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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 ships 75M by 31.12.2024. LT sales expectations?


Lifetime sales expectations?

Under 100M 4 4.12%
100-115M 37 38.14%
115-130M 45 46.39%
130M+ 11 11.34%
-Adonis- said:

I will repeat it since the messiah isn't here yet because I want his prediction. He thinks he is a dope analyst and he is right : he said PS4 would never beat the Wii. No prediction from him, no credibility.

What is the latest Patcher prediction?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network

Anywhere from 120M to 150M+.

The PlayStation 5 has more demand than the PS4, maintaining their lead in major markets as well as growing in developing markets, while the Xbox Series consoles & GamePass isn't as disruptive as many predicted. I think the path is paved for PS5 to sell at least 120M lifetime. Exceeding past that total will depend on how proactive Sony is with discounts/price cuts at the end of the PS5's lifecycle.

Last edited by PotentHerbs - on 11 November 2023

"Lifetime expectations ?"

I think it has a shot of beating the PS4.... however probably not by much.
I voted 100-120m, but it might go abit over 120m tbh (if its gonna beat the PS4).

Im not super optimistic about PS5 yet (so voted conservatively) .... lets see where it is a year or two from now.
I'd be happy to be surprised, by it doing better than my expectations.
(ps4 fizzled out too early imo, sony could have pushed it harder, for more sales near the end of its cycle... but choose profit margins on hardware instead)

I think on a higher end of 100-120m range, like PS4. But possibly can go a bit over 120m mark


JRPGfan said:

"Lifetime expectations ?"

I think it has a shot of beating the PS4.... however probably not by much.
I voted 100-120m, but it might go abit over 120m tbh (if its gonna beat the PS4).

Im not super optimistic about PS5 yet (so voted conservatively) .... lets see where it is a year or two from now.
I'd be happy to be surprised, by it doing better than my expectations.
(ps4 fizzled out too early imo, sony could have pushed it harder, for more sales near the end of its cycle... but choose profit margins on hardware instead)

My simulation of the end of life deep price cut to get another 10M HW sales showed little prospect of happening due to overall bringing less profit than keep the price they had and lose those additional 10M HW because the people buying the console so late in its life would likely buy much less SW. And with PS5 BC that made even more sense.

And that may have even made they keep their PS5 price at this level for so long, they are having sales based on inventory availability with almost zero pressure to cut the price and they even increased it to correct inflation/ratio exchange. I only see they pricecuting if their target for 25M becomes so challenged that they may lose it by several millions and projection for next FY also become low.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Around the Network

If the generation lasts 8 years this time 120+ millions is a given.

Kyuu said:
Manlytears said:

you reminded me of a gaming podcast I listened years ago. There were these two famous guys, Timdog and "Colt something". They said that the PS4 only sold 2:1 compared to the X1 due to "Don Matrick's" mistakes.

According to them, series S/X would capture a large market share by delivering "unparalleled performance" (series X) and "the best value" (series S).

Well, it looks like they were very wrong. Xbox reports are looking Very weak ( even with Starfield), while PS recent number are Just amazing ( and Spider-man 2 is not even included in their recent numbers). Looks like PS is set to 2:1 Xbox again.

Colt Eastwood is the ultimate clown. One of the countless misinformation he was spreading is that Series SX sold more than PS5 globally lol. It fascinates me how these idiots got so popular.

But Xbox generally gets overestimated even by ordinary and neutral gamers. The VGChartz community constantly overestimate it, with some getting mad or dick-ish at anyone having more realistic or less positive expectations. It's weird! There is one particular thread that I promised to bump at the end of the year. Prepare your popcorn as dis gone b gud.

I'm curious about which thread is that, lol.

Seeing those sales prediction threads make me miss good ol' @tbone51   predictions

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 14 November 2023

DonFerrari said:
Kyuu said:

Colt Eastwood is the ultimate clown. One of the countless misinformation he was spreading is that Series SX sold more than PS5 globally lol. It fascinates me how these idiots got so popular.

But Xbox generally gets overestimated even by ordinary and neutral gamers. The VGChartz community constantly overestimate it, with some getting mad or dick-ish at anyone having more realistic or less positive expectations. It's weird! There is one particular thread that I promised to bump at the end of the year. Prepare your popcorn as dis gone b gud.

Please tag me.

BraLoD said:
Kyuu said:

Colt Eastwood is the ultimate clown. One of the countless misinformation he was spreading is that Series SX sold more than PS5 globally lol. It fascinates me how these idiots got so popular.

But Xbox generally gets overestimated even by ordinary and neutral gamers. The VGChartz community constantly overestimate it, with some getting mad or dick-ish at anyone having more realistic or less positive expectations. It's weird! There is one particular thread that I promised to bump at the end of the year. Prepare your popcorn as dis gone b gud.

I'm curious about which thread is that, lol.

I think it can do better than the PS4 so I'll go with 120-130 million range.