PC games aren't going to care.

No idea what Netflix has to do with anything.  I have a smart TV and don't need a second device for Netflix.

Sony isn't going anywhere when they have uncharted, Spiderman, ratchet, last of us, ghost, God of War, etc.  You are underselling software.  The series X is more powerful than the ps5....  how are sales going?  

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. It's not like it's some niche OS, Apple has roared back in the US especially and taken back nearly 60% of the smartphone market and completely dominate teenagers and college age consumers especially, Android has been taking it on the chin for a while, and Windows phones ... welp. 

If Apple really wanted to, they could roast the Sony PlayStation, don't kid yourself. They're not a clumsy company like Microsoft is that's been coasting on the success of Windows for like 30 years now (Microsoft Zune? failed. Microsoft XBox? Lots of money spent for 3rd place thus far. Microsoft Phone OS? Failed. Buying Skype? Massive Fail.) Meanwhile Apple ... iPod? Revolutionized the music industry, huge success. iPhone? Arguably the most important and successful consumer electronics product of the last 20+ years. iPad? Big success. Air Pods? Big success. Apple Watch? Pretty big success I would say, shipped almost 60 million in 2021. 

And Sony lets not even start. Aside from getting lucky that Nintendo didn't use CD-ROM for N64 and stealing their 3rd party support with pay-offs, the last big thing Sony did is like the Walkman from the 1980s? 

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

Never said anything about the world revolving around PC.  Those are your words, not mine.

The problem is you cannot concede any facts that are negative against Apple.  They are a closed system and PC games aren't going to care.

No idea what Netflix has to do with anything.  I have a smart TV and don't need a second device for Netflix.

Sony isn't going anywhere when they have uncharted, Spiderman, ratchet, last of us, ghost, God of War, etc.  You are underselling software.  The series X is more powerful than the ps5....  how are sales going?  

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. It's not like it's some niche OS, Apple has roared back in the US especially and taken back nearly 60% of the smartphone market and completely dominate teenagers and college age consumers especially, Android has been taking it on the chin for a while, and Windows phones ... welp. 

If Apple really wanted to, they could roast the Sony PlayStation, don't kid yourself. They're not a clumsy company like Microsoft is that's been coasting on the success of Windows for like 30 years now (Microsoft Zune? failed. Microsoft XBox? Lots of money spent for 3rd place thus far. Microsoft Phone OS? Failed. Buying Skype? Massive Fail.) Meanwhile Apple ... iPod? Revolutionized the music industry, huge success. iPhone? Arguably the most important and successful consumer electronics product of the last 20+ years. iPad? Big success. Air Pods? Big success. Apple Watch? Pretty big success I would say, shipped almost 60 million in 2021.

And Sony lets not even start. Aside from getting lucky that Nintendo didn't use CD-ROM for N64 and stealing their 3rd party support with pay-offs, the last big thing Sony did is like the Walkman from the 1980s? 

It is a closed system, full stop.

Your sony hate is silly, full stop.

Popular doesn't correlate to quality, full stop.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Soundwave said:

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. It's not like it's some niche OS, Apple has roared back in the US especially and taken back nearly 60% of the smartphone market and completely dominate teenagers and college age consumers especially, Android has been taking it on the chin for a while, and Windows phones ... welp. 

If Apple really wanted to, they could roast the Sony PlayStation, don't kid yourself. They're not a clumsy company like Microsoft is that's been coasting on the success of Windows for like 30 years now (Microsoft Zune? failed. Microsoft XBox? Lots of money spent for 3rd place thus far. Microsoft Phone OS? Failed. Buying Skype? Massive Fail.) Meanwhile Apple ... iPod? Revolutionized the music industry, huge success. iPhone? Arguably the most important and successful consumer electronics product of the last 20+ years. iPad? Big success. Air Pods? Big success. Apple Watch? Pretty big success I would say, shipped almost 60 million in 2021. 

And Sony lets not even start. Aside from getting lucky that Nintendo didn't use CD-ROM for N64 and stealing their 3rd party support with pay-offs, the last big thing Sony did is like the Walkman from the 1980s? 

Among all the crazy and insane stuff that has been said in the last ten days or so, this one takes the cake.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Around the Network
Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. It's not like it's some niche OS, Apple has roared back in the US especially and taken back nearly 60% of the smartphone market and completely dominate teenagers and college age consumers especially, Android has been taking it on the chin for a while, and Windows phones ... welp. 

If Apple really wanted to, they could roast the Sony PlayStation, don't kid yourself. They're not a clumsy company like Microsoft is that's been coasting on the success of Windows for like 30 years now (Microsoft Zune? failed. Microsoft XBox? Lots of money spent for 3rd place thus far. Microsoft Phone OS? Failed. Buying Skype? Massive Fail.) Meanwhile Apple ... iPod? Revolutionized the music industry, huge success. iPhone? Arguably the most important and successful consumer electronics product of the last 20+ years. iPad? Big success. Air Pods? Big success. Apple Watch? Pretty big success I would say, shipped almost 60 million in 2021.

