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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When do you think the Switch Successor will release?


Will the Switch successor launch in 2024?

Yes 3 75.00%
No 1 25.00%

If the software is ready for fall 2024, then Nintendo will launch then.

That's basically all it boils down to, the way people here try to characterize it like Nintendo is watching weekly Famitsu sales and going "Switch 2 launches 2024 ... no 2025! No 2024 now! No 2025!" based on sales going up/down is frankly dumb.

The software pipeline is what matters, Switch launched in March 2017 because of the software pipeline, had nothing to do with the hardware.

That said a lot of Nintendo's top end teams have been deathly quiet for a long time. The Mario Odyssey team? Even the B-team at EAD Tokyo? The Mario Kart team? Can't all be doing just graphical paint remasters of old tracks.

I think Nintendo has a 3D Mario and Mario Kart Next in very advanced stages of development for the Switch 2 right now, and these games have been in development probably for years even now.

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160rmf said:
Pemalite said:

Complex? It's just HDMI over USB-C. Nothing complex about it... In-fact the technology existed before the Switch.

I.E. Nokia Lumia 950 with the continuum display.

I am talking about design, not technology.

If there wasn't any design work they would have come with a handheld, a charger, a hdmi to USB cable and a pro controller; put them all in a box and call it done.

You don't need a HDMI to USB cable.

Many displays for some time have come with a USB port and accept video over USB.

And that's my point.

The only real design work is actually the plastic molding... Nintendo didn't invent any of the technology in the Switch, everything had literally been done before or came from nVidia.
The only difference is, they were able to put it into an attractive package at a good price which then went gangbusters and sold 100's of millions.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

If Switch really sells 15M this fiscal year ending March '24, then it should sell about 10M in the FY ending March '25. I don't think that Nintendo accept sales below 10M.

I still think holiday 2024, but March 2025 is possible as well. Holiday 2025 would be a bit late I guess, but it's not completely out of the question.

At this point I think Nintendo already has a new open world 3D Mario and a new Mario Kart 90 % finished and they are waiting to release them on the new console. No way that we'll see those games on the current system.

Pemalite said:
160rmf said:

I am talking about design, not technology.

If there wasn't any design work they would have come with a handheld, a charger, a hdmi to USB cable and a pro controller; put them all in a box and call it done.

You don't need a HDMI to USB cable.

Many displays for some time have come with a USB port and accept video over USB.

And that's my point.

The only real design work is actually the plastic molding... Nintendo didn't invent any of the technology in the Switch, everything had literally been done before or came from nVidia.
The only difference is, they were able to put it into an attractive package at a good price which then went gangbusters and sold 100's of millions.

Ok, but I didn't implied the opposite, anyway...

My point is the design work on switch was not just look pretty, functionality is the key word and there are lot of thought process to make this hybrid concept, where the handheld "transform physically" into a home console and still it could be done better if they're given more time, but the deadline was pretty short considering the hurry to replace the Wii U

Last edited by 160rmf - on 25 July 2023



We reap what we sow

160rmf said:
Pemalite said:

You don't need a HDMI to USB cable.

Many displays for some time have come with a USB port and accept video over USB.

And that's my point.

The only real design work is actually the plastic molding... Nintendo didn't invent any of the technology in the Switch, everything had literally been done before or came from nVidia.
The only difference is, they were able to put it into an attractive package at a good price which then went gangbusters and sold 100's of millions.

Ok, but I didn't implied the opposite, anyway...

My point is the design work on switch was not just look pretty, functionality is the key word and there are lot of thought process to make this hybrid concept, where the handheld "transform physically" into a home console and still it could be done better if they're given more time, but the deadline was pretty short considering the hurry to replace the Wii U

What design work specifically? You are making generic terms that contradicts facts.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Around the Network
Pemalite said:
160rmf said:

Ok, but I didn't implied the opposite, anyway...

My point is the design work on switch was not just look pretty, functionality is the key word and there are lot of thought process to make this hybrid concept, where the handheld "transform physically" into a home console and still it could be done better if they're given more time, but the deadline was pretty short considering the hurry to replace the Wii U

What design work specifically? You are making generic terms that contradicts facts.

Which department come up with this? To make the Switch between modes? To make the joints to make this thing work?

That's all on you that can't or don't wanna to understand what I am saying. I am literally at the point to illustrating to you. I am done here.

Last edited by 160rmf - on 25 July 2023



We reap what we sow

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

I am very confident in 2024. My source who is a whore that likes to cosplay as the purple Pikmin during Miyamoto's private sessions said so.

I know your 2024 is wrong and I present my evidence by quoting the Purple Pikmin "Yes Miyamoto it was better than even the Mario Luigi threesome" proving the purple one is a liar my source the Pink Pikmin or as I like to call her P P said that there is a delay due to issues with the new Switch 2 accessory that occurred at the Nintendo R&D unit famous for its contentious title arising from the differences between the Japanese title being sessions involving Miyamoto's privates, and the english translation Miyamoto's private sessions.

Continuing on a motion controller prototype called the S-mote a complex amalgam of the Wii remote and Sony's move was mistaken as a dildo and due to a combination of bodily fluids electronics and vigour it ended up being literally fucked up so sometime in 2025 should be, could be, or may be the year.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

160rmf said:
Pemalite said:

What design work specifically? You are making generic terms that contradicts facts.

Which department come up with this? To make the Switch between modes? To make the joints to make this thing work?

That's all on you that can't or don't wanna to understand what I am saying. I am literally at the point to illustrating to you. I am done here.

A sliding mechanism is all you can come up with?

The "Switch between modes" I have elaborated on prior as other companies pioneered the concept before Nintendo. I.E. Microsoft Continuum.

You also have the Sega Nomad which can output to a TV. Again, beating the Switch by decades.

Nintendo also had consoles that had controllers which "interfaced" with it's consoles before. In-fact, 30~ years ago.

I am not trying to detract from Nintendo's achievements here, the Switch is a far more modern and convenient solution.

But let's not blatantly lie and assert that Nintendo was "first" with any of these ideas individually. They weren't.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
160rmf said:

Which department come up with this? To make the Switch between modes? To make the joints to make this thing work?

That's all on you that can't or don't wanna to understand what I am saying. I am literally at the point to illustrating to you. I am done here.

A sliding mechanism is all you can come up with?

I am not trying to detract from Nintendo's achievements here, the Switch is a far more modern and convenient solution.

I think we are finally there.

This simple and not original solution took them time to put all the pieces together to come up with the Switch that we see today. Still with flaws because they didn't have the time to have a better look, so is certain for next console to have a differential (original or not, probably not because at this point in time is practically impossible to come with something entirely new) that make it better than Switch on this aspect, but will cost them more time than they had with the Switch.

That Is My Point

Pemalite said:

But let's not blatantly lie and assert that Nintendo was "first" with any of these ideas individually. They weren't.

I really don't know how you get this from my posts

Last edited by 160rmf - on 25 July 2023



We reap what we sow

No idea if the tech was new or old. Kind of don't care. But the switch is the first and only piece of hardware I saw that seamlessly went from portable to home console.