And Sony lets not even start. Aside from getting lucky that Nintendo didn't use CD-ROM for N64 and stealing their 3rd party support with pay-offs, the last big thing Sony did is like the Walkman from the 1980s? 

It is a closed system, full stop.

Your sony hate is silly, full stop.

Popular doesn't correlate to quality, full stop.

I mean it's kind of funny to try and push the "Apple products aren't quality" ... they've upped their game massively in performance and the design is almost always top notch.

Sony would get murdered if they had to face up against a company like Apple if Apple really wanted to make a console and tie it in with their broader ecosystem of products. Full stop. They are lucky they don't have to face that kind of a company head to head, Microsoft are a bunch of goofs, like a rich kid who does a lot of dumb things because he has daddy's bank account to fall back on. They haven't had a lot of success outside of Windows/business back end. 

Popular does actually correlate quite often to quality. There are plenty of great products and films and movies that are also the most popular. 

RolStoppable said:
Soundwave said:

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. It's not like it's some niche OS, Apple has roared back in the US especially and taken back nearly 60% of the smartphone market and completely dominate teenagers and college age consumers especially, Android has been taking it on the chin for a while, and Windows phones ... welp. 

If Apple really wanted to, they could roast the Sony PlayStation, don't kid yourself. They're not a clumsy company like Microsoft is that's been coasting on the success of Windows for like 30 years now (Microsoft Zune? failed. Microsoft XBox? Lots of money spent for 3rd place thus far. Microsoft Phone OS? Failed. Buying Skype? Massive Fail.) Meanwhile Apple ... iPod? Revolutionized the music industry, huge success. iPhone? Arguably the most important and successful consumer electronics product of the last 20+ years. iPad? Big success. Air Pods? Big success. Apple Watch? Pretty big success I would say, shipped almost 60 million in 2021. 

And Sony lets not even start. Aside from getting lucky that Nintendo didn't use CD-ROM for N64 and stealing their 3rd party support with pay-offs, the last big thing Sony did is like the Walkman from the 1980s? 

Among all the crazy and insane stuff that has been said in the last ten days or so, this one takes the cake.

Apple ain't Microsoft, don't kid yourself. Microsoft is a clumsy, bit of a dumb dinosaur of a company that gets by because they had daddy's back account (the Windows business). 

Contrast to Apple which has proven itself over and over again with hit after hit product.

They're not even trying to be a gaming company and their gaming revenue almost matches Sony and in some years has even overtaken Sony, lol. Think about that for half a second. 

This is like a basketball player who doesn't really train for baseball just stepping onto a baseball field and casually being able to not only hold their own against other All-Star level talent but even outperform them in several cases. What would happen if they actually put some effort into practising baseball? 

RolStoppable said:
Soundwave said:

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. It's not like it's some niche OS, Apple has roared back in the US especially and taken back nearly 60% of the smartphone market and completely dominate teenagers and college age consumers especially, Android has been taking it on the chin for a while, and Windows phones ... welp. 

If Apple really wanted to, they could roast the Sony PlayStation, don't kid yourself. They're not a clumsy company like Microsoft is that's been coasting on the success of Windows for like 30 years now (Microsoft Zune? failed. Microsoft XBox? Lots of money spent for 3rd place thus far. Microsoft Phone OS? Failed. Buying Skype? Massive Fail.) Meanwhile Apple ... iPod? Revolutionized the music industry, huge success. iPhone? Arguably the most important and successful consumer electronics product of the last 20+ years. iPad? Big success. Air Pods? Big success. Apple Watch? Pretty big success I would say, shipped almost 60 million in 2021. 

And Sony lets not even start. Aside from getting lucky that Nintendo didn't use CD-ROM for N64 and stealing their 3rd party support with pay-offs, the last big thing Sony did is like the Walkman from the 1980s? 

Among all the crazy and insane stuff that has been said in the last ten days or so, this one takes the cake.

Agreed.  I'm going to sell my ps5 with RE2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 so I can buy Apple at 2-3x the price to rebuy the games I already own while also losing access to ratchet, spider, last, uncharted, demon, sack, Horizon, God of War, etc.  Lol, makes perfect sense!  Day 1 for sure!!!

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 14 September 2023


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Soundwave said:

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. (..)

Even though this isn't the Apple game announcement thread but the Switch internal storage thread, I want to say, I get what he means though. I'm an Apple guy, but with Macs you can't really just pop open the case and swap some hardware around, upgrading GPU's, RAM and whatever. And that's what a lot gamers like to do to keep themselves up to date. So it's 'closed' in that regard.

S.Peelman said:
Soundwave said:

It's a closed system that is one of the most widely used OS' in the world. So how "closed" is it really, lol. (..)

Even though this isn't the Apple game announcement thread but the Switch internal storage thread, I want to say, I get what he means though. I'm an Apple guy, but with Macs you can't really just pop open the case and swap some hardware around, upgrading GPU's, RAM and whatever. And that's what a lot gamers like to do to keep themselves up to date. So it's 'closed' in that regard.

So like almost every game console ever then? You can upgrade the storage and that's about it.